"Come out, Big Rock Snake! Finish him off for me! As

Lin Tian threw the Spirit Ball out,

a white light flashed!

The big rock snake that had just been subdued by Lin Tian reappeared!

However, at this time

, this powerful big rock snake had already changed owners, obeyed Lin Tian's order, and attacked his previous master without hesitation!

"Don't! Big Rock Snake, it's me! Facing

the brute force of the big rock snake

, the young man hurriedly dodged, took out two poké balls from his backpack, and two

rock pocket monsters appeared!

One of them is a gray dog with a large rock on his back.

The other is a stone monster with a fist and a head!

[Rock youth Hikoichi sent out rumbling stone (lv25!)

[Rock youth Hikoichi sent out the rock dog dog (lv23!)

Although the level of these two pocket monsters is not low

, compared to his ace big rock snake, the combat effectiveness is very different.


the flaming gulls hovering high in the sky are not vegetarian!

"Big Rock Snake, use 'Rockfall'! Attack Rumblestone! "

Agni gull, use 'fireball'! Attack the Rock Dog!

"Lin Tian gave an order, and

the two pocket monsters acted at the same time!

The big rock snake formed a ball shape and suddenly rushed towards the rumbling stone!

The Agni Gull condenses flames in the air, and a huge fireball spits out in its mouth!

Although, in general,

the rock system is restrained from fire.

The damage caused by fire attacks to rock pocket monsters will be greatly reduced.

However, Lin Tian's Flaming Gull Special Attack is as high as hundreds of points!

This is almost an attribute that only ordinary pocket monsters can have when they reach LV50 level!

This means that the fire attack used by the Agni Gull is far more powerful than usual!

Therefore, when a fireball larger than the size of a flaming gull condensed in the air, the

rock youth was shocked.

"Rumble stone, use hardened!"

"Rock dog, get out of the way!"

He shouted urgently!

Although, at the most critical moment,

he still made a relatively rational command.

But it's too late!


The large rock snake curled up into a huge stone block directly knocked the rumbling stone out.

Due to the huge level advantage

, with just one blow,

the Great Rock Snake will seriously injure the rumbling stone!

On the other side,

the huge fireball of the Agni Gull directly devoured the rock dog!

Even though, the level of the Agni Gull is one level worse than that of the Rock Dog.

Even though, the attributes of the Agni Gull are restrained by the Rock Dog.

However, the effect of its blow is even more significant than the blow of the Great Rock Snake!

The rock dog was directly burned to death by this huge fireball!

[Your Fire Gull defeated the Rock Dog!] 【

Your Agni Gull level increased from lv22 to lv23!】 【

Your Agni Gull attribute has been greatly improved! 】 】


On the other side, the big rock snake made up for the blow and also solved the rumbling stone, and

then, with a wave of the huge rock tail, it

blew out the head of its previous owner.

This friendly battle exchange between monster trainers finally

ended with Lin Tian's victory.

[You defeated Hikoichi the rock youth in the monster battle]

[You got a bonus: 1000 money! 【The

talent "Burning Soul Loot" provides you with an additional bonus: 3000 money! 【

Your Agni Gull reaches the level of evolution, will it complete its evolution immediately?]

After this battle

, Lin Tian not only harvested a powerful high-grade big rock snake, but also obtained a total of 4,000 money, and the balance of money in his hand reached 15,000 again, allowing him to make one more potion purchase.

At the same time, his rare pocket monster Agni Gull has also successfully reached the level of evolution!

"Brother Yanyi, this is really a very rewarding battle!" Lin Tian bowed slightly to the corpse of the rock young man Yanyi, and then his mind moved, "Agni Gull, evolve!" "

With Lin Tian giving the evolution instruction.

On the flaming gull, the red light flashed quickly!

A moment later

, the body size of the Agni Gull began to expand, its fur changed from the original red and white to pure crimson, and at the same time a roaring flame burned above its head, which made its two round lost eyes also reflect a red!

[Your Agni Gull successfully evolved into a Fire Goose!] 【

Its attributes have been greatly improved! 】 】

【Fire Storm Goose has acquired a new powerful skill "Fire Feather (Ranged Physical Attack with Fire System Special Attack)"! "

Fire Storm Goose, it looks quite fierce!"

Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction and was about to check the attributes of the Fire Storm Goose.

At the body of the rock young man Hikoichi, the voice suddenly came out.

"Fire Storm Goose, an evolution of the rare-level pocket monster Agni Gull, is a powerful pocket monster of the Fire Flying Ornith, with powerful physical attacks and fire attribute attack methods, and speed attributes are also at the first-class level!"

Hearing the voice coming out

, Lin Tian was startled for the first time, thinking that it was the rock young man Yan who had defrauded the corpse, and immediately wanted to command his fire storm goose to fill his corpse with a "fire feather".

But listen carefully, the voice is like the sound of a machine

, and besides, Hikoichi has been headshot

, and there are no zombies in this world, so he should not be able to live again.

Lin Tian, under the protection of the fire goose of the Great Rock Snake, tiptoed over to check, touched the location where the sound came from, and soon he took out a machine from Yanyi's pocket.

[Pocket Monster Navigation: A machine that identifies or provides you with information about pocket monsters, with an adventure map of the entire world to help you point you in your direction! To

put it simply, this is a pocket monster guide, plus a map navigation!

This was something that Lin Tian urgently needed now!

In the case of a quarrel with the official forces

of this world, Lin Tian now has no channels to obtain effective information, and this pocket monster navigation can provide him with a lot of information about various pocket monsters!

At the same time, the map navigation function can also rescue him from the headless fly state, which is convenient for him to better operate in the wilderness, and it is also convenient for him to plan the subsequent formation and go to the relevant cities to advance the main quest!

It can be said that

the starting value of this pocket monster navigation is no worse than harvesting a powerful monster!

It stands to reason that every trainer who receives an initial pocket monster will receive such a set of navigation from the monster claim.

It's a pity that Lin Tian's luck is not very good

, and before the novice mission reaches this stage

, the task instructor, Dr. Ohki, sent himself away.

"In the end, I still got the pocket monster navigation, and the next action can be planned, which is good news!" Wiping the blood stains on the navigation, Lin Tian was in a good mood, humming a small song and putting the navigation into his arms.

For the sake of the rock youth Yanyi providing so much help for himself,

the kind Lin Tian was not willing to let him throw the corpse into the wilderness.

When he was excited,

Lin Tian planned to dig a resistance for him and let him enter the soil for safety.

But after digging for about ten seconds, only digging a small pit

, Lin Tian's arm was a little sore, and he gave up again.

Stuffing Yanyi's head into the small hole he had dug,

Lin Tian opened the map in the navigation and began to go straight to the canyon where the out-of-control ferocious beast was.

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