After a little analysis,

Lin Tian immediately calmed down again.

Seeing that the other party has begun to approach, it

is easy to arouse suspicion if you want to hide your figure at this moment.


, he hid the vigilance and vigilance on his face, and took the stronger Agni Gull back to the hidden strength in the Spirit Ball first, while showing a sunny smile and slowly waiting for the vehicle to approach.

About a few tens of seconds later,

an off-road vehicle drove in front of Lin Tian.

In the car, there was only a middle-aged man wearing a brown hat.


the car, the middle-aged man took off his hat and got out of the car, showing a puzzled look and asked Lin Tian: "What are you doing here?" I don't know that this is the Barbarian Wasteland, and it is a yellow alert level danger area!

Lin Tian pretended to have a sleepy face, scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I just got the pocket monster not long ago, I came out to adventure and play too much, and I saw that it was too late, so I temporarily slept here." The

middle-aged man frowned when he heard this, and then took out a document and said: "I am Haisen, the explorer of the Monster Fighting Alliance, and at present, above this barbarian wasteland, there is a suppressed ferocious beast that has lost control, and the Monster Fighting Alliance is trying to deal with it."

"This area is too dangerous now, you'd better leave immediately."

"If you need help, you can ride in my buggy."

When Lin Tian heard this, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know, but my home is in a small village not far away, so I won't bother you to help." The

middle-aged man nodded when he heard this, and seeing that Lin Tian refused his help, he didn't say more, turned around and got into the car

, and before parting, he also specially reminded Lin Tian: "I heard that a murderer appeared in the nearby Future Town, and now he has killed hundreds of members of the Law Enforcement Department!"

"If your family lives nearby, be sure to tell your family and friends to be careful!"

When Lin Tian heard this, he immediately corrected: "Nonsense! He should have killed less than 100 people, right? "

Huh?" The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard this.

Lin Tian quickly waved his hand and said, "I mean, it's really terrifying!"

Mentioning this murder case, the middle-aged man's face was also a little chilly, and he suppressed his throat and said: "That guy is a pure devil!" It is said that he deliberately tied the captain of the law enforcement team to the center of the jungle as bait, and after most of the law enforcement team entered the jungle, a fire set the entire forest on fire!

Lin Tian was shocked when he heard this: "It's so cruel!"

The middle-aged man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose: "There have indeed been some uneven things in this neighborhood recently... Are you sure you don't need me to take you away?

Lin Tian nodded and asked rhetorically, "Can I ask you again, what direction is the out-of-control ferocious beast you mentioned now?" The

middle-aged man frowned when he heard this: "How?" Do you still want to check it out?

Lin Tian quickly shook his head: "No, I know where the danger is, I want the people in the village to flee in the opposite direction, and then move back after the danger is lifted after a while!" The

middle-aged man nodded abruptly and pointed in the direction for Lin Tian: "Just over there, in a canyon more than ten kilometers away, although the Monster Fighting Alliance should be able to control the situation, but for the sake of safety, if you want to temporarily evacuate this vicinity, there is no problem."

When Lin Tian heard this, he bowed and thanked him.

The middle-aged man nodded and drove away.

Looking at the direction in which the off-road vehicle left

, the immaturity and panic on Lin Tian's face slowly disappeared, replaced by excitement and anticipation: "A fierce beast out of control... Sounds like a strong look! "


After another two hours of rest,

the sky was bright.

Lin Tian immediately embarked on the journey again, heading in the direction that the middle-aged man had guided for himself, wanting to try to use the cheating ball to capture this sensational ferocious beast and expand his combat power.

Along the way, he let the fire gulls hover in mid-air, always observing the surrounding situation, avoiding danger in advance before he found the out-of-control ferocious beast, wasting his money to buy cheating balls.

Dodge other monsters along the way and make no detours.

It wasn't until about noon that

Lin Tian walked seven or eight kilometers.

As the sun became more and more intense,

Lin Tian's head sweated more and more.

The large amount of dehydration left him dry mouth,

feeling unwell and dizzy.

Lack of water will hinder people's physical functions, dry mouth, and thinking will also be affected.

In order to maintain his state and avoid losing his cool head in the dangerous wilderness

, Lin Tian could only give up and continue to hurry, giving priority to finding water sources.

The good news is.

Not far away, in a small dense forest,

Lin Tian successfully found a small river ditch.

The bad news is.

When he found this water source, there were already people resting here.

The other party looked to be in his twenties

, a young man, carrying a backpack, looking Lin Tian up and down.

Seeing the young man looking at him, sweeping his gaze up and down, and not speaking,

a bad premonition emerged in Lin Tian's heart.


, he still did not act rashly, but suppressed the urge to take the lead, and greeted the other party with a smile: "Hello, I also want to drink some water here, is that okay?" The

young man squinted his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke up: "How do I think you are a little familiar..."

Lin Tian was suddenly startled in his heart, ready to command the fire gull at the height to attack, and at the same time his hand was also stretched into his arms, as long as he flung it out, the coyote dog who was resting in the elf ball would also appear as soon as possible to join the battle.


"Why are you so much like my dad?"

The young man's subsequent words made Lin Tian stunned.

Seeing the young man walk in and look at his face for a while

, Lin Tian waved his hand speechlessly: "Thank you, many people say so." The

young man laughed and said, "I'm sorry, it's a bit rude, but you really look like my father!" Believe it or not, I have pictures here!

With that, he handed over a photo.

Lin Tian glanced at it.

The man in the photo has a horse face, a non-mainstream braided head, two large and one small eyes, a green onion nose hippopotamus mouth, and several teeth in the mouth popping out obliquely....

Let's just say

that when Lin Tian played "School Tricks" before, he had never encountered such an ugly ghost that was too long.

"Isn't it similar to you! Ha ha!

"If you like it, I'll give this photo to you as a souvenir!"

Seeing Lin Tian's attention, the young man waved his hand generously and smiled.

Rip and pull!

Taking the photo

, Lin Tian directly put it in his pocket and tore it up, and then pulled away the topic with an expressionless face: "Why did you appear here?" Didn't it say recently that there is an out-of-control ferocious beast in this area? The

young man smiled and said, "I am a rock monster trainer, and I came here to see what that out-of-control rock monster looks like." "It's

a pity that when I just wanted to get close to the canyon, I was prevented from expelling by the people of the Competitive Alliance."

"By the way, it seems that you should also be a monster trainer! I finally ran into it here, how about we fight each other? Before

the words fell,

Lin Tian's eyes popped up.

[Iwa-young Hikoichi challenges you! ] 【

Defeat your opponent in a trainer battle and you will be rewarded with money! 】 】


Seeing that there was money to be made,

Lin Tian naturally nodded happily: "Okay!" "

A battle between monster trainers begins!

"Hmph, it's your honor to have the honor to meet the trump card I have worked so hard to cultivate!" With a confident snort, the young man Yanyi threw out the Spirit Ball, "Come out, Big Rock Snake!" "

A tall rock snake-shaped pocket monster with a flash of white light!

[Rock Youth Hikoichi sent out the Great Rock Snake (lv38!)

Dare to act in this dangerous barbarian wilderness

, the rock youth Yanyi is naturally strong, and his ace big rock snake level is as high as level 38!

A level 38 monster can also be regarded as a high-level monster above the entire barbarian wilderness


Although, as a rock monster,

the species of large rock snake is not rare.

However, among the rock pocket monsters

, the combat power of the big rock snake is one of the best, and the attack and defense are relatively comprehensive, which is an extremely suitable pocket monster type for combat!

With this monster in hand, Lin Tian's safety in the wilderness of the barbarian beast is basically guaranteed

, and considering that it is necessary to break through the defense line of the personnel of the Fighting Alliance and enter the canyon after that, it is possible to subdue the out-of-control fierce

beast, Lin Tian's heart moved, and decided to take this big rock snake under his command before going to subdue the fierce beast, and once again improve his combat power.

As soon as the mind moves, the cheat shop opens immediately!

[You spend 10,000 money to buy Cheat Ball X1] [Current remaining money: 11,000]


"Come back, Big Rock Snake!!"

With a loud shout

, Lin Tian threw out the cheat ball, and

the powerful big rock snake of level 38 was directly pocketed by him!

Seeing this, the young man was stunned, and after being silent for a long time, he angrily stretched out his finger and pointed at Lin Tian: "You... You actually snatched my big rock snake! Can you be a little more vile and shameless!

When Lin Tian heard this, he quickly nodded and said, "Yes!" "

Come out, Great Rock Serpent! Finish him off for me! "

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