Rated Hokage

Chapter 256 Chapter 255

The village is short of money.

The effective solution that Zhen can think of is to find some wealthy businessmen who have a good relationship with Konoha and ask them to pay some money for sponsorship.

Of course, you can't threaten or lure, but ask, and you must never do anything that damages your reputation.

And with Konoha's reputation, it is not difficult to collect some money, but these are favors, and they will be repaid in the future. I really let Kakashi handle this matter and give those wealthy businessmen some promises.

As for the Daming Mansion, I really haven't planned to pay attention to it. There are rebels all over the Land of Fire, not to mention whether they can make a difference. Even if the Daming is really overthrown, it will only be a change of dynasty.

When one Master Yuan goes down, another Master Yuan will come up again.

The government army and the rebel army are at a stalemate, and I really let them to toss. When the law has no deterrent force, force is the strongest thing, and in the country of fire, Konoha is the representative of force.

According to the news from Kay, Daimyo still has no intention of repenting, and still has no interest in political affairs, and has sex with that strange rice field girl all day long.

State affairs could have been presided over by a few ministers, but ministers are ministers after all, and if there is a conflict between them, no one will obey the other, and the daimyo mansion is in chaos.

To Zhen's surprise, the day after Kakashi left, someone from the Daming Mansion came.

The daimyo seemed to know that Konoha was short of money now, and when the envoy saw the truth, he said that the money given to Konoha last time was forgotten, and the daimyo immediately sent them to send it over when he remembered this.

Another thing is that some of the daimyo's guardian ninjas are old enough to retire. I hope that Konoha can send another excellent ninja.

A ninja exchanged a lot of money, no matter how you look at it, it was a profit.

But this guardian ninja, daimyo named Mitarai Anko, who is one of the crown guards!

This is really surprising.

There are currently seven people in Mian, Hyuga Homon, Hatake Kakashi, Mai Tekai, Mitarai Anko, Uchiha Shisui, Yakushido, and Uchiha Itachi.

These people are called the Seven Crown Guards, each of whom is very young and has unlimited potential.

It would be understandable if the daimyo wanted Kakashi and Kamon by name, after all, these two were already famous, and Hyuga Kamon even defeated the golden shining young hero!

But Hongdou can only be regarded as a name in the crown, the task load is pitifully low, there is nothing on his head except for the halo of a Dashewan disciple, his strength is not weak, but he rarely shows it in front of outsiders, let alone has any reputation up.

Why did the daimyo choose her?

Could it be that because she is the only woman among the seven champions, she has this habit of coveting her beauty?

It seems that I can only think so.

But Zhen always felt that something was wrong, he had dealt with the daimyo, this man was quite cunning, when he learned that he was addicted to female sex, he was already very surprised.

Thinking about it, that Ki Inada Hime who can seduce the daimyo around is definitely not an ordinary person. Can such a woman tolerate daimyo being surrounded by another woman to compete for favor with her?

Something was wrong, so I didn't immediately agree.

To say that Hongdou is special, it is indeed very special, her current body was once the painstaking work of Orochimaru.

At the beginning, Orochimaru left this body to Hongdou, which was something that really couldn't understand, and now there is a high probability that Orochimaru will not die, so shouldn't he need such a body more?

But this kind of specialness should be known to no one in this world except Orochimaru Kazuma.

It seems that all the reasons can only be attributed to the daimyo's lust, but this seems extremely absurd.

I really thought about this for a long time, and called Hongdou to myself.

"What's the matter... Master Tsunade is here too." After Anko came to the Hokage room, she couldn't help but glance at Tsunade behind Makoto.

She didn't know about Tsunade's work as Hokage's assistant, and she was surprised to see Tsunade dressed like this now.

When Tsunade saw Red Bean, his heart, which had been a little numb in the face of those strange eyes, felt embarrassed again.

After all, the other party is Jing Yin's friend, and the relationship with him is not bad.

"Master Tsunade, this is..." Hongdou said in a daze.

Shin just said, "Tsunate is now my assistant."


Red Dou was distracted for a while, and looked at Tsunade. Although her outfit of black stockings, hip-wrapping skirt, and high-heeled shoes showed more mature charm, she also felt a little submissive.

Thinking back to the straightforward and forthright Tsunade-sama in the past, Hongdou's eyes changed when she looked at Zhenzhen. Of course, she knew what kind of guy this person was in front of her.

Tsunade-sama is over forty years old... This bastard is really hateful!

Red beans have a lot of respect for Tsunade, whether it is because of Shizune or Orochimaru, Tsunade himself is also a respectable elder.

"I have a task for you." Zhen said to Hongdou at this time.

"...What mission?"

"You know the Twelve Guardians around the daimyo, right?"

That's not Kay's job now...

After hearing this, Hongdou turned her attention again.

Shin said, "The daimyo is now naming you to be the guardian ninja."

"Me?" Hongdou asked in surprise.

"The envoys from the Daming Mansion have just arrived not long ago."

Hongdou's thoughts flashed, and she said, "I heard that daimyo is now ignoring political affairs because of a witch who spends all her time having fun..."

She looked at Zhen, with an ugly face and said, "Did you agree?"

Does this count as giving her to the daimyo?

Tsunade behind Makoto also frowned.

Really helpless said: "I said that I assigned you a task, you listen to me."

Hongdou looked at Zhen expressionlessly, waiting for his next words.

Zhen said: "The witch you mentioned, Qi Dao Tian Ji, this woman is very suspicious, I sent you to investigate her."

But Hong Dou asked back: "Isn't Kai there, why not let him investigate?"

Shinze said: "The daimyo called you to be a guardian ninja. I don't know why. You happened to be able to find out about this in the past."

But Hongdou was still a little unhappy in her heart. She was not satisfied with the real answer, and she didn't know what she actually wanted to dictate.

"I don't want to go," she said.

She is probably the only person who can openly disobey the real order like this.

Perhaps Zhen should put on a straight face now and reprimand: This is an order!

But he looked at Hongdou's face and pondered: "It's just a mission, you can come back after the investigation."

"I don't want to go either."

Really helpless said: "What else can the daimyo do to you? He is only surrounded by some guardian ninjas, and he can't do anything to you. And with Kai here, you are absolutely safe."

Hongdou muttered: "Kai can't even beat me, what can he do with him?"

"That's Kai letting you go."

Hongdou finally accepted the task.

Truth be told, she is very strong, and the guardian ninjas around daimyo are elite even among jonin, but they can't do anything to her.

Daimyo couldn't force her to do what she didn't want to do.

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