Rated Hokage

Chapter 174 173, I am Konoha!

After having a child, I really have to spend more time with Ayari every day, but there is no delay in the business, and the Hokage election has also been thoroughly spread among the villagers.

Public opinion is in Zhen's hands, and under his deliberate promotion, the villagers now believe that the Hokage chosen by them is the real good Hokage! Everyone needs to participate in this election.

Regarding this, there is another person who needs to be notified in advance, and that is the daimyo of the country of fire.

The position of Hokage has always been appointed by this person himself. Although he has never sang any opposition to Konoha, he still needs to have the respect he deserves.

Moreover, letting the villagers choose Hokage is a bit of a challenge to the authority of the daimyo.

The matter of Orochimaru also needs to be explained. The fact that Orochimaru planned the attack on the daimyo was really covered up, and not much was known.

The real letter directly stated that the first Hokage and the second Hokage are now in Konoha, and this Minamoto-sama immediately couldn't help but visit Konoha again, just to see the true face of the ninja god.

Hashirama didn't put on any airs, and had a long chat with this junior daimyo accompanied by Yuzhen.

"Who do Hashirama-sama think is better to be the Fifth Hokage?" Daimyo suddenly asked Hashirama.

In the past, perhaps after Hashirama said a name that the daimyo knew and recognized, the daimyo would directly agree.

But now, as long as Hashirama dares to say any name other than "Hinata Shin", countless right and wrong will definitely arise for the village.

After pondering for a while, Hashirama asked, "What does Gen-sama think about the election of Hokage by the villagers?"

What do you think?

The daimyo was naturally angry in his heart. If these important national affairs could be decided by these low-level villagers, what would he do with his daimyo?

Although the appointment of him by Hokage before was just a cutscene, but this cutscene must not be missed.

At this time, Zhen said from the side: "The so-called village election hokage is just that the villagers of Konoha recommend suitable Hokage candidates to the daimyo, and then the daimyo personally checks and appoints them."

Master Yuan glanced at it: "It represents public opinion, do I still have the right to refuse?"

Shin said: "The villagers of Konoha Village are the most law-abiding people under the daimyo's rule, and the candidates nominated must be Hokage who will satisfy the daimyo."

But what if he is not satisfied?

Gen-sama glanced at First Hokage who was sitting beside him, and he held back his words.

After seeing off the daimyo, Zhen took out the detailed rules and regulations for the election Hokage that he had drawn up for Hashirama to watch.

After carefully reviewing it twice, Hashirama still couldn't help but marvel at the strangeness of his thoughts.

It had come to this point, and he couldn't stop it at all.

And if you don't care about anything to get in the way, it won't be a good thing to bring Konoha.

But this Hinata, can he be a good Hokage?

The village is obvious to all under his governance.

Can he be a good Hokage?

"Really, if all the villagers choose you, are you willing to give your life for the village?"

Zhen calmly said: "The only thing I can bring to Konoha is prosperity and strength."

Hashirama frowned slightly, feeling that the other party was avoiding his question.

Zhen said again: "If you want to flaunt how great sacrifice is, then this village has come to an end."

Hashirama stared at Zhen: "What did you say?"

Zhen said with a normal expression: "The primary responsibility of the leader should be to lead the group to a better future. If you only know how to exchange your life for stability, then the village will never be truly stable! Only by truly becoming stronger To prevent all enemies from attacking, this is what a kage should do! In the first generation, in your eyes, is the so-called Hokage just a tool to sacrifice for the village at any time?"

Hashirama's face was a little ugly, which touched his belief and his perseverance.

Zhen continued: "If you want to ask me if I am willing to give my life to protect the village at a critical time, then my answer is no!"

"Not to mention that I will not let this happen, even if an unstoppable and powerful enemy does appear someday in the future, I will put my life first, because only Hokage can lead Mu Ye, as long as I can lead the reunion, my life is far more important than anyone else, as long as I live, Konoha will not perish! I am Konoha!"

This kind of words is extremely selfish, and hearing Zhu Jian's heart is extremely angry.

Shin said: "I'm not denying the value of sacrifice, it's just that if you are Hokage, your own value is far beyond that of ordinary people, and it takes up so much resources in the village. You must never die easily, entrust the future, and inherit the will. The matter seems to me to be particularly stupid and ridiculous, all that is left after death is a pile of mess, and his death brings the greatest harm to the village!"

Repressing his anger, Hashirama took out the Hokage election plan in his hand and asked, "Don't you think it's ridiculous to put what you said and what you did together?!"

Zhen said lightly: "That is a deceptive thing."

Hashirama was stunned.

"If you and the second generation can calmly let me take the position directly, I won't make such a drama."

Zhen looked calm and seemed to be confident.

"First Daime, unless you kill me right now, you won't be able to beat me in the village. If you kill me now, then Konoha will really come to an end now."

"Since I became Hokage, I will definitely try my best to make the village stronger and Konoha stronger than before. This is also my home. I love it as much as you and many Konoha ninjas. Just now What I said to you is just some extreme situations, if it really reaches that point, it may not make much sense who lives and who dies."

The first generation of Hokage's face turned green and white, and what he said was true, unless he chose to use force, he would not be his opponent in the village by any means.

Public opinion is in the hands of the other side, the army is in the hands of the other side, and the hearts of the people are also in the hands of the other side.

And all Hashirama has is the name of a dead first-generation Hokage. His greatest role is to protect Konoha when the village is in danger, and he is admired by the villagers. He still exists in Konoha during such a period. It has become a mascot that attracts attention wherever it goes.

"If in your opinion, only those who are willing to die for the village are good hokages, then there is no point in arguing about it. I will not die for anyone. What I want to leave is a road where countless people are willing to die for me. The way to die, I will let these people die is worth far more than those shadows who died protecting the village, because the future Konoha will stand on a height that you can't imagine!"

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