Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 263: Entertainment: Aquaman Games (84)

   Chapter 263 Entertainment: Aquaman Game (84)

   "If she is really as calculating as you say, then it is impossible for her to not know the future value of me, which is far higher than my brother-in-law."

  Zhai Li bowed his head and smiled bitterly: "I really hope she is what you said, because it means that I can get her without any suspense.

   But father, you know that this is definitely not Jiaoyang's fault, so why do you attribute your sister's misfortune to her? Jiaoyang couldn't do that. If Jiaoyang is not in love with her brother-in-law, then her brother-in-law must have concealed his marriage, or he was holding her hand in his hands and forcing Jiaoyang to have a relationship with him."

  Thinking about this, Zhai Li's eyes flashed with anger, and it was fleeting: "It seems that the real **** is someone else."

  Zhai Qiwu's eyes widened: "How could you." How could he say such a thing as a son who was so pure and flawless, who had been such a good protector since childhood.

   "You think I don't know anything?" Zhai Li smiled helplessly, "Actually, I know everything, really everything. This circle, this world."

  Dad always thinks that he protects them very well, and all his actions will not affect them, but in fact, his words and deeds affect them all the time in life. The father pretended to be deaf, and they became dumb.

  Perhaps the sentence, like a father, like a son, is right.

   "son, son."

  Zhai Qiwu looked at the thin child in front of him, and he was suddenly scared.

  Zhai Qiwu stepped forward, took his son in his arms, and gently patted Ali on the back to comfort him every time he had nightmares as a child. Sometimes feelings are really enough to destroy a person, and he doesn't want his son to repeat the mistakes of Awen.

  His voice: "You have liked music since you were a child, and you have an almost obsessive hobby for music. But you don't like socializing, you don't even talk much to your sister, and you have fewer contacts.

  So when you meet that woman, you will inevitably have a new kind of feeling, this is not love"

"This is."

   Zhai Li repeated it stubbornly, then pushed him away with a smile and walked out.

"I really don't like to socialize, but that doesn't mean I don't. It got worse after that, just because I was tired of people around me always approaching me for various inexplicable reasons. But this is the first time I feel this way. , and it will be the only time.”

Zhai Li looked at his father, "Maybe my father and I are still different, because my sister and I are both mother's children, maybe my sister's method is wrong, but the same is that when we fall in love with someone, we won't be half-hearted. .Since I've identified her in this life, it's her."

   Zhai Li folded his pockets, Zhai Qiwu slumped on the chair with a pale face, watching him go out.

   "I'm going to her, I hope you don't get involved in my feelings. If you don't want to see me become like my sister or brother-in-law."

  The memory came back, Zhai Li held his head, dizzy in the sun.

Did    sister go to Jiaoyang to trouble you?

  Where is she now, is she hiding in a corner crying helplessly.

   What will my sister do to her.

   For some reason, his memory went back to that day, Jiaoyang leaned close to his ear and rolled his eyes: "If you want me, kick your father out of power."

   "Kill your dad"

"kill him"

   (end of this chapter)

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