Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1115 Crossing the Tribulation Mountain

On the second day after settling in Kaitian City, Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng to the branch of Panhuang Academy in Kaitian City.

Panhuang Academy, as the name suggests, is an academy named after Panhuang.

The plaque of this academy was written by Panhuang himself.

In the entire Panhuang domain, there is only one academy, which is Panhuang Academy.

And basically, there is a branch in every city.

Panhuang Academy has been established for more than one million years. So far, countless talents have graduated from Panhuang Academy.

Among them, the eighteen heroes under Panhuang's seat also graduated from the academy.

It can be said that Panhuang Academy is the largest force in Panhuang's domain.

Even the empire cannot compare to this huge force.

After all, the representative behind Panhuang Academy is the supreme Panhuang.

Moreover, Panhuang Academy accepts talents from all over the world and never excludes others.

Whether you are from the Wahuang Territory or the Fuhuang Territory.

Whether you are a human or other races,

Panhuang Academy accepts all.

You only need to pay a small amount of Yuanjing to become a student of Panhuang College.

Of course, becoming a student of Panhuang College does not mean that you have a relationship with Panhuang.

There are countless students of Panhuang College in this world, but there are only 18 students of Panhuang.

Students of Panhuang College and students of Panhuang are two completely different concepts.

In Panhuang College, students are also strictly divided into different levels.

Ordinary students in white, intermediate students in yellow, senior students in blue, chief students in purple, and disciples in black.

Among them, disciples in black mean the qualification to enter Jietian Mountain.

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng's goal is to become disciples in black.

The two of them left Zhuoyue and Nana in the hotel, and then came to Panhuang College in Kaitian City.

At the registration office, Zhou Peng and Dino each paid 200 Yuanjing and became disciples of the college.

Disciples are not students of the college, but have the qualification to attend classes.

To become a student of the academy, you need to take a test after ten days of attending classes.

Those who pass the test can officially become white-clothed students of Panhuang Academy.

"This is a class attendance card. With this card, you can attend any course in the academy."

"Take good care of it. After ten days, we will test you, the listeners. If you pass the test, you can officially enter the school."

The teacher who was responsible for handling the admission procedures for Zhuo Bufan and others told them some things about listeners.

"Remember, even if you don't pass the class attendance test, you can continue to take the test next time until you pass it."

"So you don't have to be discouraged because you didn't pass it once. Our Panhuang Academy opens its doors and welcomes students from all over the world."

The teacher said, opening his hands and arms, with a look of embracing the world.

At this time, Zhou Peng on the side said.

"Then can we bring our own puppets to follow?"

Zhou Peng did not forget Nana and Zhuoyue.

The teacher was surprised after hearing this.

"Are you still puppeteers?"

Zhou Peng replied.

"Yes, before entering Panhuang College, we also joined Kuimen."

If Panhuang College is the force appointed by Shi Panhuang.

Then Kuimen is the force appointed by Fuhuang.

In the whole Daluotian, Kuimen and Panhuang College actually have the same status.

And it does not mean that disciples who join Kuimen cannot join Panhuang College.

In addition to Kuimen and Panhuang College, many people will join Bu Tianque, the force appointed by Wahuang!

Bu Tianque, Kuimen, and Panhuang College are the three most powerful forces in this secular world.

Among them, Bu Tianque only recruits female disciples.

So the first choice of many female disciples is to join Bu Tianque.

Kuimen and Panhuang College, generally only male disciples join.

There are many people who join the three forces at the same time, so the teacher is not opposed to Zhuo Bufan and others being puppet masters.

"Our college has a special dormitory where you can bring puppets to live. But if you want to let the puppet accompany you to study, you need to pay tuition fees separately, one hundred yuan."

After listening, Zhou Peng nodded.

"No problem, we will pass the exam."

Zhou Peng is very confident.

"Well, follow me to the academy! Next, I will introduce our academy's courses to you."

"We are Kaitiancheng Panhuang Academy, and we mainly teach nine courses, including the art of derivation, mathematics, origin, and philosophy."

"Among them, the art of derivation is the main subject of our academy. The level of our academy's art of derivation ranks among the top 100 among the 1.32 million Panhuang academies in the world."

When Zhuo Bufan heard that there were 1.32 million Panhuang academies in the world, he was shocked.

He didn't expect that there were more than 1 million Panhuang academies in the world.

This world is really big.

"So if you want to learn the art of derivation, our academy is the best choice."

The teacher strongly recommended Zhuo Bufan and his friends to learn the art of derivation.

"But if you learn the art of derivation, you need to pay more for the equipment."

When they heard that they needed to pay more for the equipment, Zhuo Bufan and his friends understood why the teacher strongly recommended them to learn the art of derivation.

"Haha, let's talk about it later!"

In response, Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"By the way, teacher, I would like to ask how to enter Jietian Mountain."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget the purpose of their visit.

When he said he wanted to enter Jietian Mountain, the other party was obviously stunned and stood still.

"Enter Jietian Mountain? Are you kidding!"

"Even teachers like us can't enter Jietian Mountain. Only Xuanyi disciples can enter Jietian Mountain."

The other party's tone was a bit mocking.

After all, wanting to go to Jietian Mountain is simply a fantasy.

But Zhuo Bufan said bluntly.

"Then how can I become a Xuanyi disciple?"

Zhuo Bufan must do what he has determined, even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers.

After hearing this, the other party looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise.

"It's a bit interesting. You mean, you want to become a Xuanyi disciple?"

"No, I want to enter Jietian Mountain."

Zhuo Bufan's goal is Jietian Mountain, and he is not very interested in becoming a Xuanyi disciple.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's serious look, he nodded solemnly and said.

"Very good, you are ambitious."

"Since you are so persistent, I might as well tell you the way to become a Xuanyi disciple."

The teacher seemed easy to talk to and was willing to give Zhuo Bufan and his friends some advice.

"The students of our Panhuang Academy are divided into five levels: ordinary white-clothed students, intermediate yellow-clothed students, senior blue-clothed students, chief purple-clothed students, and Xuanyi disciples entering the mountain."

"Among them, Xuanyi disciples are the highest level of disciples, but they are not among the promotion ranks."

"If you want to become a purple-clothed disciple, you can only be promoted from white-clothed to yellow-clothed, then to blue-clothed, and finally to purple-clothed."

"And the promotion method for Xuanyi disciples is very direct. Students of any level can be directly promoted to Xuanyi disciples."

"You can directly be promoted from white-clothed disciples to Xuanyi disciples, or from purple-clothed disciples to Xuanyi disciples."

"And the way to be promoted is very simple, climb up the Tribulation Mountain!"

"Climb up the Tribulation Mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan asked puzzled.

"Yes, there is a mountain called Dujie Mountain in Panlong City! It is a sacred mountain that Panhuang left for selecting disciples."

"Only those who reach the top are qualified to wear the black robe that Panhuang personally put on."

"Do you know that there are 800 million Panhuang Academy students in the world, but there are less than a thousand people in the world who can wear this black robe."

"These thousand people are also called Jietian Mountain Outer Disciples."

"Except that they are not Panhuang's direct disciples, the treatment they enjoy in the outside world is not much different from that of Panhuang's disciples."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that there were less than a thousand black-clothed disciples in the world.

"Then how can I go to Dujie Mountain?"

What the teacher didn't expect was that Zhuo Bufan actually asked to go to Dujie Mountain.

"You want to go to Dujie Mountain?"

"Yes, if only those who reach the top of Dujie Mountain can become a black-clothed disciple, then I will go to Dujie Mountain."

Zhuo Bufan was determined to climb Dujie Mountain, which made the teacher feel a little incredible.

After all, the Tribulation Mountain can be regarded as a forbidden area for humans, and no one would go there to climb it for no reason.

Although the Tribulation Mountain is not as difficult to climb as the Futian Mountain, it is indeed not something that ordinary people dare to climb.

Moreover, there is a restriction on the Tribulation Mountain. Once you set foot on the territory of the Tribulation Mountain, no matter how high your cultivation is, your cultivation will be completely wiped out and you will become a mortal with no cultivation.

This is why the Tribulation Mountain is so difficult to climb.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's pious eyes, the teacher did not refuse him after all.

"It's easy to go to the Tribulation Mountain. As long as you sign up, you can go to the Tribulation Mountain at any time."

"Our college will take a group of students to the Tribulation Mountain every month."

"But let me be frank. The Tribulation Mountain is not as simple as you think. Our college was founded directly, and less than five people have passed the Tribulation Mountain. And now, our college has not had a black-clothed disciple for more than three hundred years."

The black-clothed disciple is a disciple crowned by Pan Huang himself.

Wearing a black robe, you can travel the world and no one will disrespect you.

So everyone in the world wants to become a black robe disciple.

But to become a black robe disciple, you have to climb the Dujie Mountain.

And how difficult it is to climb the Dujie Mountain, ordinary people don’t even have to think about it.

“Well, I’ll sign up and climb the Dujie Mountain.”

Zhuo Bufan actually decided to sign up to climb the Dujie Mountain without hesitation.

Zhou Peng, who was standing beside him, frowned slightly after hearing this, and then said.

“In that case, I’ll go with you.”

Zhou Peng also planned to climb this Dujie Mountain once.

After hearing this, the teacher looked at the two boys in front of him as if he was looking at a monster.

“Haha, you really don’t know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.”

“Since you two boys dare to say that, then okay! Wait until you become disciples of our Panhuang Academy first.”

“When the time comes, I will personally take you to the Dujie Mountain to cross the tribulation.”

After the teacher finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng saluted him at the same time.

“That’s more teachers, I haven’t asked for your name yet.”

After hearing this, the teacher returned the salute.

"My name is Xuanzhou, you can call me Master Xuan!"

"Then I'll trouble you Master Xuan, we'll take our leave."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Zhou Peng out of the academy.

After they walked out of the academy, Zhou Peng suddenly asked.

"Are you sure you can climb the Dujie Mountain?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"To be honest, no. After all, there are less than a thousand Xuanyi disciples in the world today."

"If I can choose not to go, of course I don't want to go. But I can't not go."

Zhuo Bufan is a very pragmatic person.

Since this is the only way to Jietian Mountain, then of course he has to go.

"Well, in that case, I'll go with you."

Zhou Peng supported Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, let's go back. Zhuo Yue and Nana are waiting anxiously."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and rushed back to the hotel with Zhou Peng.


On this side, opposite the hotel rented by Zhuo Bufan and his friends, there is also another hotel.

And the ghost boy and Yu Luosha who followed them lived in this hotel.

In the room, the ghost boy reported the information they had inquired today to Feng Lao Mo through the crystal ball.

"Feng Lao, we have inquired that Zhou Peng and his friends are planning to enter Panhuang College."

"Once they enter the college, it will be difficult for us to take action."

After hearing this, Feng Lao Mo frowned.

"Panhuang Academy? These guys traveled thousands of miles to Panhuang Territory just to join Panhuang Academy?"

"We don't know the specific situation, but we still have ten days from now."

"They are just disciples now, not formal students of Panhuang Academy."

"They can only take the test after ten days, so we probably still have ten days. Is there any progress on the Ghost Face Shura side?"

Ghost Child asked.

After hearing this, Feng Lao Mo shook his head slowly.

"I haven't seen Ghost Face Shura yet. He asked me to see him in three days."

"Let those two guys be arrogant for a few more days. Don't make a move. Wait until I arrive and finish them off together."

Feng Lao Mo arranged.

After hearing this, Ghost Child nodded.

"Well, Yu Luosha and I will keep an eye on them first."

After that, they closed the communication.

Three days later, there is bound to be a bloody storm.


On the other side, in a hotel a hundred miles away from Zhuo Bufan's hotel.

Meng Chanyi stared blankly at a mysterious mirror.

In the mysterious mirror, it was the ghost boy and the jade Rakshasa.

"You little bad guys, I really want to poke you to death."

Meng Chanyi stretched out her slender jade fingers and prepared to poke her hand into the mysterious mirror.

But she remembered what Queen Wa said, so she put her hand back.

These people are the training that Zhuo Bufan should have, and she cannot interfere too much.

Then the scene changed, and the person in the mirror turned back to Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Chanyi looked at Zhuo Bufan, and a smile appeared on her face.

The safe distance between her and Zhuo Bufan was one hundred miles.

Once they were less than one hundred miles apart, Zhuo Bufan would suffer a heart-wrenching pain.

In order to prevent Zhuo Bufan from suffering, Meng Chanyi had to keep a distance from him honestly.

Therefore, she could only pay attention to Zhuo Bufan's every move through the mysterious mirror.

"Are you going to Dujie Mountain?"

"I see. It seems that the Three Emperors have already paved your way."

"Go to Dujie Mountain, and you can get back what belongs to you!"

She was not as worried as she thought about Zhuo Bufan going to Dujie Mountain.

On the contrary, she was looking forward to it.

Because of the trip to Dujie Mountain, Zhuo Bufan will have unexpected gains.


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