Chapter 1737

The audience on Star Network was deeply shocked by Liu Jie’s combat power at this time.

In other words, the discipline of the swarm was deeply shocked.

In fact, many viewers on Starnet are very confused.

How did Liu Jie get the first place in the Baizi sequence after returning to the Huiyao Baizi sequence this year.

Is it just because of becoming the apprentice of Lord Yasshou?

Now all the audience understand how terrifying Liu Jie’s strength is.

None of the swarms of insects spewed by the Dimensional Lamp Moth were lower than the Diamond Rank.

These insect swarms, in the eyes of many Spiritual Qi professionals who have ventured inside the cracks of the Zerg Dimension.

Its level of horror is no less inferior to the fourth-level Zerg dimensional crack.

Even the Zerg inside the crack of the fourth-level Zerg dimension does not have such a high quality.

Liu Jie controls the insect swarm with one person.

Let the insects give birth to a sense of grandeur through cooperation and obedience to orders.

Liu Jie lives up to his name, he is the true heart of the swarm.

The carcinoid parasite that Liu Jiexin summoned was a yellowish-brown, inconspicuous locust.

The locust lay on Liu Jie’s palm, only half the size of Liu Jie’s palm.

The belly is bulging, almost fat into a ball.

Although this humble locust was not a poisonous migratory locust, it evoked terrible memories of the residents of Jinfeng City in an instant.

Outside the city of Jinfeng, the worm-like cancer phantom sawtooth macrophages raged, almost not letting the residents of Jinfeng City starve to death in Jinfeng City.

Sawtooth macrophages can swallow everything they see in their abdomen.

Each time they are full, they will enter the hatching state and produce new serrated macrophages.

New born serrated macrophages can hatch from the eggs in a few hours.

After hatching, it only takes one meal to enter the adult state.

At the beginning, it was another insect-like carcinoid spirit poisonous dust migratory locust that saved Jinfeng City.

The poisonous dust migratory locust is not a hero, and poisonous smoke is everywhere where the poisonous dust migratory locust passes.

Jinfeng City, which has been polluted by poisonous smoke, has been able to grow some cash crops even though it has been specially treated with spiritual liquid by the creator.

However, the output of cash crops is surprisingly low, even unable to keep up with the cost.

This disaster made Jinfengcheng a big city with abundant products and exporting large amounts of cash crops every year.

It has become the largest city with the most imported food and spiritual materials among all the big cities.

Overturned the original economic structure of Jinfengcheng.

It made Jinfengcheng fall from the seventh place in the city’s ranking to twenty-eighth place.

Lin Yuan checked the locust in Liu Jie’s hand through the real data of Mobius’ skills.

Upon taking a look, he found that the carcinoid parasite that Liu Jiexin had summoned was called Jifu migratory locust.

Knowing the exclusive characteristics of the rot migratory locusts, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but smack his tongue secretly.

In terms of toxins, the poisonous dust migratory locust is stronger than the rot migratory locust.

But for the ability to destroy the ecology, the rotted migratory locust definitely ranks first.

Lin Yuan knew that Liu Jie had summoned the idea of ​​sending rotten migratory locusts.

Liu Jie summoned rotting migratory locusts to destroy the surrounding environment.

Since I and others are going to conduct positional warfare, they naturally have no requirements on the environment.

If the enemy wants to fight with his own side, he must attack his side around the position.

Therefore, the enemy can rely on the environment around the position.

Liu Jie’s thinking was simple. Since he can’t use it, the other party shouldn’t use it either.

Liu Jie said softly.

“Send rotten migratory locusts, let your children and grandchildren fill the entire duel field!”

“Drain all the living plants in the duel land! Drink all the water! All the rocks will be broken!”

Following the instructions issued by Liu Jie, the legendary tenth diamond migratory locust flew up.

This rot migratory locust is a female worm with an outrageously big belly.

Therefore, it flies extremely slowly.

After the rotting migratory locust flew up, it slowly flew to the edge of the yellow sand.

A fierce boy plunged into a huge ancient tree, and then got into the trunk.

In less than ten seconds, the old tree shook quickly.

Immediately after the tree trunk, holes were rusted out.

From the inside of the tree, it seemed as if a green sandstorm spewed out, escaping towards the surroundings.

Lin Yuan, Liu Yifan, Zong Ze, and Gao Feng could all clearly see.

These things that look like sandstorms are all larvae of locusts.

Several people watched the locusts, falling on the nearby trees.

Rust these trees.

After these rot migratory locusts rust off the trunk, they will not swallow the trunk completely.

Instead, it will treat the tree trunk as its own nest.

After occupying the trunk, a larva of the migratory migratory locust will quickly develop into a mother worm.

Then use this trunk as the base point to produce a large number of larvae again.

At the same time, the green larvae that fly out will grow into adults.

They often return with large pieces of wood or grass stalks and feed the female worms.

Restore nutrition to the female worm, so that the female worm can give birth to more larvae.

In just two minutes, the entire 100,000 square kilometer site.

For nearly 10,000 kilometers, no grass has grown, rocks have been gnawed to pieces, and rivers have been drunk.

But all the bigger trees are inhabited by female insects.

These female insects were unable to get supplies because the front line was pulled too far, and they screamed violently, urging them to send adult rotting locusts.

The adult migratory locusts entered a violent state, extremely aggressive.

These rotten migratory locusts are around the yellow sand, like a no-man’s land that is difficult for people to leap over.

At this time, eighty roars full of murder sounded.

The eighty beetle ladybugs that opened their wings and exposed their soft abdomen finally used the energy in their bodies to raise the blade worms.

The adult blade worm that has grown up drills through the body of the ladybug.

A full eighty worms that were nearly eight meters long and covered with blade-like spines appeared beside Liu Jie.

The strength of these blade worms was specially nurtured by the Queen Blade, and Liu Jie was fed with eighty phantom beetles with three changes.

These blade worms have basically reached the diamond level tenth fantasy three times.

There are only a few dysplasias in the diamond rank tenth level of fantasy two changes.

These blade worms are all the strongest weapons of the blade queen bee.

Cooperating with the blade worm that has developed a scale, it can once again borrow a strong body to launch a charge against the enemy after death.

When Liu Jie was fighting Long Tao, he summoned two carcinoid insects.

The two carcinoid worms are the magic flower air shield bug and the UFO worm.

Because the water has been drunk by the rot migratory locusts.

Therefore, Liu Jie did not need to summon the UFO worms, which rely on water to fight.

However, Liu Jie summoned the magic flower air shield bug.

As the only pure support in the team, Gao Feng made according to his own requirements.

Gao Feng could not be attacked before the other four fell.

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