Chapter 1736 Liu Jie’s effort!

The hills will obscure the sight.

Secondly, if the hilly area summons a huge land creature.

These terrestrial creatures have limited movement in hilly areas.

But all this is not a bad thing for Lin Yuan.

Because these hard rocks in the hills are ground up by the source sand.

Will be more powerful than ordinary sandstone after grinding.

Lin Yuan shook his hand, and the amber button-shaped Yuansha landed on the hard rock surface under his feet.

Immediately, the source desert turned into the body and escaped into the ground.

Lin Yuan raised his hand for own and Liu Jie, using Xiaohei’s skills to instill spirits.

Immediately, a large amount of Spirit Power in the body was injected into the source sand.

Yuansha quickly grinds the surrounding rocks, making sand frantically.

In less than a minute, the area within a radius of 2,000 square meters will be reduced.

Transformed into a sandy area.

Lin Yuan had cooperated with Liu Jie before.

In a sense, Huangsha is the best shelter for insects.

Gao Feng summoned own a breeze hibiscus and two spring lilies.

Driven by the breeze Furong, the surrounding Spirit Power quickly converged towards Lingquan Lily.

The blooming flowers of Lingquan Lily each spit out a Lingquan stream.

Dozens of Lingquan streams were connected to Liu Jie’s body.

In an instant, Liu Jie felt the surging Spirit Power contained in these spiritual springs.

Liu Jie reached out and snapped his fingers.

Dimensional lamp moth appeared on Liu Jie’s head immediately.

Immediately after that, the Dimensional Lamp Moth flew low, using two stone mounds specially left by Lin Yuan as shelter.

A large number of ground meat blade insects, polyelectric moths, plasma caterpillars and hurricane armyworms were produced.

Those hurricane night moths are all simplified versions.

Riding on the wind, the huge wings have a speed that is not inferior to that of the Bronze-Step Shenxing Black Swallow.

These hurricane noctuids spread out like snowflakes.

It is to check the location of the members of the Free Federation mission in the air.

In a short period of time, as Liu Jie continued to consume Spirit Power.

Gao Feng even had to let Lingquan Lily start to restore Spirit Power for himself.

It can be said that Gao Feng provided almost half of the Spirit Power in his body to Liu Jie in an instant.

Let Liu Jie’s insect mother spawn a swarm of insects to the utmost extent.

Dimensional lamp moths are like diarrhea, they have been waiting for nearly eight minutes.

Gao Feng, Zong Ze, and Liu Yifan know that Liu Jie produces a lot of Zerg.

But it is not certain how many Zergs were produced.

However, Lin Yuan and Liu Jie were very clear about the number of Zergs.

Yuansha made one channel after another in the sand under his feet.

These passages are basically covered with ground meat blade insects.

At the same time, two spaces of 600 square meters were dug out by Yuansha underground.

In this space, two groups of plasma caterpillars and polyelectric moths are constantly condensing super plasma shells.

Lin Yuan saw that Gao Feng, Spiritual Qi, was a little struggling to make ends meet.

Raised his hand to cast a blow for Gao Feng.

Xiao Hei’s strength, in the end diamond rank tenth level fantasy five changes.

The Spirit Power, which had been damaged by high wind, quickly recovered under Xiao Hei’s spirit.

On Liu Yifan’s side, he did not summon the main battle spirit Yin & Yang, the two ox and the Eight Trigrams deer.

It just summoned the blue bird Taoyao, the bloodline spirit creature of Desolate.

One green peach tree after another bloomed in the sand sea.

These peach trees have just appeared, and they are still bare.

But soon the branches were picked and new leaves grew.

The new leaves have grown from immature to lush, and finally there are green peach blossoms in the leaves.

These peach blossoms, Liu Yifan did not choose to let them bear fruit.

Instead, they chose to let these peach blossoms fall one after another.

It fell on himself, Gao Feng, Hei, Zongze, Liu Jie, and the dimensional lamp moth that was summoned.

As the petals of the peach blossoms were superimposed, a green peach blossom mark appeared on everyone’s bodies.

Then he put on a battle dress with peach trees and blue birds.

In the end, a small Taoyao blue bird hovered around everyone.

A small Taoyao blue bird appeared on everyone’s body.

Liu Yifan commanded Taoyao Blue Bird to stop these blue peach trees from falling flowers.

Instead, let the peach blossom nurture peach fruits, ready to prepare for the battle life for a while.

After Liu Jie saw that the insect swarm produced by the insect mother was almost enough.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned a weird worm that looked extremely disgusting, like a black headless earthworm.

It’s just that compared to earthworms, the body of this Zerg can stretch longer.

This worm-like cancer spirit, but everyone who participated in the night meeting had a deep impression.

Because this worm-like carcinoma is the mycelial tapeworm that Liu Jie summoned in the previous martial arts competition.

The mycelial tapeworm, as a parasite carcinoid, has a strong adaptability to the environment.

Although the sandy land is dry, it still does not delay the mycelial tapeworm on the yellow sand, covering its own fungus blanket.

It is rumored that the carcinoid mycelium tapeworm is lucky enough to reach the golden stage, so it has the ability to lay the fungus blanket in the magma.

Liu Jie’s mycelial tapeworm has reached the legendary quality of the diamond rank.

On the purple-black fungus blanket spread, mycelial tapeworms split rapidly.

Soon the blanket was covered with black mycelial tapeworms.

These mycelial tapeworms were buried by Yuansha under the command of Lin Yuan.

It was buried in a meter below the ground.

Underground, the blanket of mycelium tapeworms is still expanding.

These buried mycelial tapeworms can be described as the second life of the entire swarm.

The insect swarms die in a while, and those mycelial tapeworms parasitize the dead insects.

Control the body of the dead bug.

Throw into a new round of battle.

This is not over yet, Liu Jie now has more than a dozen carcinoid insects.

In battle, how could it be possible to summon only one.

The Queen of Blades, which was fused with the cocooned demon embryo of the source creature, has become a four-winged goblin.

And at an evolutionary juncture.

It only needs the Queen of Blades to be able to comprehend the will rune from the heavens and the earth, and then it can move towards the myth.

The blade queen bee, because it is a carcinoid creature controlled by the worm mother.

It is not restricted by Liu Jie’s Spiritual Qi professional level at all.

Dimensional lamp moth turned on its abdomen at this time, like a machine gun firing.

A full eighty black caterpillars covered with spines were sprayed out.

Under Liu Jie’s command, the insect mother gave birth to eighty more ladybirds, which contained the most abundant insect protein in their bodies.

As soon as these eighty beetles were born, they knew their own mission.

Just to provide food for the larvae of the Queen of Blades.

The ladybug lay on the yellow sand and opened its back to reveal the soft abdomen under its wings.

It is convenient for these blade worms to parasitise.

Then rely on the nutrition of these ladybugs to grow to an adult state.

The larva of the Queen’s Blade has clearly penetrated the soft abdomen of the ladybug, and feasted on it.

But the eighty beetle ladybugs that were clearly still alive didn’t even make a sound.

At this time, Liu Jie continued to summon another kind of insect-like cancer spirit that even Lin Yuan hadn’t seen.

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