Rated Hokage

Chapter 183 Chapter 182

On the training ground of the Uchiha clan, two small figures leaned against a big tree to rest.

"Shishui, what do you want to do in the future?"

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

Zhishui turned his head to look at the child who was younger than him beside him.

Itachi stared at him with bright eyes: "I'm curious, what kind of person do you want to be when you are as good as Shisui."

Zhishui smiled lightly and said, "Why should I be someone else."

He stood up and looked at the clouds in the distant sky.

"It should be someone who wants to be like me in the future."

Itachi said with a small face in surprise, "Do you want to be Hokage?"

Zhi Shui was surprised: "Why do you think so?"

Itachi said: "Because only Hokage is unique."

Shisui thought for a while, nodded and said: "Maybe, but I don't plan to become Hokage. The current Hokage-sama is still very young, and I will be almost old when he retires."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to be in the crown."


"I was fortunate enough to see Kakashi-senpai and Huomen-senpai before. They are both very strong, stronger than anyone I have ever seen. People like them are in the crown, so I want to join in and become Hokage A man's arm."

Itachi said: "You are so strong, Zhishui, you can definitely get in."

Shisui smiled and said, "Senior Kakashi became a Jōnin at the age of twelve, and I'm still a Jōnin now, so I have to work harder."

"You just graduated."

Zhishui also asked Itachi, "What about you, Itachi."

Itachi wrinkled his face slightly and said, "I think I can help Dad."

Zhishui was surprised: "You don't want to join the fire department, do you?"

Itachi asked suspiciously, "Isn't it possible?"

Shisui was a little entangled. After all, the current fire department is their family's property, and he can't say how bad it is, but he doesn't understand why their Uchiha changed from the security force to something like the fire department.

He was so majestic before, but now he has to help the village runners with errands and chores every day. The last place he wants to go in the future is the fire department.

"Why don't you do the same as me and work hard to become the crown guard. You can also help the patriarch when the time comes."

Itachi thought about it and said, "Then I'll think about it."

While speaking, many birds suddenly startled in the forest not far away, attracting the attention of both of them.

Zhishui said unexpectedly: "Are there any other clan members who came to practice today?"

"Go, go and see!"

Their Uchiha training ground is very large, and Konoha Village is surrounded by a large forest. This forest has also been built into many training and acting venues by the village, both public and private.

The two little ones walked towards the direction of the sound source, passed through the bushes, and saw three figures practicing shuriken there.

Shisui and Itachi looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes. These three people are not from the Uchiha clan.

"The level of shuriken seems pretty good." Shisui commented, "That white-haired one is about to catch up with you, Itachi."

All three of them were a few years older than Itachi, and it sounded like insulting for Shisui to say such a thing.

But this is not the case in fact. They Uchiha have three things that are famous in the ninja world, fire escape, shuriken and sharing eyes.

Uchiha's shuriken technique is unique in the entire ninja world. Shisui said that the three of them meant that their skills were considered excellent among their peers.

Shisui muttered to himself: "Is it a student who is about to graduate from Ninja School? If you are a year younger than me, why haven't you seen it?"

Itachi shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it either."


Someone among the three over there suddenly became alert, and one of them sternly shouted at Zhishui and Itachi.

The three of them all looked about the same age as Zhishui, and there was a girl.

"Why are you peeking at other people's cultivation?" One of them, wearing a black beret, said with a worried expression on his face. He noticed the forehead guard between Zhi Shui's foreheads, and then swallowed back even worse words.

Shishui couldn't help being amused, and asked back: "Why are you practicing in our training ground?"

"Your training ground?" The boy was stunned for a moment, and was about to refute something when he was stopped by his companion.

The other boy looked a little gentle and thin, with silver hair and a pair of glasses.

"Urushi, they belong to the Uchiha clan."

It was only then that Ulussi noticed the round fan patterns on the sleeves of Shisui and Itachi. Only the Uchiha clan can wear clothes with this kind of flame fan pattern in the village.

He realized that he might really have entered someone else's territory.

But if he just turned around and left like this, he would feel very humiliated. He brought his two companions here after discovering this clean practice place. training to meet the standard.

He muttered in his mouth: "Uchiha is amazing."

Zhishui and Itachi couldn't help frowning slightly at these words, they didn't mean to pursue it at all, how could this person still have such an attitude.

Still pulling Ulussi for a while, he bowed to Shishui and Itachi to apologize: "I'm sorry, we came to the wrong place, we'll leave now."

Seeing that the other party is still a sensible person, Zhishui also smiled: "It doesn't matter, anyway, we don't have any clansmen practicing here now, by the way, what's your name?"

The white-haired boy was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately said: "I... am called Medicine Master Dou."

The boy in the beret shouted, "My name is Ulussi!"

Zhishui didn't even look at him: "I didn't ask you."

Ulussi was instantly annoyed.

Zhishui said to Du again: "Is it Yao Shidou? Your shuriken level is very good. Have you graduated yet?"

Dou pondered for a while: "We are not students of the ninja school."

Now it was Shisui and Itachi's turn to be surprised, the opponent's shuriken was already at the level of ninja, and it stands to reason that he should have entered school at this age.

Ulusi on the side said displeasedly: "Dou, what are you talking so much about with this kind of guy?"

Dou didn't say any more, just nodded slightly to Shishui and Itachi, then turned around and left with his companions.

Zhishui looked at the backs of the three of them, and suddenly shouted: "Yaoshidou, there are very few people coming to our practice field, if you want to come here to practice, it's fine."

Turning around to look at Zhishui, he hesitated and asked, "What's your name?"

Shisui smiled and said: "My name is Uchiha Shisui, this is Uchiha Itachi, he is the chief student of the ninja school."

Dou took a deep look at the other party: "Uchiha Shisui, I wrote it down."

On the way back, Ulussi muttered: "What Uchiha Shisui is, just a stinky guy who looks down on people."

But Du said: "Uluxi, it's obviously because of your bad attitude first."

The girl next to her also echoed: "That's right, the dean's mother told us to treat people politely and never initiate trouble."

Ulussi knew he was wrong, so he just said, "You guys are so annoying."

"Okay, let's find a quiet place to practice. If you go back too late, the dean's mother will be angry."


The three of them returned to their residence near the evening. Dou wanted to see Ye Naiyu, but found that Ye Naiyu's door was closed tightly, and there seemed to be some movement inside.

He couldn't help pressing his face against the door, listening to the small voices coming from inside.

It seems to belong to the dean's mother...

An arm suddenly patted his shoulder: "What are you eavesdropping on?"

Dou was taken aback, and turned around to find that it was Ulusi.

He just wanted to signal the other party to be quiet, when Nonaiyu's voice came from inside: "Is it Ulussi?"


The door was opened, and the key No Naoyu stood in the room, wearing a very casual sweater and trousers, wearing glasses with a pocket, long golden hair scattered randomly, intellectual and gentle, sometimes very strict.

"Dean's mother!"

Seeing this, Dou and Ulusi hurriedly saluted.

"What's the matter with you?"

"No." Dou hurriedly said, "Just passing by."

Ulussi glanced at Dou suspiciously.

"I just came back from practicing. Have you taken a shower? You're covered in sweat."

"We're going right now."

Dou wanted to push Uluxi away from here, but was stopped by Nonaiyu again.

"Dou, wait a minute."

"Dean's mother..." Dou froze, wondering whether he had been caught eavesdropping, and whether he should take the initiative to admit his mistake.

He didn't hear anything just now, and the idiot Ulussi approached him as soon as his face was pressed against him.

I only heard the dean's mother's breathing seemed a little heavy...

"Come in." Nonaiyu said to him.

Dou walked into the room with a feeling of apprehension, only to find that there was another person in the dean's mother's bedroom.

"Fire... Hokage-sama!"

can i ask for a ticket

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