Chapter 1735 Entering the battlefield!

Even if the fortifications were laid out in the wrong direction at first.

Insect swarms only need to move, and within a few seconds, they can set up fortifications in another direction.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Gao Feng’s eyes lit up and said.

“My spiritual things, Breeze Furong and Lingquan Lily, when in a specific area, Breeze Furong mobilizes the airflow to help Lingquan Lily restore its Spirit Power.”

“It can increase the speed at which Spirit Spring Lily gathers Spirit Power.”

“I can do my best to assist Liu Jie and Hei and help them restore their Spirit Power.”

“It is convenient for the two to spread out their positions.”

Lin Yuan shook his head when he heard the words.

Then he said to Gao Feng.

“When fighting for a while, my Spirit Power should be enough, you don’t need to worry about me.”

“Provide Spirit Power to Liu Jie, Zong Ze, Liu Yifan and Dage as much as possible!”

In this battle, Lin Yuan had already planned to open his own Spiritual Qi seal and life seal.

Through the battle with Han Qi, Lin Yuan knew that the Free Federation had come prepared.

Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian were watching the battle of the generals under the beheading stage.

The three of them obviously felt a kind of jealousy towards the white-haired boy behind them.

The other members of the Free Baizi sequence are also far away from this white-haired young man.

It shows that this white-haired young man must have some extraordinary identity, and it must also be a hidden card of the Free Federation.

Therefore, in such a battle of great gold content between the two federations.

Lin Yuan had already made plans to make his hole cards based on the situation on the battlefield.

Of course, Zhai Wanmi, like those emperor-class weapons controlled by the red thorn through the tongue of sacrificial offerings.

And Lin Yuan merged with Bilan, and he mastered the white words and other trump cards.

Lin Yuan will definitely not be exposed.

These cards are too big, not only will make people discover the anomaly of the red thorns, but also likely to make people discover the special features of own.

If these hole cards are exposed before the glory of the Federation, then forget it.

But the people of the free federation are also here, owning these trump cards, it is impossible for Lin to show them.

The upgrade of the Red Thorn Sacrifice’s Tongue was due to the consumption of the weird plant seeds and plants.

Through the investigation of the Whale Ocean Trade, Lin Yuan knew that all of this was related to Tadian.

Tadian is said to have two members of the Eight Pages have come to Huiyao.

If noticed by the Tadian people, Lin Yuan would put himself in danger.

Moreover, he himself summoned imperial weapons and Baiyan, such strong men.

This competition is meaningless.

The two crowns of the Free Federation will inevitably stop the competition.

Only when he is showing his regular combat power in this grade.

Only then was it possible to kill the five powerful young men from the Free Federation Mission.

Let the two crowns of the Free Federation have nothing to say.

Lin Yuan’s words made Liu Yifan, Zong Ze, Liu Jie, and Gao Feng look startled.

Then he knew that Lin Yuan definitely had the hole cards to restore his Spirit Power.

In the battle between Wen Wu Shuang Le and Zong Ze, Zong Ze discovered Lin Yuan’s amazing Spiritual Qi reserve.

Zong Ze could vaguely perceive that Lin Yuan was only a B-level Spiritual Qi professional.

But Zong Ze had finished the Spirit Power in his body, but Lin Yuan seemed to be okay.

There is still a lot of Spirit Power that can be used.

Liu Jie also intends to show his achievements in the past six months in this battle.

So Liu Jie said to Gao Feng.

“Gao Feng, in terms of Spirit Power, you give me priority after entering the arena.”

“The skills that I have mastered to catalyze the production of insects and cancer spirits require a certain amount of Spiritual Qi investment.”

“And when I fight, I will produce many kinds of insects and cancer spirits.”

Gao Feng and Zong Ze have all seen.

In the night meeting, how Liu Jie fought against insects and carcinogens.

For worms and cancers, if they want to give full play to their strengths, they often need a huge platform.

It can be said that Liu Jieyu’s fighting with insects and carcinogens is restricted in the civil and military double arena.

Even so, Liu Jie was still in the martial arts challenge and defeated all his opponents.

Liu Yifan had already seen it at this time.

He who wears a silver mask is obviously very familiar with Zongze, Liu Jie, and Gao Feng.

And this is the one that can make up his mind.

So Liu Yifan said to the black.

“While fighting for a while, why not let you be the commander!”

“I will protect you most in the battle.”

“At this point, you can trust me.”

“Although I am not familiar with your spiritual things and holy source things, I will get acquainted with them as soon as possible during the battle.”

Lin Yuan was not polite when Liu Yifan said this.

Directly took over the responsibility of the team command.

“Liu Yifan Dage, I won’t command you when I fight for a while.”

“Just as you said, just look at protecting us!”

It is time for Huiyao to decide who of the five will be the command and how to fight.

All viewers on the Star Network, including members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence and the thirteenth crown.

All expressions became solemn.

Because in another minute, the half-hour combat meeting is completely over.

By then, the ten members of the Glory Federation and the Free Federation will be in teams.

Is teleported to any area on either side of the duel land.

This fight was officially started.

At the beginning of this fight, all the audience did not feel that it could be broadcast on

However, they decided to do so.

Relations to the present The sixth-level abyss dimension cracks open, and the two-year agreement with the Freedom Federation is shining.

Many Spiritual Qi professionals and ordinary people understand something.

Many Spiritual Qi professionals who didn’t want to go to the Abyss World to develop experience have registered one after another.

Prepare to temper yourself in the blood and fire.

Then in this turbulent world, one is self-protection, and the other is to guard the glory in the heart.

Suddenly, the Freedom Federation and the Radiance Federation beheaded the combat meeting rooms on both sides of the platform.

The shell fragments that marked the location in advance suddenly opened a space portal.

After this space portal split.

The two parties walked into this space portal in the first time.

Because both parties know it.

Arriving at the competition site first, no matter what kind of combat method is to be launched, it can take the lead to a certain extent.

The area of ​​the duel is ten square kilometers.

This area is already extremely broad for a five-on-five game between two teams.

Because in this ten square kilometer site, there are more than ten kinds of terrain, condensing six kinds of climates.

In every terrain and climate, there is a certain degree of help for specific spiritual creatures.

This makes fighting in every climate and environment have a certain impact on the battle situation.

Lin Yuan, Liu Yifan, Zong Ze, Liu Jie and Gao Feng are five people.

Was teleported to a hilly area.

The hilly area can be regarded as the worst terrain among more than ten kinds of terrain.

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