Rated Hokage

Chapter 175 Chapter 174

When Tomona found his elder brother, Hashirama sat cross-legged on the cliff of Shadow Rock, silently looking at the village below.

When the two were alive, his elder brother would often sit here and be lost in thought.

"Teijian." Hashirama spoke slowly.

"Have you found anything in the village these two days?"

He pondered for a while: "This Hinata really has a high prestige in the village, and he has won the trust of the villagers."

Not only did he meet his disciple Jiubu, but he also inquired at the grassroots level of the village. Recently, the villagers are discussing the Hokage election, and almost everyone has only one candidate in their hearts, and that is Makoto Hinata!

Hashirama said: "He fought for these things himself."

"When the fourth generation was in power, Hinata worked diligently on Hokage's work, never delaying government affairs, and the villagers basically did everything by themselves."

Feijian just frowned and said nothing when he heard the words, so he had heard of this kind of thing.

Should it be said that Hinata really invited people to buy people's hearts?

But the political achievements are real after all, or they are too lofty to have this kind of thinking.

Hashirama sighed: "Toima, the times have changed."

Different people are born in different eras, and what they used to be may not be suitable for Konoha now.

What a stalwart and upright person Namikaze Minato used to be, but now he has become the object of everyone's contempt.

Feijian asked, "Brother, are you ready to give up?"

Hashirama didn't reply, he felt that his younger brother also had an obsession, nostalgic for this world, and couldn't let go of Konoha in his heart.

But right now, as Hinata really said, they can't win.

He was silent for a long time and said: "I think Hinata may really be able to blaze a new path."

Since the establishment of the village, Konoha has been in constant war. Even he who once deterred the ninja world has not been able to bring peace to the village for too long. It is not enough for only one person to be strong, the whole village must be completely strong.

He didn't do this, and neither did the second generation and the third generation. Can this Hinata really do it?

At least Hashirama saw enough ambition in him, but Hinata Mana's extreme ego made Hashirama uncomfortable.

This is a difference in philosophy, and it is difficult for Zhujian to agree, but the situation forced him to compromise.

"Hey, we should go."


The wind picked up on the cliff.

He stood there silently.

"Brother, I don't intend to leave."

Hashirama sighed silently, he guessed that his brother would react like this.

"After all, we are dead people, people who have been dead for decades." He said.

"Then truly become a living person!" Tobuma suddenly said.

Hearing this, Zhu Jian could not help frowning slightly.

I just heard Token continue to say: "I have been to Orochimaru's research institute. Orochimaru has a very high level of research on the human body and soul. If it continues, it is not impossible to reverse the cycle of reincarnation and revive the dead. .”

Orochimaru's research institute was banned by Zhen's order, and no one was allowed to enter, but Tobima's status is special, and it is not difficult for him to enter.


The wind blowing from above made the hair of the two of them flutter continuously.

Hashirama asked calmly, "Tobima, do you know what you're doing?"

Tobima said: "I know very well, big brother, I still have a lot of things to do."


The detailed process of the Hokage election has been released, and it has undergone several revisions to ensure that it is fair, open and impartial enough on the surface.

Really released this process, which made the villagers all excited, looking forward to the day of voting.

After a few days of dissemination, the news of the death of Konoha III and IV Hokage has spread in the ninja world, including those despicable deeds done by Orochimaru and the golden flashing Namikaze Gate of Megatron Ninja World. Becoming a sinner is such a thing.

Although people with discerning eyes could see that it was the result of Konoha's internal power struggle, it did not prevent these people from reading Konoha's jokes.

Some forces felt that Konoha was extremely weak at this time, and they had the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

Zhen also discovered that the number of spies caught in the village has increased significantly recently, and they all came to Konoha to inquire about news.

His appointment as Hokage is imminent.

The number of people visiting from the family has also increased. Even Huomen told him that many families have invited him to be a guest recently. I really know that these people have no malicious intentions, but simply want to cling to them.

So he told Huomen that if someone invited him, he could go if he wanted to.

Huomen firmly said that he does not need these interactions, he is just a knife in the hands of the real adults.

Back in the inner courtyard, Mikoto brought Itachi as a guest, the two women were chatting in the bedroom, and Itachi was standing next to the baby's cradle in the baby room, teasing Ningji non-stop.

Itachi was very curious about this newly born little life.

Hyuga Natsu from the family was arranged to take care of Xiao Ningji, and she also became a maid in the house. She had a good relationship with Ayari, but Ayari had introduced her to Zhen as his girlfriend before. I feel a little grudge in my heart.

The boyfriend I introduced to her, but I took the initiative to snatch it away, what's going on.


Seeing Zhen walk into the bedroom, Mikoto stood up and greeted her with a smile.

She teased, "Are you going to call Hokage-sama soon?"

Zhen replied unceremoniously: "You can call it that if you want."

He walked to Ayari's bedside, and without hesitation Mikoto kissed Ayari's face directly in the presence of Mikoto.

Lingli was a little shy, but she couldn't dodge it, so she pretended to be angry and gave him a hammer after he kissed her.

Miqin couldn't help curling her lips and said, "Master Hokage really doesn't shy away from me as an outsider at all, do you insist on loving in front of my face?"

Zhen asked: "This is my home, and Lingli is my wife, why can't I be loving?"

After chatting with the two of them for a while, Zhen went back to the living room to see his son. Xia and Itachi were talking together, and it was probably Itachi who asked some children's habits, and Xia came to answer.

Zhen walked over and patted Xia's butt casually with one hand.

Xia turned around in shock, and he was relieved when he saw that the person who came was true, and gave Zhen a reddened look.

"True uncle." Itachi thoughtfully greeted Zhen.

Zhen wiped his head and asked, "Itachi, I heard that you are now the chief student in the school."

Itachi said obediently: "The assessment criteria in the school are too simple."

Really laughed: "Then graduate early and become a real ninja."

Itachi nodded seriously: "I will."

Xiao Ningci in the pram was sleeping soundly. Zhen asked about the child's situation casually. Xia told him in detail how many times Xiao Ningci slept and woke up today, how much milk he ate, and how many times he urinated. this kind of thing.

Itachi also listened very carefully.

Upon seeing this, Zhen asked, "Do you like Neji very much?"

Itachi nodded and said, "I really want a younger brother like this."

Zhenwen said in his heart: You will have it soon.

If you count the time, Sasuke should have been born, and then Naruto...

Naruto... Naruto...

Suddenly, he thought about it.

This Naruto might not be able to be born, without Naruto's company, wouldn't Sasuke die alone.

How about... help yourself?

Zhen's expression moved slightly, and he felt that it was really inappropriate to be a planting machine.

Will the child born by myself and Kushina be Naruto?

And what did you say when you named it, because you were deeply moved and inspired by reading a novel by Jiraiya?

On the way back, Itachi and Mikoto talked to their mother about Xiao Ningci.

Itachi couldn't help but said to Miqin: "Mom, I really want a younger brother, can you give me a younger brother?"

Meiqin laughed and said: "This kind of thing is not something that can happen at birth, you have to ask your father."

Itachi was puzzled, thought for a while and said: "By the way, Mom, I saw Uncle Zhen touch Sister Xia's ass today."

Meiqin was startled when she heard the words, and then stopped involuntarily.

"Are you sure you saw it?"

Itachi nodded and said, "Sister Xia was blushing at the time. It's very impolite to touch a girl's buttocks. Why did the real uncle do that?"

Mikoto hesitated and said: "...This may...be a special way of communication between them."

"Itachi, don't say anything about this."

"I see!"

"Also, don't learn!"

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