Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 112: Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: the second brother of the evildoer (2)

   Chapter 112 Miss Jiao of the Republic of China: The Second Brother Boo (2)

  Jiaoyang sat in the cafe with a cup of steaming coffee on the table in front of him.

  This little girl, from the beginning to now, has attracted the attention of countless people around. And she held her head boredly and looked out the window from time to time.

   She wore it about a month ago.

   The place where I came this time is a novel of the Republic of China. This is an era of warlords and wars.

  In the original plot, the story of Sheng Zheng, the second young master of the Sheng family, is the main line. It tells the story of how he grew from a dude who only knew how to indulge in sensuality to a real soldier.

   And the character with the same name and surname that Jiaoyang is now passing through is the fourth young lady who was recovered after the Sheng family lived abroad for many years and returned from overseas, that is, Sheng Zheng's younger sister.

   In fact, the real fourth young lady of the Sheng family was shot and killed while studying abroad. The current one is a special agent under the command of the southern warlord Cheng Jiuye, codenamed "z".

  She replaced the identity of the original owner Sheng Jiaoyang, and was ordered to lurk in the Sheng family of the northern warlord to deliver information to Jiuye.

   Just in the original plot, "z" was deeply infatuated with her titular second brother Sheng Zheng, even though the second brother didn't care about her, she still betrayed Jiu Ye for Sheng Zheng.

   And Sheng Zheng finally found out the real identity of this woman, but it was not his sister. But he kept pretending to be deaf and dumb, and instead used her to smack Cheng Jiuye, and then threw her down mercilessly.

  In the end, the original owner was killed by Cheng Jiuye in an extremely cruel way. The body was thrown into a corner where no one cared about it. It gradually rotted and stinks, and was used as food by wild dogs or homeless refugees.

   And Sheng Zheng finally married the wise young lady of the Mo family. Although he never had any feelings for her from beginning to end, he still didn't know what love is in the world, but he gained both fame and fortune.

   With flowers and applause, he became a true and admired hero.

   In his words: "A man who achieves great things, and the small sacrifices of others, are nothing to be concerned about."

  The task that Jiaoyang received——

  [Under the condition of not breaking the character design, rewrite the ending as the original owner. 】

   Just the day before yesterday, Jiaoyang was sent by Cheng Jiuye to Sheng's house. However, she obviously did not intend to be as obedient as the original owner.

  Jiaoyang quickly told Cheng Jiuye with his actions, what is it that the released bird can't fly back.

   I wonder where he is jumping with rage right now.

   However, to be honest, after receiving this plot, Jiao Yang had a strong urge to fall in love with Sheng Zheng. However, she is now his nominal sister, and there may be some trouble with her identity.

   But Jiaoyang likes to conquer men he can't get, doesn't he?

   However, just when he saw Sheng Zheng's face, the impulse in Jiaoyang's heart was like a fire, the more it burned.

  What is a demon and what is a disaster. Even Jiaoyang, who is used to seeing beauty, has to praise Sheng Zheng's beauty at this moment. Although the word "beauty" may be inappropriate for a man.

   Surely so.

  Jiaoyang stared blankly at the figure of the two men walking towards him in the distance, unable to look away for a long time.

The    system began to feel a little unsettled. It was worried that the host would fall into the love web woven by itself and indulge in the beauty of this man, just like the original owner or other raiders in the past.

   (end of this chapter)

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