Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 261: Entertainment: Aquaman Games (82)

   Chapter 261 Entertainment: Aquaman Games (82)

   "Since you pay so much attention to us, then Lu Tingwan cares about me, you can't see that, uncle?"

  Jiaoyang smiled and tilted his head, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have said something like a hundred causes and consequences just now."

   "What do you want to do." Cheng Chu frowned.

"What I have to do is very simple," she smiled brightly, "I want to use Lu Tingwan to get everything I want, and then let him fall to the ground when he thinks he is the happiest. I want him to die with the deepest pain and despair."

   "It's not that easy to overthrow Lu Tingwan." Cheng Chu frowned, "He has come all the way to this day, and the forces behind him have long been united."

   "Of course I know, so I'm never that troublesome to do things," Jiaoyang rolled his eyes, "I will defeat him in my own way, in Sheng Jiaoyang's way."

   After finishing all this, Lu Tingwan returned home stiffly, with an inescapable smell of blood on his body. He didn't even notice it himself, he unknowingly returned there, the manor he bought for Sheng Jiaoyang.

   He sneered, whether he was mocking her or self-deprecating.

   At this moment, a phone call came.

"What, was saved?" Lu Tingwan sneered at the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Who is this person who doesn't have long eyes? A hypocritical person like him deserves to be protected? Am I another day? I should also do charity work, and there will be a large group of people who say that I am a good person and hypocritical."

   "Mr. Lu, President Lu is not good"

  The nanny still had a wound on her head, but at the moment she couldn't care less and rushed down, still holding something in her hand.

  Lu Tingwan hung up the phone quickly, and his anger was backlogged for a while: "Don't you know I can't disturb me when I'm on the phone? Is it courting death?"

   "Yes, but you told me that as long as it's about Miss Sheng, you can go ahead at any time."

  The nanny hurriedly shut up, the pressure on Mr. Lu's body was terrifyingly low at this moment.

   "Lu, Mr. Lu."

   She handed over the pregnancy test stick she found with trembling hands. She originally thought that Mr. Lu would change his opinion of Miss Sheng after reading this. But now it seems that she suddenly feels mysterious.

   What if Miss Sheng is pregnant with Mr. Lu's child? What if Mr. Lu knew about this and felt that Miss Sheng had ulterior motives in approaching him, but instead killed their mother and daughter?

  No. No, Mr. Lu knows, at least there is still a glimmer of hope. Miss Sheng's situation will not be worse than it is now.

  Lu Tingwan glanced, but didn't react for a while. He sneered and sneered:

   "You're pregnant? It's really strange. I don't know which man would want an ugly, ugly woman like you. Would he have the guts? Or do you think you made a mistake, and you can escape punishment when you get pregnant"

   "Mr. Lu."

   The nanny bit her lower lip, and for the first time, she was so daring that she interrupted Mr. Lu, "This pregnancy test stick was found in Miss Sheng's room."

   "Sheng Jiaoyang? Are you still embarrassed to mention her?" Hearing that name, Lu Tingwan's face distorted instantly, "Do you still want to say that Sheng Jiaoyang is pregnant?"

   The man sneered coldly and turned his face away. Then suddenly realized something, his face changed suddenly.

   "What did you say?!" He widened his eyes and twisted the nanny's collar, ignoring that the fabric of her clothes stained his precious fingers.

  The nanny looked at him in horror.

   (end of this chapter)

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