Rated Hokage

Chapter 181 Chapter 180

Zhen had checked Hongdou's body many times, and the things left by Orochimaru made him very worried, and finally burned a "kite" on her body for control purposes.

And the reason for Hongdou's resentment is that Zhen put a seal of unknown purpose on her body. After that, she would take off her clothes every time she checked her body. The key is that after having that seal, she could no longer resist Zhen. All I could do was watch him do whatever he wanted.

Hongdou thought she was really a pervert at first, but now she feels that this guy is uneasy and kind to her.

Adzuki's current body is a new white product that gathers intercolumnar cells and vortex cells. According to Orochimaru, there are also Uchiha's sharing eyes and Hinata's white eyes, but they don't show it. From the appearance, she doesn't have any No change, but the strength has become extremely strong. An ordinary punch can easily break rocks. It is so strong that Huomen, Kakashi and Kai can't subdue her without entering the fairy mode. If Orochimaru occupies this body I don't know what the result will be.

But why did Orochimaru give it to Hongdou? Could it be that he secretly developed a better body?

I really checked the body of Orochimaru, and it has long been mutated into a human form. After that battle, Orochimaru probably used some special means to escape. It is a breeze to replace a physical body with his current technical level.

Thinking of the message from Orochimaru and the withered snake slough that I heard in the research institute that day, I really felt very uncomfortable. When I learned that someone was staring at me in the dark, I couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

I also have to find a way to become stronger.

Zhen’s daily practice has never stopped, through the special method of vibration to exercise his physical body, and to constantly improve his level of control over chakra and natural energy. For him, flying has become so easy. .

And the strength of the physical body also brought a very obvious benefit, that is, he grew taller.

When I really grew my body, I exercised a lot every day, and my food intake was two or three times that of an adult. My height gradually increased, and now I no longer look like a child.

A year ago, he was not as tall as the two sisters Ayari and Ayano, and it was inconvenient for him to do many things.

Another benefit is the increase in the amount of chakra.

Chakra is condensed by spiritual energy and physical energy, and the real spiritual energy is much more than he imagined. There is no need to try to deliberately exercise anything. As long as the physical body can continue to become stronger, the amount of chakra will also be able to Constantly increasing.

Every night when I really took a shower, I tossed myself half to death, and when I came out of the bathroom, my legs were soft.

Ayana was very angry about this, and couldn't help but go to Ayano to accuse her that she is still young, and excessive indulgence can easily cause irreversible harm to the body.

Ayano was confused and very wronged, she didn't dare to talk back to Ayari, so she could only talk to Zhen in private.

After learning about it, Zhen really couldn't laugh or cry, and told Lingli that she was so tired at night because of practicing.

After learning the truth of the matter, Lingli still insisted: "Even if you are practicing, you can't be so ignorant of restraint. Every night you fall asleep as soon as you go to bed, you have to work during the day, and at night...you are still like this, I have a relationship with widows. what a difference."

She blushed as she spoke, and after she really understood what she meant, she slowed down the intensity of her physical exercise that night and went back to her room to rest early. After one night, the woman's mouth finally softened.

Not only was it soft, but it was also swollen.

The next day, she slept until noon. Xiao Ning wanted her mother again, so Xia went into the bedroom to wake up Lingli, and went out blushing when she saw the mess everywhere.

Finally, it was time for lunch, and Ayano dragged her out of bed.

At the dinner table, Ayano intentionally muttered for Ayari to hear: "I don't know restraint at all."

Hearing this, Lingli was very ashamed, and had no way to refute, so she could only whisper: "Xia is still here, what are you talking about?"

Xia Zheng was feeding Xiao Ningci with a bottle, as if I hadn't heard anything.

Ever since she came to this house and began to take care of Xiao Ningji, she knew a lot of things. It turned out that the affair between Shin-sama and Ayano that had been rumored in the clan was true, and Ms. Ayari acquiesced to it.

Xia didn't expect to see such a story of sisters serving a husband together in her own family.

During the time when Master Zhen was working at home, Xia also met the beautiful female secretary, she was indeed amazing, and her figure was very hot, which made her, who is also a woman, envious.

I didn't realize that the real adult is a womanizer before, as expected, he knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart.

Now I really see that Xia Shi will always take advantage of his hands from time to time, and Xia Qing can't help worrying, if one day in the future, the real adult wants to let her sleep or break into her room suddenly... Do I accept it? , or... I can't resist myself.

Xia You told her sister Chuncha about her worries, but Chuncha said happily, "It's your blessing that Master Hokage has a crush on you!"

Looking at her sister's appearance, she probably wished she could immediately strip her naked and send her to a real bed.

Xia felt helpless, and could only suppress this worry, and had this kind of intense and exciting little interaction with Zhen every day, for fear of being discovered by Sister Lingli.

In the afternoon, Mikoto brought Itachi to visit again.

Xiao Ningci was lying on the sofa, under the care of Itachi and Xia.

The two women, Ayari and Mikoto, sat and chatted under the pavilion in the courtyard.

Ayano was in and out of the living room doing housework.

Looking at Ayano's back, Mikoto couldn't help but whispered to Ayari, "Ayano, there is something I'm curious about."


"It's about your sister."

"My sister?"

Meiqin took another look at Ayano from a distance: "Your sister...why is she a servant of your family?"

Lingli said for a while: "This..."

She didn't know how to explain it for a while, so she hesitated and said, "You still remember Rizu."

Mikoto nodded slowly.

"My sister used to be Rizu's fiancée. After Rizu's death... a big change happened in the clan, and there were some rumors that were not good for my sister, so I really kept my sister by my side. protection."

Meiqin was thoughtful, but still felt strange.

Mainly because she learned about this person from Itachi...

She asked again: "If the three of you live together, is there no inconvenience?"

She would not have asked this kind of question before, and now the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Miqin noticed Ayali's unnatural expression, and quickly said, "I'll just ask casually."

I guessed it by myself!

There is a beautiful female secretary at work, and there are two maids, one big and one small, at home, tsk, this Hokage-sama is really...

If Lingli's husband was just an ordinary person, then Miqin could still press on and scold him a few words to comfort her best friend.

But now it's Hokage, the overshadowing figure in the village, his husband has to look at his face.

Fu Yue told her many real things, and Miqin also sincerely felt that this young man was too cruel, and it seemed normal for such a man to have more women in his family.

How can a person with wrist, strength and power be bound by the rules and regulations of the world, and how can it be impossible to do things as he pleases?

It's just a pain for Ayari.

Meiqin then changed the subject and stopped talking about it.

Ling Li also said: "I seldom see Kushina now. I went to see her once before, and it seems that her mental outlook is very bad."

Miqin said: "The Minato incident had a great impact on her."

Ling Li sighed: "Is there any way to help her?"

Miqin thought that the only person who can help Kushina is your husband, if you release Minato, nothing will happen.

This kind of words can only be thought about, and he said: "Maybe it will be fine after a while, and I will accept it slowly and look away."

After thinking about it for a while, Lingli suddenly said, "Why don't we take her out to relax?"

Meiqin was surprised: "Get out? Where?"

Ling Li said: "Let's go out of the village, you can go to the country of Tang and the country of Sichuan, let's go out and play for a few days."

"What about the child, Itachi is so big that I can leave for a few days, but what about Neji, he is still so young?"

"Just leave it to my sister and Xia."

Meiqin showed a strange expression: "Does your sister have milk?"

Ling Li's face froze instantly, her sister didn't have a baby, so how could she have milk.

She said dejectedly: "It's really annoying to watch children."

Meiqin was slandering in her heart: Except for breastfeeding, you usually don't look at the baby at all, okay?

Then he said: "But you reminded me, I plan to go out with Jiushina for a walk."

Lingli said angrily: "I didn't take me with the idea I mentioned."

Meiqin smiled and said, "That's no way, you can't take the child with you."


Naruto Office.

Really looked at Kakashi standing in front of him thoughtfully.

"Is this your own idea?"

"This eye is a burden to me now, and it only hinders me from becoming stronger."

Kakashi told the truth about his desire to change his eyes.

Zhen Wenyan just frowned and remained silent.

Kakashi couldn't understand what he really thought. Earlier, the other party prevented him from returning the eyes to Obito. The reason was that he would be weaker without the eyes, and even Chidori couldn't use them.

But after he got the imprint of the Immortal, Sharingan has completely become a burden, and now he should have no reason to stop himself.

Zhen asked, "What do Obito think?"

Kakashi said: "Obito has also agreed."

I really feel that something is wrong, when Uchiha wanted to take back Kakashi's eyes, Obito didn't have such an attitude.

The reason why he didn't want Kakashi to return the eyes to Obito was because of Kamui.

Although Uchiha's kaleidoscope sharingan ability is related to the situation and his own wishes when he awakens, what if?

What if Obito awakens his kaleidoscope ability or Kamui?

Wouldn't it be a person who is not under his control.

"Do you know that Sharingan is the dream of many people in the ninja world? It is difficult for ordinary ninjas to reach the height of blood successor limit ninjas in their entire lives."

Kakashi said: "What other people desire is not suitable for me, and the eyes of ordinary people may not be able to see far enough! Haven't you, Hokage-sama, never changed your eyes?"

Zhenzhen was startled when he heard the words, and immediately burst out laughing. He looked at the eyes and flickered, and finally agreed: "Yes."

Orochimaru used to have some Sharingan inventory, so it is not difficult to find a suitable one to drop during surgery.

Maybe Kakashi can really find a new path.

In the original world, many fans of Hokage are discussing that if Kakashi did not have the blue-sucking machine of Sharingan, he might become the second generation of White Fang, and his talent would be even higher.

But without Kamui Kakashi, he is not even qualified to participate in the final battle.

White Fang is just an outstanding character for ordinary people, and there is no shortage of such people in the ninja world.

Is Namikaze Minato not strong enough?

Now being locked up in prison and living a life of darkness.

The woman he loves is violated by others from time to time, but he doesn't know it at all.

When Otsutsuki comes in the future, is it true that he will fight against these aliens with a bunch of white teeth and water gates under his command?

He really wanted to become stronger, but not only himself had to become stronger, but also the strength of his subordinates had to go forward with him.

Huomen, Kakashi, Kai and the others, as well as the future Yakushidou, really want to build a strong enough army.

Kakashi gave up Sharingan, so let's open this hook for him by himself.

Afterwards, I really went to see Tobima. He has been soaking in the research institute, and his reincarnated body does not need to eat or rest. He is doing his own research day and night.

But occasionally I will come out to take a stroll in the village, probably because I can't bear it and need to relax.

Tobuma's attitude towards Zhenzhen is no longer as hostile as before, and now his own research still needs the support of the other party.

"I checked those who were locked up. Their physique is very special, a bit similar to the product of my elder brother's cells. Orochimaru should have such a team before."

"They are called Bai Jue. They were all over the village before, but I have wiped them all out."

"It seems that you planned to bring down Orochimaru a long time ago."

"It's difficult for me to be compatible with him. Being an enemy is the best result."

Feijian sneered and said, "It's really strange that Dashewan put someone like you by his side and didn't use any means to control you."

Zhen Ze said: "You still don't know him well enough."

He took out two glass bottles, each containing an eyeball.

Fei Jian was startled when he saw this, the white pupils were too eye-catching.

"I don't know how much you know about Baiyan, did you do any research before your death?"


Unlike Sharingan, Baiyan does not seem to pose much threat to Tomona, because Tomama has seen the eyes of Madara and Quanna, so he is interested in Sharingan, and Baiyan is only of relatively high strategic value.

Zhen thought for a while and said: "Baiyan, like Sharingan, has the ability to evolve. I hope to explore this mystery with you."

This chapter is 4k, it’s done tonight, come on tomorrow.

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