Rated Hokage

Chapter 258 257, Dragon! snake!

Hongdou has always believed that the Urenin that he saw in the village is no doubt Orochimaru!

And whether it's Yuren or Ki Inada Hime, they are just the disguised identities of Master Orochimaru.

But why are there two Oshemaru-samas now?

Is it a clone technique...

Hongdou looked back and forth between Qi Daotian Ji and Bai Long, and found that the demeanor and temperament of the two were completely different.

Bailong has a gentle and thin face, with a ponytail. When Hongdou first saw him, he also felt that he had made a mistake, but now he has a weird smile on his face, and his eyes are like poisonous snakes. At a glance, he can tell that this person is definitely not a kind person!

As for Qi Inada Hime, apart from her shocking beauty, her overall temperament gives people a sense of frailty. No one except Hongdou can associate such a beautiful and weak woman with the vicious Orochimaru.

It's not like a clone technique!

Hongdou took two steps back to one side, so that his line of sight could accommodate these two people at the same time.

"who are you!"

Bailong got up from the gorgeous big bed and walked towards Hongdou.

"Why, don't you even know me?" There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hongdou, you really let me down like this."

With such a tone and demeanor, except for that face, this person is exactly the same as Orochimaru in Hongdou's memory.

"Master Orochimaru..."

She turned her gaze to Ki Inada Hime again, she didn't understand why this woman gave her the same feeling.

Bailong walked up to Hongdou, stretched out his hand to gently stroke Hongdou's hair, and said softly, "Good boy."

Hongdou's expression became dazed, and this feeling is unmistakable. In the past, Orochimaru often treated her so intimately, just like a father treats his own daughter.

"Let me explain to you." Bai Long said.

"In the battle with Sarutobi-sensei and Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi-sensei used the forbidden technique of sealing the soul, and wanted to die with me. I also used a secret technique of splitting the soul to escape the seal and survived."

"But my physical body at that time, because I injected too many white cells at one time during the battle, mutated, and I can no longer use it."

"Without body and soul, I can only split myself again and again, escape the pursuit of death, and survive in this world."

"My soul eventually became many individuals. The us you see now are actually me."

What the other party said was not too difficult to understand. Hongdou also knew about Orochimaru's soul experiment back then.

She looked at Ki Inada Hime again, as Bailong said, this woman is actually Master Orochimaru, or one of the split bodies of Master Orochimaru.

So is this man...

But the strange Inada Hime looked at Hongdou with completely different eyes from Bailong's. Such eyes are indeed only possessed by a woman, and there are complex emotions in the eyes, which Hongdou has never experienced in Orochimaru. of.

Hongdou looked at Bailong and said, "So, you are actually just a part of Oshemaru-sama."

Bailong's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "No, I am me, I am Orochimaru! Although the soul has been split into many pieces, there is one dominant consciousness. You can understand it as my hands, feet, hair, and organs. split from his body."

Qi Inada Hime stood aside silently.

Hongdou was thinking there.

Bailong continued: "But now I am very weak, because there are too many split individuals, and I need to find a way to restore myself."

Hongdou looked at Bailong, looked at this strange face, was silent for a moment and asked again: "Master Orochimaru...do you need me to do anything?"

There was another smile on Bailong's face, and he said: "Do you still remember, when I was in the research institute, I told you to read something?"

Hongdou nodded slowly: "...well, I passed out after that."

Bailong went on to say: "After you wake up, you find that your body is completely different from before, as if you have been reborn, and you have an extremely powerful force."

Looking at Hongdou in front of him, Bailong stretched out his hand and gently lifted her chin, making her look up at him.

"That's because I changed your body for you."

Hongdou's eyes widened instantly upon hearing this.

Bailong said again: "It's not a replacement, it's just a transformation of your body. I created an extremely powerful body. I originally planned to use it myself in the future, but I fused that body with yours."

Red Dou can understand it all at once, no wonder... no wonder it happened like this, no wonder Kakashi, Huomen and Kai couldn't beat him together when he woke up, no wonder Zhen always checked his body during that time.

She asked in a daze: "But why do you..."

Bailong said softly: "At that time, it was too late for me to change my physical body, and I also expected that the battle would be very dangerous. If I died, this physical body would become Hinata's real wedding dress. Why don't I leave it to you?" .”


Bai Long's hand caressed Hongdou's cheek affectionately, as if he was stroking a precious treasure.

"Hongdou, I need this body of yours very much now. With it, I can slowly integrate the split souls and improve myself. Don't worry, I will prepare another body for you."


Hongdou didn't answer this sentence, but turned around and walked in front of Qi Daotian Ji.

Seeing this, Bai Long couldn't help but a look of hostility flashed across his brows.

Hongdou grabbed Qi Inadaji's delicate arm with one hand, and stared closely at her eyes, as if she was trying to determine something.

"Are you Oshemaru-sama too?"

Hearing this, Bai Long said, "It's okay if you think so, it's all a part of me."

There was a forced smile on Qi Inadaji's face, she seemed to want to reach out to touch Hongdou's face, but stopped halfway.

"Master Orochimaru." Hongdou said with his back to Bailong.

"...You probably can't use the name Orochimaru to hide yourself now, can you tell me your current name?"

Bailong's eyes moved slightly: "My name is Bailong now."

"Bailong..." Hongdou murmured to herself, she took a deep breath and then sighed again.

"Bailong." She spoke again, this time addressing him.

It's just that her tone was exceptionally calm, as if she was facing a stranger.

"Oshemaru-sama has never called the Third Hokage Sarutobi-sensei in front of me, although Oshemaru-sama always calls Sarutobi-sensei when facing the Third Hokage, but that is only superficial respect, even the third generation himself I also know it."

Bai Long paused slightly, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Oshemaru-sama will never call Zhen by his full name directly. The person he admires and relies on the most is Zhen. He told me that even if he becomes an enemy one day in the future, he will never hate Zhen. At that time, I I still don't understand why Shin and Orochimaru-sama become enemies..."

When Hongdou said this, he suddenly laughed bitterly.

She was the one who brought the truth to Oshemaru-sama. At that time, she was happy that Zhen had received the attention of Oshemaru-sama. She had always imagined that when she grew up, she would be the same as Zhen, and would become the arm of Oshemaru-sama forever. Follow by the side of Oshemaru-sama.

"Master Orochimaru doesn't like to smile. His smile is always for others to see. Even the smile on me is fake, because I said when I was a child that Master Orochimaru looks scary when he doesn't smile. Master Orochimaru is here When facing me, there will always be a smile on his face, that kind of smile is definitely not gentle, but behind the ungentle smile is the gentleness of Oshemaru-sama, not a fake face."

"Hakuryu, you think you are a student of the Third Hokage and you should respect the Third Hokage. You think you are an enemy and you should hate him. You think you are close to me, so you need to show me a gentle smile..."

"Everything is your own opinion. If you are really Oshemaru-sama... you will know that all of this is the most unnecessary."

Hong Dou held Qi Inada Hime's arm tightly, her shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

"That day, Oshemaru-sama told me in the research institute that he wanted to show me something."

"He said he was going to give me a gift, the most special and important gift, which belonged only to me... He told me that whoever wants to take this gift from me, it will be me My enemy! If Zhen hadn’t thought of this gift, I could still trust Zhen, at first I didn’t know what this gift was…”

"Why don't you remember such an important thing? You said that you are one of the split bodies, the dominant consciousness, but you don't even have a complete memory!"

In front of Hongdou, Qi Inadaji suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his face, and looked at Hongdou with tears in his eyes.

But behind Hongdou, Bailong's face was only cold and murderous.

Red Dou turned around slowly, and was not surprised to see Bailong with this appearance: "I knew from the day I met you in Konoha that you may be Master Orochimaru, but you are definitely not the Master Orochimaru I know!"

"Bailong, you want my body so that you can have the power to devour other split bodies?"

"This means that among all the split bodies of Master Orochimaru, you are definitely not the strongest one! You are just a low-level soul fragment who wants to commit crimes and usurp power!"

Facing Hongdou's scolding, Bailong's face became more murderous, but suddenly burst into laughter.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said darkly, "Hongdou, you really impress me."

He suppressed his laughter and said, "You are right. Among all the split bodies, I am indeed not the strongest one, but it is completely enough to kill you."

"Kill me..." Hongdou muttered.

"If it is Oshemaru-sama, if you want my life, I will never hesitate..."

"But Oshemaru-sama will never kill me!"

After finishing the words, black eye shadows appeared on her face, and a terrifying chakra gushed out from her body.

The screens, silk, tables and chairs in the room were all trembling under this wave of air. Countless blue Chakra threads appeared in the room, and the ground was also covered with dense and glowing strange lines.

Looking at these sealing techniques, Hongdou sneered: "As expected, have you already prepared it?"

Orochimaru had no expression on his face, and made a seal with one hand in front of him.

"Yanghang Jiufeng Corridor!"

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