Rated Hokage

257 Chapter 256

The capital of the Fire Kingdom.

Hongdou saw Kai standing at the gate of the city from a distance. Even though he was not wearing the green tights, his thick eyebrows were already eye-catching.

"Red beans!" Kay waved to her happily.

Hongdou was not interested. She came with the mission, and she just greeted Kai casually when she saw Kai. Seeing that Kai was excited and wanted to hug him, she immediately raised her foot in disgust to block her in front of her. .

The middle-aged man next to Kai took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hello Miss Anko, Zaemon in Shimosoren Valley is also a Konoha ninja. Together with Kai, he serves as the guardian ninja next to the daimyo."

"Hi, I'm Mitarai Adzuki."

Qingliangu said with a smile: "The Seven Crown Guards have been famous for a long time."

The two parties were polite, Qing Liangu saw that Hongdou was not in a good mood, so he didn't say much, but Kai hadn't seen his hometown for a long time, so he had a lot to say under the hospitality.

The leader of the accompanying mission said: "Let's go see Master Yuan first."

A group of people entered the capital. Although the capital is large, it is not very prosperous. The pedestrians on the street are in a hurry, there is no smile on everyone's face, and the atmosphere is depressing.

Hongdou thought of the fact that rebels are everywhere in the Land of Fire, and people are so panicked, but Konoha Village was not affected at all.

Kai kept asking Hongdou various questions, how everyone in the village is doing, whether they miss him or not.

She came all the way to the Daming Mansion, and the place where she met the Daming was just a living room, and Hongdou's identity was not worthy of a big battle. Kai and Qingliangu stopped outside, signaling that Hongdou would go in by herself next time. .

The decoration of the living room is antique, and the moment Hongdou stepped into it, an indescribable feeling suddenly came to my heart.

She looked up, only to see a middle-aged man with a haggard complexion sitting on the main seat, and she knew that his body had been hollowed out by wine.

But what made Hong Dou unable to look away was the beautiful woman in luxurious clothes beside the man.

This woman's appearance can be called beautiful, surpassing any woman Hongdou has ever seen, elegant and flawless.

It's such a woman, her whole body doesn't have the slightest resemblance to Orochimaru.

However, Hongdou had a feeling that the other party was Master Orochimaru. This feeling did not come from the senses, but appeared from the depths of her heart, starting from the moment she stepped into this room!

This made Hongdou feel flustered and restless.

The daimyo who was sitting there said, "Are you Mitarai Anko from the Seven Crown Guards?"

Hongdou was still in a state of absence.

Daming was a little displeased, and just about to scold, he suddenly coughed violently.

The woman on the side quickly became concerned, stroked his chest, and persuaded him not to be angry, her tone was full of tenderness and love.

Orochimaru-sama would look like this, Hongdou couldn't imagine, she felt her scalp tingling.

She thought of the rain ninja she met in the former residence of Orochimaru, who also had no similarity with Orochimaru in appearance.

Why is this happening, what are the facts...

She didn't know what the daimyo said, but she heard the last sentence that made her back off clearly.

After coming out of the living room, Kai came up to ask how it was.

But Hongdou didn't care about Daimyo at all, she saw him as just a sick child.

She glanced at Kai and Qingliangu, and said, "Kai...I have something to talk to you about."

Qingliangu also said tactfully: "Kai, you can take Miss Hongdou to her residence first, and then introduce the other members of the Guardian Twelve to Miss Hongdou in the evening."

Kai led Hongdou to the residence arranged for Hongdou, and introduced to Hongdou all the things that need attention in Daming Mansion along the way.

When they reached the door of the residence, Hongdou grabbed Kai's wrist.

She stared straight at Kai, and asked, "Who is that woman...that Kidada Ji...?"

Cassuo said: "She is the princess of Tianzhi Country, and she has been in Daming Mansion for three years."

The princess of Tanokuni...three years...three years ago, wasn't it the time when Oshemaru-sama died?

Hongdou only felt her heart tremble, thinking it was just an ordinary task.

Kai said again: "Master Hokage has already notified me of your mission, and I will fully cooperate."


Hong Dou walked into the room without saying a word. She felt that she needed to calm down and think about what to do next.

When she saw that Yuren in the former residence of Orochimaru, the other party suddenly attacked her.

At this moment, a servant suddenly came outside, saying that Mrs. Qi Inadaji wanted to see Hongdou.

Hongdou was startled when she heard the words, and couldn't help but look at Kai.

"I'll go with you."

Hongdou just nodded silently, without refusing.

The two came to Qi Dao Tian Ji's bedroom together.

The guard said that Master Qi Daotian only saw Miss Hongdou herself and asked Kai to wait outside.

Kai gave Hongdou something, a black hook jade, which was cold and cold in the palm of his hand, and he could feel the rhythm of chakra on it.

Black and white Gouyu are disposable consumables made by Zhen. White Gouyu can isolate all perception and disturb its own magnetic field. Both Huomen and Kakashi have used it to shield Bai Ze from Orochimaru's men.

The black hook jade is in pairs, and they can transmit a special chakra to each other. This chakra can penetrate various sealing barriers, allowing the two who hold the hook jade to determine each other's position.

Hongdou remembered what Zhen had said to herself before, that Kai could guarantee her absolute safety, and immediately walked into Qi Daotian Ji's bedroom holding the black hook jade tightly.

The decoration of the sleeping hall is extremely luxurious, and those who can live here must be pampered.

It's just that there's no one in there. Except for the guard at the door, there's not even a servant in the huge place.

Hongdou continued to walk inside, and saw a gorgeous round bed, with transparent silk hanging from the resplendent ceiling, covering the whole bed.

Sitting on the bed was not Ki Inada Hime, but a man.

This man Hongdou has seen before, it is the Urenin that I saw in Orochimaru's former residence!

Seeing this person's pupils slightly dilated, Hongdou stood there motionless.

With a strange smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, he said, "Long time no see, Hongdou."

Hongdou's throat rolled. Although she was shocked, she was already prepared for it.

"Is it you, Oshemaru-sama..." she murmured.

And at this moment, there was another sound of footsteps behind her.

Hongdou's mind moved slightly, and she turned her head suddenly to look, and saw that it was Qi Daotian Ji!

what happened……

She was stunned.

This beautiful woman stared at Hong Dou and said softly, "Long time no see, Hong Dou."

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