Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 111: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (1)

  Chapter 111 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: The second brother of the evildoer (1)

   Sheng Zheng will never forget his first encounter with her.


  Shen Dashuai's second son, Sheng Zheng, has been absurd for half his life. Relying on his military rank, he has committed all kinds of evil, including cockfighting, murder and arson, and robbing women!

  On this day, Sheng Zheng, who was nesting among the women, received a call from his eldest brother, ordering him to immediately go to the train station to pick up their sister who had returned from studying abroad!

  Zheng Shao answered the phone, wearing an orthodox military uniform with a belt cross-body. Laughing lazily, a pair of fox eyes gleamed with style. The famous Second Young Master Sheng is powerful, powerful, beautiful and romantic.

   He inherited the advantages of the Sheng family's genes, his facial features are exquisite and perfect, and there is only one evil spirit. How many women's dream lovers, the only disadvantage is that he has a bad temper, is evil, and has the same virtue as his younger brother Sheng Xiao.

   However, none of them could have imagined that the Sheng family was about to usher in a little devil who completely changed their lives!

   Sheng Xiao was staying in the next room, also wearing a military uniform, with a batch of fresh slaves kneeling in front of him. Most of them are family elders, wives and children who rebelled against the Party in this area.

   He wiped the muzzle in his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was bloodthirsty and cruel.



  The sound of gunshots kept ringing, blood stained the floor red, and faced the cries and pleadings of the people in front of them, whether the elderly, women and children, or children. They kept kowtowing in front of him, bleeding from their heads, and then fell one by one.

   He started to get excited.

   Sheng Xiaoshao, seven years younger than the second brother Sheng Zheng, the living ancestor of the Sheng family, also looks extremely beautiful. He is sinister and ruthless.

   He also likes to play, not only likes to play with women, but also likes to play with human life.

   "The lowly bones should be taught a lesson."

   He let out a low laugh, pinned the gun to his waist, and stepped out, with a scarlet mess behind him: "Clean it up."

   The servants of the others responded quickly, but Sheng Xiaoshao did not reply. He came to the living room and saw the second brother who was about to go out. He had a smirk on the corner of his mouth and leaned against the door frame with a smile.

   "Second brother, are you going to pick up your sister? I'll go too."

  The snow in the north is particularly heavy, and it is a vast expanse of white.

  The two brothers wrapped themselves tightly, and still sneezed several times.

   Sheng Zheng frowned, got out of the car, went into the phone booth and made a call, the other party was quickly picked up: ".Where are you?"

   Sheng Zheng took a deep breath, and to be honest, he was a little uncomfortable with being suddenly told that he had a younger sister.

   They have never been short of women, and they have brought women home.

   However, it is indeed a matter of getting used to getting used to being with a little girl who is only a teenager.

   "I'm in a cafe, it's snowing too much outside." The little girl's voice came from the phone, sweet and soft, very well behaved.

   Sheng Zheng was stunned for a while, then turned his head and saw Sheng Xiao's puzzled look inside the car.

   "Then how do I find you?" he asked.

   "Come to the coffee shop to find me, look at me, and the one who looks the best is me."

   Sheng Zheng: "...??"

WTF? If he sees a beautiful little girl later and asks her "Are you my sister", he will definitely be regarded as a hooligan, okay? !

   Besides, he has no good reputation in this area.

  Sheng Zheng wanted to say something else, but the phone was hung up and the voice came from his ears: "Beep, beep, beep"

   Sheng Zheng: "..."

   I'll see if I can post it first. Overhead, please mistakenly refer to history.



   (end of this chapter)

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