Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 262: Entertainment: Aquaman Games (83)

   Chapter 262 Entertainment: Aquaman Games (83)

  Zhai Li frantically called Jiao Yang, but no one answered. He searched in the city, not letting go of every corner.

   to no avail.

  Zhai Li came to the street and looked at the noisy surroundings in confusion. He lowered his head, and unknowingly, he had already bent down in pain.

   For the first time, he was so helpless, so hated, and hated that he was too weak. If something happened to her, he would not even have the ability or bargaining chip to compete with her.

   The conversation with my father just now is still vivid in my mind

   "Why are you so worried about that woman? Li, tell Dad the truth." Zhai Qiwu took a deep breath to calm himself down.

   He put his hand on Zhai Li's shoulder with a serious face, "Between you and her, isn't it?"

   But it's strange, Ali looks rebellious, but in fact he has always been very good in private. Ali doesn't like to socialize, and he has few friends around him. He usually doesn't go anywhere except home and school, and spends the rest of his time in music. When did he come into contact with that woman?

  Zhai Qiwu kept thinking about it, and suddenly thought that at home that day, Awen asked him to watch his brother-in-law on the grounds of going to the crew to take a tour.

   Zhai Qiwu's pupils shrank. Yes, at that time. Is it.

"That's right, Jiaoyang is the girl I mentioned to my father last time," Zhai Li smiled, but the corner of his mouth showed a cold smile, "I'm chasing her, and will keep chasing her until she agrees to marry her. I am together."

   "Are you crazy?" Zhai Qiwu pinched his son's shoulders, "She is the woman who ruined your sister's family! As Lu Tingwan's lover, she even pedals two boats"

   "It turned out to be Lu Tingwan." Zhai Li lowered his head and smiled softly.

  Zhai Qiwu could only see his bangs and a pale jaw.

   "What?" He was stunned for a few seconds.

"Thank you Dad for telling me about this," Zhai Li raised his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his dark purple pupils were even full of peace, "Let your son, who has no advantage at all, at least know who his rival in love is. "

  "You" Zhai Qiwu widened his eyes in astonishment, watching the pace he was about to walk, and pulled him again.

"You met her once at that time, and it has evolved into her now? Have you ever thought about the reason, the purpose of the woman, and the means she has. Make you what you are now!

   Makes you dizzy enough to stand against your father and sister who have been with you for more than ten years for a woman you don't understand at all! We are your relatives whose blood is thicker than water. She even got involved in your sister's marriage. Such a woman is the most shameful! "

   "Who is ashamed!"

  Zhai Li was suddenly provoked again. If he felt quiet and melancholy just now, now he is like a lion that suddenly burst out. A storm was brewing in the dark purple pupils, and it was dark.

   Zhai Qiwu was stunned again.

   "Don't let me hear that Jiaoyang ruined her sister's marriage in the future, her marriage was ruined by herself.

  You know that there are so many excellent men around Jiaoyang. Including me, I am your only son and will inherit the Zhai family sooner or later, and I listen to her more than everyone else. "

  Zhai Li lowered her eyelashes: "If she really wants to marry into a wealthy family, why didn't she just agree to be with me, but choose brother-in-law, a man with a family?"

   (end of this chapter)

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