"Agni gull, use continuous burning to help me burn all the members of the law enforcement team and their monsters in this jungle to ashes!"

With Lin Tian's order

, the Agni Gull flew to a high place, spitting flames from its mouth!


The raging flames spread quickly and quickly ignited the jungle!

After consuming two bottles of energy potion,

the special attack attribute of the Agni Gull has reached an outrageous 105!

This is almost a huge attribute that ordinary pocket monsters can only possess at level 50!

Therefore, the effect of its use of fire skills is also extremely strong, far beyond the power it should have at the current level, and the terrifying flames quickly cover the entire jungle.

Lin Tian's vision was soon shrouded in a crimson color!

At the same time

, in front of Lin Tian's eyes, gratifying prompts also popped up one after another.

[Your Agni Gull defeated the Coyote Dog!] 【

Your Agni Gull defeated the Wind Speed Dog!】 【

Your Agni Gull defeated Kimoriya! 】 【

Your Agni Gull level has been increased from lv18 to lv19!】 】


[Your fire gull defeated the wild green caterpillar! ] 【

Your Agni Gull level increased from lv21 to lv22!】 【

Your Agni Gull stats have been greatly improved! 】 】

【Your talent "Burning Soul Loot" is triggered, and you will receive additional rewards: 8900 money, good damage medicine x8, Poké ball x4, energy recovery potion x2! ] 】


This raging fire took the lives of a large number of members of the Law Enforcement Department and their pocket monsters, and even a large number of wild pocket monsters in the jungle were not spared!

In the process,

the level of the Agni Gull soared rapidly!

At the same time, Lin Tian's talent "Burning Soul Loot" also continued to play a role, providing Lin Tian with a large amount of money and consumable props, which made his money reserves, which were already close to the bottom, return to above 20,000 again!

Seeing that the goal was achieved and the harvest was credited

, Lin Tian did not stay here too much, and immediately used the flying ability of the fire gull to land from the cliff and enter a wilderness under the cliff.

After all, more powerful pursuers could come at any time.

The strength shown by dealing with this law enforcement team on his own is enough to arouse major vigilance.

The next time the pursuers come again, I am afraid that it will not be this small shrimp.


he still needs to get out of the city as soon as possible.

Grabbing the legs of the flaming gull, floating in midair

, Lin Tian looked back at the direction of the future town, and inexplicably felt a little melancholy.

After sighing slightly

, he couldn't help but recite a wonderful poem:

"I go gently,

as I come gently."

I gently set a fire to try

not to leave a single mouth alive. "


Although the process was a little tortuous

, in the end, Lin Tian still successfully got his own initial pocket monster, left the novice village and embarked on his own journey as a monster trainer!

It's just that due to some small mistakes, dozens of people were killed and a forest was burned.

The world may not be so friendly to him now.

The world is big, but there is no place for Lin Tian, and

after entering an uninhabited

wilderness, he can only start roaming aimlessly above the wilderness.

On the first day of entering the wilderness, in order to avoid the tracking of the law enforcement department

as much as possible, Lin Tian tried to go deep into the wilderness

as much as possible.

That evening, after crossing a small river, a

prompt popped up in front of my eyes.

[You have left the city limits and entered the Yellow Alert Zone: Barbarian Wasteland! ] 【Warning

: The level of pocket monsters in the Barbarian Wasteland is between lv30~lv45! Your pocket monster is currently too low a level and the area is too dangerous for you! 】


Seeing the prompt in front of him

, Lin Tian first breathed a sigh of relief, but then immediately became nervous.

The relief is because he

has left the city under the control of humans, and the probability of continuing to be hunted down should be reduced a lot, and he should no longer have to worry about the threat from his compatriots in a short period of time.

Nervousness is due to the

sudden increase in threat from monsters!

Although there is a cheat ball in the cheating shop

, Lin Tian can directly collect it for his own use when he encounters a powerful monster, and at the same time defuse the crisis.

But the problem now is that

he doesn't have a lot of money on hand!

Today, he has 20,000 dollars left on him.

At most, you can buy two cheat balls.

If there are two or fewer monsters attacking,

he can naturally defuse the crisis through the cheat ball.

However, among the wild pocket monsters, there are many types that live in groups.

In case more than a dozen high-level pocket monsters came in one breath

, even if Lin Tian subdued two through the cheat ball, he would not be able to get out of danger at all!

"Judging from the current situation, I should not be able to return to the city in a short time... While I still have money, I have to quickly collect some pocket monsters that are strong enough to ensure my safety in the wild.

"First ensure safety, and then further think about improving strength."

"Fortunately, with the talent of Burning Soul Loot, I can earn money through battles, so even if I don't enter the town, the help brought by the cheat shop can still help me."

Lin Tian sighed slightly and stopped by the river.

At this time, it was dark.

It's late enough.

And today has already walked too much

, Lin Tian's ordinary body in the game, can not bear to continue marching.


he planned to rest by the river tonight.

Rest here, although not a good option.

But at least, it didn't go deep into the barbarian wasteland, and it wasn't

too dangerous at night.

Moreover, there was an ample supply of water around him, and

Lin Tian did not have to spend extra physical strength to find a source of drinking water.

After drinking a few sips of water and replenishing his dry body

, Lin Tian asked the coyote dog to come back from some branches in the distant dense forest, and then let the fire gull spit flames to ignite the branches, and a simple rest point was completed.

Let the two pocket monsters be in charge of guarding

, while Lin Tian is by the warm fire, closing his eyes and resting.


As the hours passed, the sky began to glow slightly.

When he was half-dreaming and waking up,

the howl of the coyote dog immediately made Lin Tian sit up in shock!


Lin Tian also immediately heard the roar of the machine, and looked in the direction where the coyote dog's gaze was, and not far away, he saw that two lights directly illuminated the wilderness path in front of him.

It looks like a car rushing in the dark.

It seems that noticing the fire on this side, the

car slows down.

After hesitating for a moment, he

began to come in the direction where Lin Tian was!

When Lin Tian saw this scene, he couldn't help but be slightly startled in his heart.

"Is it someone from the Ministry of Law Enforcement?"

"No, it shouldn't be, the other party came out of the barbarian wasteland, and it is most likely not a pursuer of the law enforcement department."

"Moreover, the other party seems to be small in number, the back seat is empty, that is to say, there are only one or two people, do you want to try to contact and get some information?"

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