Rated Hokage

Chapter 182 Chapter 181

Can white eyes evolve?

There was a look of surprise in the eyes, this was the first time I had heard of such a thing.

And from what Zhen said just now, he seems to know a lot about Sharingan, and he knows about Sharingan in Kaleidoscope.

In his era, no one should have started kaleidoscope sharingan...

Thoughts were racing between the leaves, and the appearance of Uchiha Fugaku flashed in his mind.

He asked: "White eyes evolve... where did you know about it?"

Zhenzhen said: "This is the limit of my own family's blood inheritance, do I know that this kind of thing is strange?"

He murmured between the doors, he had been Hokage for decades, and he was very clear about the secret arts and blood succession limits of every family in the village.

Evolution of white eyes... There has never been such an example.

In other words, it existed before Konoha's history, and it was only recorded in Hinata's ancient books.

"Can you tell me more about the evolution of Baiyan?"

Zhen shook his head and said: "I'm not very clear either, I only saw a few words in the ancient books of the clan, and I don't know anything about the way of evolution and its power."

He only felt a little headache when he heard the words. He had studied Sharingan before, and he knew the evolution method of Sharingan, but this could not be learned through research.

How to start this kind of research with a blind eye? How?

Judging from the performance in the original book, Tenseigan is not only an eye reflected in people's eyes, but also a kind of thing like a war weapon. The power of Tenseigan was used in the civil strife in Otsutsuki on the moon.

A large number of white eyes, extremely high-purity bloodlines, and Otsutsuki's chakra are all indispensable.

The key point is Otsutsuki's chakra. Where to get such a thing, apart from the Six Paths Sages who don't know whether they are dead or alive, the only ones are the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

You can't just go directly to resurrect Kaguya.

The research on Tenseiyan starts from scratch. This thing does not know the clear evolution method like the Samsarayan. We can only hope in the book to see if we can find some clues.

And Tomona is not very interested in such extremely low-probability things. He just wants to conduct research on the human body and soul, and find a way to resurrect himself.

I really saw what he was thinking, and said: "I remember that the ancient books of our Hyuga clan seem to record a method that can truly resurrect the dead."

Hearing the words in Feijian, he suddenly lifted his spirits, and looked closely at Zhen: "Are you serious?"

Zhenzhen said slowly: "I'm not sure, I need to go back and look it up again. I will trouble you about the blank eyes during this time."

"...I understand, I will try my best."

I don't know if I'm really deceiving myself, I can only say this.

"If you have any request, you can just ask, and the Anbu outside will do whatever you want."

After speaking, he left the institute.

The so-called resurrection method, that is, the power of the reincarnation eye, I don't know if Tomona will attack Nagato after learning about it.

And Nagato's eyes of reincarnation...

If he takes it away by himself, he doesn't know what will happen to Heijue in the dark.

Hei Jue...can you think of a way to lure him out...

Kakashi and Obito's eye replacement surgery will be carried out soon. When I really heard the news, I found out that it was arranged by the Uchiha clan.

At this time, Mikoto also suddenly took the initiative to approach him and said that she hoped to go out of the village with Kushina to a neighboring country for a visit. The reason was that Kushina was in a bad mood, and she also said that it was Aya's idea.

Kushina is Jinchuriki and must have Hokage's permission to leave the village.

Kushina is in a bad mood? Isn't this woman very happy when she is with him?

After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly asked, "Obito in your clan is about to change his eyes, do you know that?"

The sudden change of topic made Miqin startled slightly: "Ah, I know, don't you agree?"

Zhen then said: "They all have their own ideas, and I can't interfere anymore."

Mikoto also said: "Kakashi and Obito are not children after all."

Zhen said again: "You and Kushina want to go out to relax, there is no problem, how long are you planning to go out, a week?"

"Basically, we're just visiting neighboring countries."

Zhen immediately approved the certificate of leaving the village and handed it to Miqin.

Mikoto smiled and said, "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Zhen heard the words and said casually: "Is it just a thank you?"

What else do you want?

Meiqin sensed the indecency in his words, and thought to herself why everyone was joking, and she didn't have the intention to joke with him, and said, "Then I thank you for Kushina."

I really watched this beautiful woman leave, with such a graceful figure, I don't know what it would be like to wear black silk...

Thinking this way in my heart, I reached out and touched Samyi's black silk suspenders.

Samuel also cooperatively moved closer to him.

"Master Hokage, are you going to our place for lunch? Azabui prepared a lot... You can take a lunch break there after eating."

"Oh? What have you prepared?" Zhen didn't withdraw his hand and asked with a light smile.

Samuyi leaned over to Zhenzhen's ear, her red lips slightly parted: "Mabuyi bought a new maid outfit... I want you to see if it's worth the money."

"Where's the Yuki man?" Zhen asked again.

"Yumuman..." Sam couldn't help showing embarrassment.

"Did she not prepare anything?"


Zhen then said, "Wait until she prepares something, then let me go."

Samui pursed her lips: "...Understood."


Sam sighed secretly, feeling a bit difficult.

Zhen then asked Anbu to summon Obito.

Obito was still wondering what Hokage-sama was doing when he saw him, and when he came here, he heard Zhen ask: "You and Kakashi's eye replacement surgery, do you need me to arrange a doctor for you?"

Obito said quickly: "No need for Hokage-sama, the patriarch has already arranged everything for us."

Zhen said: "Your patriarch is very concerned about this."

Obito smiled and said: "The patriarch also cares about me."

Zhen nodded and said: "That way, I don't need to worry about it. How is your Mu Dun practice? If you don't understand anything, you can ask the second Hokage. He is the brother of the first Hokage. He should have a certain understanding of Mu Dun. understanding."

"I see, thank you Hokage-sama."

After chatting a few more words, Obito bowed and left, I couldn't help but look thoughtful.

This eye-changing was driven by someone behind the scenes, undoubtedly Uchiha Fugaku, but is he so obsessed with an outsider's eye?

It's just an ordinary Sharingan, not a kaleidoscope.

I haven't seen him so persistent in the original book.

Could it be that he also knew the secret of Kamui? There is no reason...

I really don't understand.

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