Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 110: Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (

   Chapter 110 Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, seemingly affectionate but ruthless (End)

   Jiaoyang had less than a month left, and they accompanied her to many places.

   They saw the most beautiful early days, the brightest sea of ​​flowers, and the most romantic customs.

  No one wants to monopolize her anymore, no one asks who she loves the most, in the world of five people, they live peacefully and happily.

   "It should have been this way, it should have been this way..." Ling said jokingly more than once.

   Once, when they watched the sunset together, the red sunset glowed on them.

  She closed her eyes.

   went very peacefully, without the slightest pain. Still smiling, as if asleep.

  The Sheng family held Jiaoyang's funeral.

  The funeral was very grand, and many people came to see him. There are even foreigners.

   Mr. Sheng is the only one left alone, but they often go to see him.

   After a while, he seemed to come out.

   "I had a granddaughter, her name is Sheng Jiaoyang," he always said proudly to outsiders.

   As for them, no one mentioned that name again.

   But no one can forget her

   Three months after that, Ling came to her grave and looked at the tombstone, the little girl who smiled heartlessly.

   There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "I will give you one of our most luxurious weddings."

   The promises I made in the past are still vivid in my eyes, but the big dream came to nothing.

  Ling lowered her body, half kneeling. He had only one diamond ring in his life and slowly placed it in front of the grave.

  Huo Quci took over the Huo family, and his temperament changed drastically. The killing is decisive and impersonal. Anyone who mentions his name will feel intimidated.

   Huo Quci, the young master of the Huo family, he is a lunatic

   In the end, he will become a cold man like his father.

  Han Shuqi's performance was exceptionally calm. He has been like this since he returned home.

   He was in the room, flipping through the photos he and the girl had taken overseas. Peach blossom's eyes gradually filled with tears, and he smiled happily.

   He opened the drawer, slashed his wrist with the blade, and slowly lay back on the bed. Keep happiness forever in that moment.

   This time, he wished he would never wake up again.

   Jiang Cheng became a respected soldier. Everyone who sees him has to give three points.

   His career is booming, but no other woman has ever appeared by his side.

   "The Jiang family, who has been brilliant for a lifetime, is about to die..." Everyone said so.

   No matter how his parents begged, he could not change his mind.

   Once, he was sitting in the office, flipping through the books in his hand. It is a story that happened in the Republic of China. The factory roared, and rickshaws were everywhere.

   He was attracted by the word "Sheng".

  Jiang Cheng looked over, there was an old black and white photo posted there, a girl was sitting on a rickshaw. It's just that I can't see it clearly because it's so old.

   He somehow felt that the girl in this photo looked a bit like her.

   He laughed at himself, he had hallucinations.

  Jiang Cheng put the book back, his eyes dimmed, and he silently looked out the window.

  The garden is full of flowers.

   "Jiang Cheng, I like to grow flowers the most."

   "The delicate flowers are for pity, aren't they?"

   "In the future, the house I live in must be full of flowers. You shouldn't like cats, right?"

   There was once a little girl who always liked to drag his arm and kiss him on the cheek.

   Then he would laugh and reach out and rub her head.

   thought, didn't he keep cats all the time?

  #From March, the flowers are in full bloom, and the sun is not seen. #

   This plane is over, the next plane is the Republic of China, (pseudo) orthopedics.




   (end of this chapter)

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