During the period when Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng attended classes at the academy, Nana secretly took Zhuoyue to work outside.

Because she told Zhuoyue that Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng needed money to go to school.

They had to share the pressure with Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuoyue was honest and simple, and listened to Nana, so he followed Nana to distribute flyers.

However, the places where they distributed flyers were separate, so this gave Guitong an opportunity.

Guitong targeted Nana, who was weaker in strength.

Although Nana had a personality, her current mind was only equivalent to that of a girl in her teens.

She was simple and easy to be fooled.

So she was not wary of strangers.

Just as she was distributing flyers, a paper crane made of white paper flew in front of her.

Nana unfolded the paper crane and found that it said-

"Zhou Peng has been kidnapped by me. If you want to save him, go to the bamboo forest outside the city."

When Nana saw the note, she was so nervous that she dropped the flyer in her hand.

In Nana's heart, Zhou Peng's position is undoubtedly the most important.

She was still immature, and after receiving this message, she immediately went to the bamboo forest outside the city.

When Nana arrived at the bamboo forest outside the city, she did not see Zhou Peng, who she was looking forward to.

"Is it you?"

The person in front of her was a child who looked only eleven or twelve years old.

When Nana saw the child, she immediately recognized him as the ghost child in the four-member Luosha group she had seen in Butian City before.

The ghost child looked at Nana who was easily fooled and couldn't help laughing.

"Stupid woman, a few words tricked you out."

"As long as you are caught, the other wooden head can also be tricked out."

After observing for a few days, the ghost child has already thoroughly understood the abilities and personalities of Nana and Zhuoyue.

Although Zhuoyue has no personality, he can make puppet-like reasoning and judgment, and will not be affected by his own feelings.

Therefore, it is impossible to trick Zhuoyue with the same method.

And even if he is tricked, the ghost child is not sure to defeat Zhuoyue.

That's why he tried to tie up Nana first, and then let Zhuoyue surrender.

"What do you want to do?"

Nana looked at Gui Tong and knew she had been fooled.

Just as she was about to run back, she found Gui Tong's puppet, "Mom", behind her.

Gui Tong and his puppets attacked from the front and back, blocking Nana's escape route.

Seeing this, Nana closed her eyes silently.

Then when she opened her eyes again, she made a low voice.

"Start combat mode!"

Nana turned on her combat mode.

Obviously she knew that there would be a fierce battle next.

The fourth energy level puppet core began to operate, and Nana took a fighting posture.

Seeing Nana ready to fight, Gui Tong smiled coldly.

"Stupid woman, without Zhou Peng, your self-combat ability will be greatly reduced."

"Facing me and 'Mom', you will have no power to fight back."

After Gui Tong finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand to the sky and borrowed power from the sky.

"Mom, activate the Yuanling barrier. This woman can teleport. Don't let her run away."

As soon as the ghost child finished speaking, his puppet, the fairy-like woman.

suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

Then, an invisible energy barrier appeared in front of her.


Seeing this, Nana suddenly disappeared from the spot.

However, the next second.


Nana hit the invisible barrier heavily and was bounced out.

Seeing this, the ghost child on the opposite side suddenly had a thunderbolt falling from the sky and landed on his hand.

In his hand, a long whip with lightning appeared.


He whipped Nana fiercely.

Nana's left hand was scrapped on the spot.

Nana was a puppet and could not feel pain, so she did not groan.

But she could feel the crisis. If she did not escape, she might not be able to escape.

So, Nana disappeared from the spot again, ready to use teleportation to escape.

Then the puppet of the ghost boy seemed to know which direction Nana was going to escape.

It appeared in that direction at the first time, and then sacrificed the Yuanling Barrier.

Nana hit the barrier heavily and was directly bounced out.

This time, she was flying in the air and had not landed yet.

The thunder whip of the ghost boy had already hit her waist, and then the thunder whip was like a snake, winding around Nana's waist and wrapping her up.


Finally, Nana fell heavily to the ground, and then the whole person fell to the ground and couldn't move.

"It's done!"

The ghost boy looked at Nana who was firmly controlled by him, and smiled slightly.

"Stupid woman, you can't escape if you fall into my hands."

After the ghost boy finished speaking, he walked in front of Nana, and then suddenly stretched out his hand and slashed Nana's chest with a palm.


The next second, Nana's chest was directly split by his hand.

Then, the ghost boy took out the puppet core from Nana's chest.

When Nana's puppet core was taken out, Gui Tong showed an incredible look.

"It's actually a seven-aperture exquisite heart! Zhou Peng is indeed a genius puppeteer. He can actually refine such a high-level puppet core."

"A seven-aperture puppet core can be sold for 100 million on the black market."

Gui Tong was greatly surprised because he earned 100 million so easily.

He doesn't need to be separated from that so-called ghost-faced Shura.

If the ghost-faced Shura's distribution was followed, the ghost boy could only get one share, which was ten million.

However, who is willing to give up 100 million yuan of essence to others?

"One hundred million. With this one hundred million, I am only 200 million Yuanjing away from one billion Yuanjing."

The ghost boy was overjoyed.

"I feel that the puppet called Zhuo Zhichang's core level is probably higher."

"If I can get its core again, maybe my billion yuan will be enough."

"The next step is to get that guy's puppet core."

The ghost boy looked at Nana's puppet core in his hand, with a proud smile on his face.

At this time, his puppet said.

"Tongtong, forget it! That puppet is very powerful, and we may not be its opponent."

His "mother" sensed the power of Excellence, so she advised Ghost Boy to stop.

However, after hearing this, the ghost boy glared angrily.

"No, how can we stop at this time?"

"We are only missing him and his puppet core, and we can obtain the Sky Mending Stone."

"Mom, when the time comes, I can make you my real mother."

No one can stop the obsession in the ghost boy's heart.

Even if she is the puppet in front of him, in the end she is just a puppet and not his real mother.

"As long as you listen to me, we can kill that puppet."

"Now, take this and give it to him."

After the ghost boy finished speaking, he took out a crystal ball from the space bracelet on his wrist, and then recorded the scene in front of him.

Then, he asked his puppet to take the crystal ball with the video and give it to Zhizhiang.

"Stupid old ghost Feng, without idiots like you, I, the ghost boy, can kill all these people in one fell swoop."

The ghost boy laughed.

Everything is developing naturally according to his ideas.

On this side, after Zhuo Zhuo finished handing out the flyers, he was going to North Street to look for his second sister-in-law Nana.

Zhuo Zhuo called Nana Shi Ersao, which was also taught by his eldest brother Zhuo Bufan.

Although he didn't know what second sister-in-law meant, he knew very well that his eldest brother, second brother, and second sister-in-law were all his most important people.

So when he discovered that his second sister-in-law was missing, he searched the streets for her.

At this moment, a crystal ball suddenly rolled towards him from the ground.

Zhuo Zhuo picked up the crystal ball and then saw the picture in the crystal ball.

Inside the crystal ball, a child reached out and split open Nana's chest, and then took out her puppet core.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Zhi had no emotions, but he knew something was wrong.

He wants to save his second sister-in-law.

However, after some self-reasoning, Zhuangzhi chose the most appropriate way to deal with it.

That is to find his eldest and second brothers first.

Zhuo Bufan held the crystal ball and rushed to Panhuang Academy.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Pengzheng finished the class and walked out of the college gate.

Zhou Peng has been completely attracted by the binary mentioned by Zhuo Bufan all day long. He has not felt at all that something has happened to his Nana.

At this moment, Zhuo Zhuo held the crystal ball and spotted Zhuo Bufan and the others walking out of the school.

"Big brother! Second brother!"

Zhuo Bufan heard Zhuo Zhuo's voice and looked up, it was that boy.

"It's Zhuangzhi. Why is he here?"

"No, something happened. Something happened to my second sister-in-law."

Zhibo shouted as he ran.

As soon as Zhou Peng heard that something happened to Nana, he immediately ran towards Zhuo Zhuo.

Zhuo Bufan also followed closely.

When the two ran to Zhuo Zhuo, Zhou Peng immediately grabbed Zhuo Zhuo's shoulders and shouted.

"What's going on? What happened to Nana?"

When he heard that something happened to Nana, Zhou Peng was more nervous than anyone else.

Zhuo Zhuo took out the crystal ball and handed it to the anxious Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng's eyes widened when he saw the picture in the crystal ball.

"Damn, damn, this little beast dares to hurt Nana!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

Zhou Peng was so angry that he might have rushed out if Zhuo Bufan hadn't stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Zhou Peng! Calm down."

Zhuo Bufan stopped Zhou Peng, who was already frantic.

"Calm down, how can you be calm? Something happened to Nana. Did you see it? That beast actually took away Nana's puppet core."

Zhou Peng howled as he spoke.

Zhuo Bufan could feel the incomparable fear and fear in Zhou Peng's heart at this moment.

He really loves Nana, even if Nana is just a puppet.

"Wait a minute Zhou Peng, since this guy showed this to us, it means that Nana is fine now."

"Didn't you say that as long as the core of the puppet is not destroyed, the puppet will not die."

"And you said before that they are puppet hunters who specialize in hunting down puppets and then sell the puppet cores on the black market."

"So, it's impossible for them to destroy the core of the puppet."

"The reason why he showed this to us is that he obviously laid a trap and was waiting for us to take the bait."

“And he also has a purpose, which is excellence.”

"They must have wanted to get the core of Zhibo's puppet, so they handed this over to Zhibo."

After Zhuo Bufan's analysis, Zhou Peng calmed down.

He also knew that the other party was clearly setting a trap by doing this.

But Nana was important to him.

He would not allow Nana to get into trouble, otherwise he would never forgive himself.

"You are right, they are puppet hunters and will not destroy the puppet core."

"I need to calm down, calm down."

Zhou Peng comforted himself and calmed himself down quickly.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhuoyue on the side and asked.

"Zhuoyue, tell me, what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan had to find out what happened and see what tricks the other party had.

Zhuoyue told Zhuo Bufan about their part-time jobs.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and sighed after listening.

"Hey, you don't have to do these things. I will find a way to solve the problem of Yuanjing."

"Let's discuss how to rescue Nana now!"

Zhuo Bufan did not blame Zhuoyue for not taking good care of Nana.

After all, they did this for him and Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng also felt a little guilty after listening.

"That idiot, I've told him so many times that she doesn't need to worry about family matters. She actually went to work secretly behind my back."

"Now you've got yourself into trouble."

Zhou Peng said anxiously.

"I think the other side may only have this little ghost."

"Otherwise, they could have captured Zhuoyue together."

"But now they only captured Nana, which means the other side is not strong enough. In other words, they don't have enough manpower."

"The puppet of the demon man was destroyed by Zhuoyue, and it should have no combat power for a while."

"As for that old demon Feng, as their boss, it is also very suspicious that he did not appear in the picture. So I guess the other side may only have this little ghost. And his puppet."

"If that's the case, we can go directly to save Nana."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhou Peng also nodded.

"Let's go without delay!"

Zhou Peng didn't want to stay any longer, and went out of the city first.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and followed with Zhuoyue.


Soon, the three of them arrived outside the city and entered the bamboo forest.

Before entering the bamboo forest, Zhuo Bufan grabbed Zhou Peng.

"Wait a minute, let's let Zhuoyue go in first."

"The other party obviously doesn't know that we are here. If we go in at the same time, the other party may choose to retreat."

Zhuo Bufan was worried that the other party would escape, so he chose to show weakness first.

Zhou Peng also understood his intention and nodded.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhuoyue and said.

"Zhuoyue, you go in first, be careful."

Zhuoyue replied after hearing it.

"I know, big brother and second brother, don't worry, I will definitely rescue my second sister-in-law."

Zhuoyue said, and rushed quickly towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

Soon, Zhuoyue arrived at the location of the bamboo forest marked in the crystal ball.

At this time, Zhuoyue found that there was no one in the bamboo forest.

Obviously, the other party was secretly preparing to launch a sneak attack.

Sure enough, when Zhuoyue looked around, electric currents suddenly appeared under his feet.

Then, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.



The thunderbolt hit Zhuoyue's body.

Zhuoyue fell to the ground on the spot.

After nearly half a minute, a man came out from the depths of the bamboo forest.

It was Gui Tong.

Gui Tong looked at Zhuoyue who fell to the ground and sneered.

"Look, mom, my trap easily solved him!"

Gui Tong smiled smugly.

At this time, two black winds suddenly came and surrounded him and his puppet.

The two people who suddenly appeared were Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.


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