Rated Hokage

151 Chapter 150

A sharp siren suddenly rang through the entire village, breaking the peaceful night of the village.

In an instant, countless figures of ninjas flew over the roof, and the pedestrians on the street also returned to their rooms in panic.

Minato and Shikaku came out of Sarutobi's house, looking at the chaotic scene, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Level 1 alert... what happened?" Lu Jiu muttered to himself.

He jumped onto the roof and stopped an Anbu just in time.

"what happened,"

"Suddenly there was a riot in the prison, and a large number of prisoners escaped."

Lu Jiu couldn't help being surprised by Anbu's answer.

Sarutobi also came to the door at this time, looking solemnly at the figure of the ninja flying on the building.

The sound of the first-level alert is usually only sounded when the village is attacked and extremely dangerous. At this time, the ninja will organize the villagers to go to the shelter, because the whole village will become a battlefield at any time.

Lu Jiu returned to the two of them, and Minato asked, "What happened?"

"A large number of prisoners in the prison have escaped."

There are many dangerous people in the Muye Prison. Letting them escape from the prison may threaten the lives of the villagers.

Yuan Fei was thoughtful when he heard the words: "Prison riots, first-level alert..."

What he thought was making a fuss out of a molehill, but the words of some prisoners would not be...

Lu Jiu glanced at Minato at this moment, his eyes flickering constantly: "Have you forgotten, who is locked up in the prison now?"

Minato was startled suddenly: "Impossible, I personally imposed his seal, and he can't break it with his own strength!"

Even though he said that, Minato felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

The other party is Raikage, and right now he is in Konoha Village, let him no matter what the situation will be...

After that, he couldn't help but wanted to leave here, but Lu Jiu grabbed Minato's arm at this moment.

Lu Jiu's strength was so great that it hurt to grab the water gate.

"Lu Jiu?"

The siren was still ringing in the sky, and the whole village was in an unspeakable tension and depression.

"Minato." Lu Jiu looked very calm.



Lu Jiu knew in his heart that this prison riot was definitely not initiated by the prisoners themselves, they did not have this ability, and it happened at this time.

Someone is helping them!

Lu Jiu said: "If Raikage really escaped from prison, then Hokage will definitely stop it."

Minato didn't respond, he was struggling violently at the moment.

The village is in chaos at the moment, and those prisoners who escaped from the prison may hurt the villagers at any time.

But Jiu Xinnai is still waiting for him to save her!

Why is this a multiple-choice question? !

This made Minato feel almost suffocated, as if what Shikaku was holding was not his arm but his throat.


The wind that came from nowhere, blew on the bodies of the three of them.

Lu Jiu showed enjoyment on his face.

He asked Sarutobi beside him, "Master Sandaime, what are you planning to do?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a deep look at the two of them, his eyes darkened slightly.

He said pointedly: "Lu Jiu, the village is the most important no matter what time it is!"

Lu Jiu laughed, "Then why don't you hurry up and protect the village and stop the enemy!"

There was no trace of respect in his tone.

Sarutobi remained silent, and took two steps to the side.

Lu Jiu, you have fallen... In the end, Wushuang's clever tricks were unable to save herself.

He sighed in his heart and felt dejected.

But he understands that he is the one who has fallen the deepest, and at this point, he has no intention of stopping Lu Jiu, and he doesn't intend to stop all of this...

Because Lu Jiu's actions can make him no longer face those things.

Sarutobi suddenly disappeared in the same place, and went to protect his village.

Only Minato and Shikahisa are left in this area.

The night is bleak and cold, and the waning moon hangs alone.

Minato looked into the distance, and under the street lights in the darkness, a confused figure was fleeing in panic.

He heard screams and ninja fighting.

"Lu Jiu... what are you thinking?"

Lu Jiu's gaze was fixed on Minato.

He said: "Now is the time when the wind blows!"

Wind blows……

Minato asked calmly, "Who do you think is helping us?"

"The oriole? Or a fisherman? Or, this is actually a big urn, a big net, waiting for us to find our own way of death."

"Lu Jiu, when did your eyes become so shallow?"

Lu Jiu said harshly, "What if Orochimaru dies in Raikage's hands?!"

Minato continued to ask: "Do you think Orochimaru is not Raikage's opponent?"

Lu Jiu didn't respond, but just looked at Minato without moving.

The meaning is obvious.

How can a criminal who has been trapped in a dark dungeon for a long time be an opponent of Hokage who is at the peak of his strength.

But what if you add an ally to the criminal?

The third generation is already unreliable, and it is even more impossible for Jiraiya to do such a thing.

Only he, Namikaze Minato!

Minato suddenly clenched his fists, lowered his head so that his face could not be seen clearly, and then loosened powerlessly after a long time.

desire for power

It's ugly.

When I really sit in that seat, will I become like this...

The Hokage he longed for, the village he loved so much.

"Lu Jiu... When did you become like this?"

"Minato, what kind of person do you think you are?" Lu Jiu asked back, his expression gradually calmed down.

"Everyone has two sides."

"When one of you loses, the other you are needed to save the game."

Minato couldn't help asking: "Why do you feel that the old you failed?"

Lu Jiu's eyes sank slightly, but he said, "Minato, it was you who made me become like this."

"What did you say?"

Lu Jiu said calmly: "Your stalwart is upright, your impartiality is selfless, you are a perfect person."

"I have always firmly believed that assisting you like this can make Konoha prosperous and strong like never before, and you will become an unprecedented shadow!"

"But we lost because our enemies were a bunch of filthy rats who were nothing but machinations!"

"They will keep gnawing at our flesh and blood in places where they can't see the light, and they will not stop until they kill us completely. Facing such an enemy, how can we win? Do we rely on the old you and me?"


Lu Jiu said slowly: "Minato, if your other side doesn't come out, let me come."

"You resist me so much because you know that you also had the same bad thoughts and thoughts, even if it was just for a moment, it did exist, and that is the other side of you."

"You're not against me, you're against yourself!"

"But you have to understand that our opponent is such a person, we can only use this method!"

"Minato, I must win this time, for you, for Haiyi, Dingzuo, and for the families behind us."


Minato made no sound or moved.

He is a person deeply respected by the villagers, and he is a person with countless radiance...

He has no other side and cannot have another.

He is a man who is used to being a hero.

"Lu Jiu."


"Here in the village, Lord Sandaime is here, I'll go rescue Kushina first...it should be fine."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to evacuate and protect the villagers."

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