Rated Hokage

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Samuyi wants to cling to Zhen, in her opinion, this can ensure her future stability in Muye Village.

During this period of getting along with her, she discovered that Hinata is not the kind of ordinary boy at all, and he has no bottom line in dealing with men and women. He obviously has a pregnant and beautiful wife at home, but he can completely feel at ease. Do something very intimate with other women.

He won't have any psychological burden on this, it is true to say that he is lustful, but he is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a woman.

Samyi has changed from wanting to control him from the beginning to pleasing him.

But even so, Samyi still didn't feel that he attached more importance to him, as if the other party had always regarded him as a tool for entertainment.

Samyi is extremely confident about her body and appearance. When she was in Yunyin Village, there were many suitors among her peers. Wherever she went, she felt admiration.

After working as a secretary by Zhenzhen's side for a while now, some Konoha ninjas couldn't help showing their hearts to her.

She wouldn't even take a second look at this kind of low-level mediocrity, but her attitude towards her really made her feel discouraged.

Samyi has been waiting for the day when Hinata really takes over her completely. She has already made such preparations. Maybe the situation will change by then, but this day has never come. Hinata is only on her body at most. Just take advantage of it.

Samyi didn't miss any opportunity to get closer to Hinata, and tried every means to do so, even lying on Zhen's lap and snuggling into his arms just now was done on purpose by her.

But the key and scroll that Zhen took out shattered her fantasy again.

For the truth, she is always just a tool.

Samui sat up and looked at the key and scroll in front of him.

"Are you planning to... release Lei Ying?" She asked.

"I just want to see him pitiful, let him come out from below to get some air." Zhen pulled his hand from her collar and said.

Samyi was silent for a moment and said: "Yumuren wouldn't do that, she wouldn't release Raikage."

Zhenzhen said: "It's her business whether to let go or not, you just have to do your job well." # Just after nightfall, Sarutobi House.

"You don't intend to leave a little retreat, Lu Jiu."

Under the empty corridor, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Shikahisa Nara sat together, with only a tea tray in the middle, and their respective teas remained untouched.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi kept smoking, and the white smoke lingered in front of the eyes of the two of them.

"How do you want to retreat, Lord III?" Lu Jiu asked Sarutobi with his eyes straight on.

"Tolerating his oppression without a bottom line, is this the way out?"

Sarutobi asked again: "Should Minato not have agreed with you to do this?"

Lu Jiu said without changing his expression: "Master Sandaime, you all seem to know Minato very well."

Everyone has said something like this to him: Minato probably didn't agree, it's up to you, right?

But at this moment, Minato needs them!

These people only want to do things that go smoothly.

Lu Jiu asked: "If Minato doesn't take the initiative to do this kind of thing, is it true that Master III just turned a blind eye to this?"

He has never had such an attitude towards the Third Hokage before.

Sarutobi didn't get angry when he heard the words, he was silent and thinking.

What Orochimaru does is something that the village cannot tolerate, but as long as they don't expose outsiders, they will never know about it. Even if it is made public, it is not impossible for Orochimaru to suppress it.

It is impossible to bring down Orochimaru through public opinion. Orochimaru is now Hokage, the Hokage who has all the power.

These pieces of evidence only changed their attitude towards Orochimaru.

Lu Jiu came to force him to express his opinion.

Orochimaru has become a sinner, so for the sake of the village to get rid of this harm, it is only natural and obligatory for him to be the former Hokage.

When he gave the position of Naruto to Orochimaru, he also secretly made up his mind.

As long as Orochimaru dares to do something wrong to Konoha, then he must get rid of this scourge!

Now that he is really facing such a situation, his will is shaking.

Is Orochimaru sorry for Konoha... He is only for power. Didn't Danzo do this kind of thing before? He has tolerated it time and time again.

And compared with Danzo, Orochimaru has actual achievements after all.

Konoha has recovered and developed very well, and Orochimaru has also helped so many ninjas who were crippled by war to heal their bodies.

Moreover, such things as assassinating daimyo must not be leaked, otherwise Konoha will be pushed to the opposite side of daimyo...

Sarutobi kept making excuses for Orochimaru in his heart.

After he realized this, he felt deeply ashamed for it.

Sarutobi exhaled a puff of smoke and covered his own face.

He said: "You know that if you do this, only Konoha will be hurt."

Lu Jiu was deeply disappointed.

As Hokage, he was running away.

Is it because of the mentorship between each other, or because the current Orochimaru is too powerful.

No wonder when Tsunade shot to smash Shadow Rock, even the third generation goal was left behind.

Lu Jiu asked: "Do you think Konoha will be safe and sound in his hands?"


Sarutobi thought of an answer in his mind, and held it back.

He wanted to say that Konoha is still in a weakened stage and cannot withstand too much trouble. He can wait until the village is almost recovered...

The wording seemed absurd to him.

When the village has almost recovered, it will also wait until Orochimaru's control over Konoha is deeply ingrained.

Maybe not at all.

In the situation Kushina is facing now, if Minato doesn't do it, Orochimaru will definitely do it first.

Sarutobi knew it in his heart.

While the two were silent, a figure suddenly appeared beside Lu Jiu.

The person who came was Minato, and he teleported here using the Flying Thunder God.

Sarutobi couldn't help looking at Minato in surprise: "Minato?"

This is the first time for Minato to visit this way.

Minato glanced at the two of them, and said in a deep voice, "Something happened to Kushina!"

After a brief silence, Lu Jiu stood up abruptly.

"what happened?!"

Sarutobi's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard the words.

Minato frowned and said: "When Lin went to find Kushina today, she found that Kushina was very abnormal, as if someone else was pretending, so she came to me and told me about it... Kushina has something about me... The mark of Flying Thunder God has lost its connection, so it should be sealed."

There was an extraordinary silence in the courtyard.

Sarutobi still sat silently, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and he couldn't see anything, but the veins in his hand clutching the bong were bulging.

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