Rated Hokage

Chapter 149 Chapter 148

The dimly lit Konoha Prison.

There was a musty smell in the air all the way.

Samuy, Mabui and Yumuren are no strangers to this place, they have all been imprisoned here before.

The three girls walked forward slowly, and there were all kinds of prisoners in the cells on both sides of the road. When these people saw three such beautiful and lovely girls, their eyes lit up instantly, and they all lay down on the iron bars and whistled at them. This kind of insulting remarks kept coming out.

"Little sister is developing really well."

"Would you like to come in and play with me?"

"Such a big breast, what a lewd body."


These prisoners have been imprisoned here for many years, and all of them are mentally depressed and disturbed. They know that they can't do anything and they just enjoy their mouths.

Hearing these disgusting words, Yumuren was full of annoyance, and wanted to kill this group of people now, but they are all restrained now, and they cannot use chakra.

Because of her figure and appearance, most of these words were aimed at Samyi, which made Samyi feel disgusted and uncomfortable, but she suppressed it.

They came here with business to do.

The prisoners on this floor were just ordinary prisoners, and the three of them went to the inner room, where there were ninja guards from Konoha.

Samuyi handed over the letter and was allowed to go.

In this way, he walked through two doors one after another, and finally came to a separate room.

This place is much quieter than the previous place, and there are no iron fences around it. There is only a huge stone platform on which a figure is bound tightly. The lock was imprisoned on the boulder platform.

"Master Lei Ying!" The wooden figure exclaimed, and quickly walked forward.

After the ordinary ninja is sealed and banned, there is no threat, but even if the fourth Raikage cannot use Chakra, the power of the physical body is still extremely powerful, and his supervision is much stricter, except for the chakra that seals him. In addition, his physical movements were restricted.

Unlike the other prisoners who were unkempt, Fourth Raikage was clean and his clothes were new. Special personnel came to look after him every day.

This is an S-class felon, and this is done to prevent him from getting sick. As far as Konoha is concerned, if he doesn't intend to kill him, then he will naturally live as long as possible.

The fourth generation of Raikage slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes had lost all expression.

"Master Raikage!"

All three girls gathered around.

It may be because of not speaking for a long time, Lei Ying's throat rolled for a long time before he uttered a voice: "Is it Yumu..."

"It's me, Lord Raikage!" Yumu said quickly.

"Samui, Mabui..." Lei Ying read their names one by one, thinking he was hallucinating.

"Why are you here?"

"Let's take a look at you." Samui said.

"Master Raikage, how are you doing now?" Yukito couldn't help asking, "Did they torture you?"

After finishing speaking, she tried to open the iron lock and iron chain with her hands, but it was obviously in vain. The iron chain was thicker than her thighs, and she, a ninja who couldn't use chakra, wanted to open them just wishful thinking.

Lei Ying glanced at the three of them one by one, then looked up at the ceiling of the cell with a dazed expression.

"You guys didn't come to save me... so, you were also arrested."

Yumu immediately said: "Master Lei Ying, don't worry, we will definitely find a way to rescue you!"

Lei Ying's expression became calm, and he was indifferent to what they said to save him.

He looked at the three girls again, and fixed his eyes on Yumuren: "Youmuren."

"Yes, Lord Raikage!"

"Are you still willing to sacrifice everything for the village?"

The wooden man said emotionally: "Of course!"

Lei Ying said indifferently: "Then you commit suicide now."

The three girls were stunned for a moment, and Yumuren was also a little dazed.

I only heard Lei Ying continue to say: "It seems that you are doing well now, not like the treatment that prisoners should have."

The clothes of the three girls looked very bright and beautiful, and their appearance and demeanor were no different from ordinary people. They did not look like captives at all.

Raikage said: "This kind of privilege comes from your status as Jinchuriki. As long as you die now, Konoha will not be able to get our tailed beast."


Yumuren stood there in a daze, her body froze and motionless. During this time in Konoha, she was thinking about how to rescue Raikage-sama every day, the Raikage-sama she longed for in her heart...

Lei Ying suddenly moved his body at this time, the sound of iron chains colliding and rubbing startled the three of them, and his expression became slightly distorted.

"Yumuto, have you forgotten that you are a ninja from Yunyin Village?!"


"Yumuto, for the sake of the village, aren't you willing to dedicate your life?!"

You Muren's expression was in a daze, this sentence sounded a little familiar, she had also said it to Samyi once.

At this moment, Samyi suddenly stepped forward to protect the wooden figure behind her, and looked at Lei Ying with a cold face: "Master Lei Ying, the wooden figure has been trying to save you."

Mabuyi on the side also quickly said: "Yes, Lord Raikage, we have been trying to find a way!"

But Lei Ying kept saying: "If you can't do it, you can't do it at all."

This is in Konoha Village, there are countless powerful people, and there is a Nine-Tails Jinzhu power, how could it be possible for the three little girls to do it.

His expression became more and more fierce: "Yumuto, as long as you don't die, the Erwei in your body will definitely be taken away by the Konoha ninja, and you will still die at that time! Hurry up and commit suicide now, for the sake of our village ! Yunyin will remember you!"

Yun Yin will remember them... Is there any more absurd words than this?

Yunyin Village must have now determined that Erwei fell into the hands of Konoha, and they are only labeled as captives and losers.

Seeing that they didn't agree for a long time, Lei Ying suddenly became angry, and shouted: "Yu Muren! Do you want to betray the village?!"

"Yumu man?!"

You Muren didn't respond, and her eyes had lost their original luster.

She was very excited when she came to see Raikage just now, and she was still thinking about the words along the way, how to explain her plan to Raikage-sama, and to comfort Raikage-sama to give them a little more time...

Samyi looked at the ferocious but extremely embarrassed man in front of him, how could it be the fourth generation Raikage they had longed for and followed?

She suddenly said, "It's you who deserves to be damned, Lord Raikage."

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present were all stunned.

Samuel said coldly: "Master Raikage, you are Konoha's captive now. Konoha has not killed you, isn't he planning to use you to threaten Yunyin? Do you want your village to be in trouble like this?"

Lei Ying's face also turned cold: "It turns out that you have already betrayed Yun Yin."

Samyi was not afraid at all: "You are greedy for life and afraid of death! Are you still counting on Konoha to let you go? Or are you waiting for the village to rescue you?"

Lei Ying had blue veins all over his body, he twisted his body crazily, but was imprisoned tightly on the boulder platform again, the iron chains made an unpleasant and piercing friction sound.

"Bastard! Damn it! Traitor!"


Samyi looked at the ugly and fierce Lei Ying, grabbed Yumu's hand, and led her away from here.

Lei Ying's roar was still ringing from behind, and the three of them kept walking, walking further and further away.

The three of them were silent all the way, and none of them took the initiative to speak. They were all stimulated by the scene just now.

Until they walked out of the prison, the glaring white light shone on the faces of the three of them.

The wooden man stopped suddenly.


Samyi was slightly startled, looking at the Yumu figure with his head bowed in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Samui."

"...No need to apologize." Samuel said calmly.

"I'm really sorry, I..."

The wooden man's shoulders trembled uncontrollably, Samyi was speechless, he just stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, and the wooden man burst into unbearable weeping.

Samyi comforted her for a while, then pulled Mabuyi over, and held their hands respectively.

"The three of us will continue to walk in the future and live well, just for ourselves."

"En!" Mabuyi nodded vigorously, she already agreed with this in her heart, but now that she saw Lei Ying, she became more determined.

Yumu just wiped away his tears and didn't speak.

Being in a foreign country, imprisoned... The belief that had been supporting You Muren until now suddenly collapsed.

Samui held her hand tightly, silently conveying his own temperature.


Originally, Samuel was really asked to visit Lei Ying and gave her a day off.

Samyi went to the Hokage Building in the afternoon, and went home to change into the clothes she was wearing at work.

Zhen Zhen, who was sitting on the sofa looking at the documents, glanced at her and said casually, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Uncommonly, Samuel didn't answer any real questions. He walked to the desk and looked down at the documents on the desk, asking, "Is there anything I can do?"

Seeing her appearance, her expression moved slightly, then she sat up a little bit, and patted her thigh.

Samyi obediently walked over, but instead of sitting on his lap, she sat beside Zhenzhen, lying sideways on Zhenzhen's lap.

This posture is not as beautiful as sitting on the lap, but it is more intimate, and it is the first time for her to do this.

Zhen didn't refuse, leaning on the sofa and caressing her cheeks and hair with one hand.

"Is it different from what you imagined?"

"...you guessed it all."

"Being locked up in that dark place for so long, it's normal to become a lunatic."

Samui was silent for a while: "No, he's not crazy...it was us who were crazy in the first place."

She curled up like a kitten lying on a real lap.

The movement of Zhen's hand caressing her body was getting bigger and bigger, Sam's ears were slightly flushed, and her cheek was pressed against Zhen's leg, rubbing it lightly.

"My lord..."


"Can I stay by your side all the time?"

The real hand ran through her hair, the nape of her neck, and then across her collarbone all the way down.

Samyi just bit her lower lip lightly, and in order to make the person on her body more comfortable, she even moved her body up and pressed herself even tighter in Zhenzhen's arms.

A key suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She asked with blurred eyes: "This is..."

"The key to the dungeon."

Samuyi was startled, then his eyes widened, ignoring the touch from his skin.

Zhen took out another palm-sized scroll.

"This is the scroll that can undo Raikage's seal."

Samuel felt that the real fingers were exerting some force, which made her feel a little tingling.

"Give it to Yukito."

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