Rated Hokage

Chapter 176 Chapter 175

Tsunade took the rare initiative to find Makoto.

"My grandpa is gone."

In the office, Tsunade said to Shin who was sitting there.

She doesn't like this Hinata really. In Tsunade's opinion, he is really a shady politician like Orochimaru and Sandaime.

The position of Hokage that the two people she loves most in her life yearns for is about to fall into the hands of this person, and she is completely powerless to stop it.

After learning the news, I was not too surprised, but there is still a strong chakra in the village that has not left.

"Where's the second generation?" Zhen asked.

Hearing the address without honorifics, Tsunade frowned even more.

"The second grandpa said that there are still things to do in the village."

Zhen's eyes flickered slightly, and he knew that Toikama had been to Orochimaru's research institute.

Now that Senju Bashirama has left, but he didn't leave is nothing more than one reason, this Second Hokage is still greedy for the world, and wants to be truly resurrected!

The materials in Orochimaru's research institute are all highly professional things, and there are no such talents in the village except for Orochimaru.

The current Dou is just a kid, and he really doesn't think he can inherit the mantle left by Orochimaru, and he doesn't have the time.

Do you want to leave all these things to the Second Hokage?

Zhen Ning brows secretly thinking.

Now that Orochimaru is gone, Tenseigan should be brought up.

Qianshou Feijian may be a good partner, and this dead person needs his assistance wherever he stays in this world.

I suddenly found it very interesting that this Second Hokage seemed to be extremely hostile to him.

"I see." Makoto Tsunade replied.

With nothing else to do, Tsunade gave Makoto a blank expression, turned and left.

After several days of preparation, Hokage's election officially began, and the village specially set up a professional department to take charge of this matter.

There is really no need to come forward to canvass votes, there is no one in the village to compete with him.

A huge transparent glass box was placed on the square in front of the former Hokage building, and a small team was dispatched to guard it strictly 24 hours a day.

Every person who comes to vote will be recorded with his real name, and finally counted three days later.

On the first day, the square was crowded with people, and a long queue was sent. They didn’t leave after voting. Instead, they found an open space to stand there and watch others vote, and then chat with their friends and talk about it. Favorite Naruto candidate.

There were slightly fewer people in the next two days, but it was far more lively than the people in some shopping streets on weekdays.

The Hokage election has become the most important event in the village. The key is to let everyone have a strong sense of participation, as if they are helping to manage the village.

In the past few days, the ninja families in the village have been visiting non-stop. In addition, there are also some merchants in the village, wealthy merchants from outside the village, and even ministers from the Land of Fire.

These people have dealt with each other before. Many people came to give gifts, and there were some who spent a lot of money. A wealthy businessman from outside the village that Zhen knew directly pulled a carriage of gold and silver treasures at the gate of the Hyuga Clan. , Now that they have really made great progress, they naturally want to show it.

These wealthy merchants are regular customers who entrust tasks to Konoha, and they have a close relationship with Konoha. Some merchants can even use the banner of Konoha to frighten Xiao Xiao when delivering goods.

On the contrary, these ninja families in the village are stingy. Apart from showing loyalty, they still show loyalty. The main reason is that they dare not give things indiscriminately.

Gold, silver and wealth are alluring, but in such a world where force is paramount, the allure is greatly reduced.

Zhen is not short of money, and Konoha is not short of money, but Zhen does not refuse.

All confiscated! It's all funding for the development of the village!

On the last day of the election, under the eyes of everyone, the glass box on the square was opened, all the votes inside were counted, and the votes were publicly counted.

This is a very long process, after all, there are more than 10,000 villagers in Muye Village.

And as expected, the vast majority of votes went to Hinata Makoto.

Many people stood in the crowd and watched this scene. Uchiha Fugaku even heard his name, and couldn't help but feel dizzy, but when he thought about it, he knew that his idiot tribe must have voted for him. He had hinted at his tribe before. All cast Hinata true.

There are also some unfamiliar names, which were also recorded. It is estimated that some familiar relatives and friends voted for them, and the names themselves are ashamed.

There is also the name Namikaze Minato, which appeared more than once, and every time it was pronounced, it caused a burst of discussion.

But these are only a minority after all, and more than 95% of people choose the real one.

Zhen was at home with Ayari and the child, and Homon came to the door, saying that the election ceremony was completely over, and the overwhelming advantage of Shin-sama became the Fifth Hokage of the village.

Ayari was very happy when she heard that, it was a good thing that her man became the Hokage of the village.

The expected thing did not make Zhen smile too much, he just touched Xiao Ningci's tender cheeks, and then walked out of the room.

From a distance, someone shouted his name from the direction of the square, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, shaking the clouds in the sky to disperse.

Many people probably couldn't imagine that more than a year ago, he was still a bird in a cage whose destiny he couldn't control.

But now, he is the Fifth Hokage who can stir up the entire ninja world and control countless lives.

But his goal is of course more than that. He knows the truth of this world, and knows what lies beyond this earth. The ninja world is like a huge breeding farm, and he wants to break free from the shackles of all these.

Hokage is just a step, a step that allows him to stand in the sky.

The real figure rose slowly, and flew out under the reverent eyes of Huomen, who was half kneeling on the ground, and flew into the sky.

The people in the square were still jubilant, celebrating the birth of the new Hokage in the village.

Until a huge giant light and shadow appeared in the center of the square, tens of meters high, bathed in sunlight, like a god coming to the world!

Everyone in the square fell into a brief silence after seeing this scene.

"It's a real adult!"

Someone shouted and pointed at the huge light and shadow.

"What an adult!"

"Master Hokage!"

"Findaime Hokage-sama!"

Countless shouts came and went, one after another, echoing throughout Muye Village, almost to the point of tearing off the roof.


The real voice also rang out, the air vibrated, the voice was like Huang Zhong Dalu, carrying endless majesty.

The truth at this moment is that he is standing on an uninhabited roof, using the mirage to project himself onto the square.

He was about to make some speeches when an object suddenly fell from the sky and landed precisely in front of him.

The light in Zhen's eyes changed slightly, and when he lowered his head, he found that it was a withered snake slough.

And looking up again, the sky is high and the earth is far away, only an eagle circled a few times and then flew away, without any trace.

"End of this volume"

Chapter 172 has been sealed, and now it is a deleted version, so please don't raise it.

The next volume begins to play

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