Proof of Longevity

Chapter 236: Unyielding and repression

Zhang Shiyang was secretly trying to find a way to stop the demon prince first, then suppress the poison by himself, and then quickly suppress the demon prince by using thunder means. But as soon as he fell asleep on the pillow, Zhang Shiyang was thinking about what to do, the great Taoist ancestor came. The thunder of the Demon Crown Prince not only alarmed the ordinary congregation, but also alarmed the Supreme Dao Ancestor in the hall. The Supreme Dao Ancestor heard the sound and looked at Zhang Shiyang and the demon crown prince who were facing each other, his brows were slightly raised: "Why do you do it?" Zhang Shiyang and the demon crown prince saluted the Taishang Daozu at the same time: "I have seen Daozu." The demon crown prince looked at Zhang Shiyang and spoke first: "Return to Dao Zu, the disciple came to ask Mr. Zhang to let go of my clansmen in Luzhou, North Ju, with Dao Zu's handwriting, so as to deepen the friendship between my two families and have a good life in heaven by the way. The virtue of doing some good deeds, but who knows that Senior Brother Zhang actually shirks in every possible way, and the most important thing is that he doesn't respect the Tao and the ancestors, and when he was angry, he started a dispute with Senior Nephew Zhang." Taishang Taoist ancestor heard this and looked at Zhang Shiyang with his shoulders on his back: "But so?". Zhang Shiyang shook his head when he heard the words: "Return to Daozu, this monster is always cunning. I wanted to try if this guy really took the Daozu Dharma metaphor, who knows that he could not help taking the lead. Here, the disciple didn't fight back, and was hit by him abruptly."

The demon crown prince on the side was anxious when he heard Zhang Shiyang say this: "Dao Zu, he lied and defrauded me of the five innate spirit treasures, but also regretted it. This kind of disciple is really a malignant tumor of the Supreme Master. ". Without distinguishing between the two, Taishang Daozu snorted coldly and stopped the two of them. What a character Taishang Dao ancestor is, that is really an old fox, just a few words can roughly grasp the ins and outs of the matter. Looking at Zhang Shiyang: "Shiyang, my cultivator must pay attention to sincerity, can you really take the five spiritual treasures of the demon crown prince?" Zhang Shiyang hesitated for a while, and quickly changed his mind. The treasure of the five elements must be Can't help it, the demon crown prince will not make fun of such a valuable thing, and even if it is fooled now, but in the future, unless he does not take out the five innate spirit treasures to confront the enemy, it may not be beautiful if he is exposed. , And I am afraid it will have a profound impact on my reputation.

So nodded: "Yes, but I didn't take it, but I asked the crown prince to take the initiative to give it to me. Naturally, there is no reason for the disciple to accept it." The Taoist ancestor Taishang secretly smiled in his heart after hearing this: "How can there be a reason to give away the treasure for nothing". However, the demon emperor prince who hadn't waited for the Taoist ancestor to speak, said: "Nonsense, when did I say that I would give you the five-element spirit treasure, obviously it was in exchange with you". Zhang Shiyang sneered when he heard the words: "The prince, don't talk nonsense, let me ask you, did you say it yourself before, you want to compensate the disciples of my supreme educator, and take out five spiritual treasures as compensation." . Hearing the words, the demon crown prince stagnated, unable to speak. Everyone knew everything about doing this kind of thing. I gave you the treasure and you let me go, but I didn't expect Zhang Shiyang to take it seriously, and this matter would block the demon prince. The demon prince secretly cursed in his heart: "This **** bastard, how can the loss of those disciples be worth these five spiritual treasures, even one is more than enough". However, the demon prince would not tell the matter outright, saying that he planned to give Zhang Shiyang the five-element spirit treasure and hope that Zhang Shiyang would release the person. If this is said, the demon prince estimated that the consequences would be serious.

Seeing that the demon king prince was silent, how could the old fox Taishang Dao ancestor not guess the curve in this matter. He cleared his throat: "Shiyang, now that you have to be consistent with your words and deeds since you have received other treasures, how can you do this kind of dishonesty thing". Hearing this, Zhang Shiyang was secretly suppressing the poisonous surname, and smiled bitterly: "Ancestor Dao, this is really not that disciples don't let go of those fairies, but that disciples will only sleepy demons and will not let go of demons. There is no way for disciples to let go of demons. Research it out". The ancestor of the Taoist Daoist had a serious face when he heard the words: "If you cultivate nonsense, there is nothing that will only trap the demon but not let the demon. You quickly release the goblin and ask the prince to bring the prince back to Beiju Luzhou for good health and discipline. The relationship between my two families was damaged by this." Zhang Shiyang still shook his head when he heard the words: "Since Daozu can't believe in his disciple, then ask Daozu to break the restriction, and the disciple will never complain." Taishang Daozu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "If you can break the ban, who still has time to talk with you, this little bastard". However, although the facts are like this, the Taoist ancestor, too high, can't show it: "Do you still have a hardened mouth?". Zhang Shiyang quickly said: "The disciple dare not."

Taishang Daozu watched Zhang Shiyang's oil and water, and smiled bitterly in his heart, but his face showed anger: "Do you dare to defy the ancestor's legal metaphor, do you dare or unwilling, if you dare to quibble the ancestor, you have to Suppress you underground, know when you come up with a way to break the prohibition, then the ancestor will let you out." Zhang Shiyang's face was calm and watery: "Even if Dao Ancestor really wants to suppress it, there is nothing that Dao Ancestor can do with the demon lock tower. Please also ask Dao Ancestor to ask Gao Ming, or Dao Ancestor himself will break the prohibition." Taishang Daozu originally wanted to frighten Zhang Shiyang so that he knew how powerful it was, but he didn’t expect that Zhang Shiyang would say so in such an absolute sense, and he didn’t ask for mercy at all. So many disciples and elders around were watching, if Taishang Daozu was What is its majesty after not taking action. Looking at Zhang Shiyang, the Taishang Dao Ancestor looked angry: "You really don't think about it, do you want to fight the original ancestor to the end?". Zhang Shiyang was expressionless: "The disciple really didn't think of a way to break the prohibition."

At this moment, two red lights appeared in the distance, and only after the light stopped did they realize that it was Elder Wang and Lu Qingcheng. The two were suddenly anxious looking at this scene. The Supreme Elder Elder Wang hurriedly spoke to persuade him: "Don't be angry with Daozu, maybe this kid really has no way to break the prohibition. It's better to let Daozu give a time to ask this kid to come up with a way to break it." Elder Wang's words really won a step for everyone. The Taoist ancestor was a little bit grim, and when there is a step at this time, when will it not be lower? Seeing Taishang Daozu nodding, Elder Wang looked at Zhang Shiyang with his eyes. Zhang Shiyang thought quickly, his parents were about to prove the Dao, Zhang Shiyang really didn't believe that the Dao Dao ancestor would dare to kill him. Since I can't kill myself, what's so terrible about Dao Ancestor. This lock demon tower is related to his future plans, and he has already forged feuds with Beiju Luzhou, anyway, he will also be offended. Sooner or later, he will face each other head-on. There are many innate races in these million demon races. The qualifications are also good. If you want to release back to Beiju Luzhou, you will be an enemy. You can't do this kind of thing by yourself. If you don't, you will escape from the Supreme Master and be a Happy Sanxian, so as not to have all kinds of axis systems.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shiyang made up his mind that he would never succumb this time. He didn't speak, just stood quietly in the sky. Elder Wang on the side was secretly anxious, but he couldn't persuade him. Fairy Qingcheng also spoke at this time: "Shiyang, you should let the demon clan of Luzhou in Beiju go with Dao Ancestor." Zhang Shiyang took a deep breath when he heard the words, still showing the same expression. Taishang Daozu glanced at Fairy Qingcheng. Suddenly, his brain flickered: "For the sake of my great master plan and for the success of my ancestor, it seems that the seal of Shiyang's right and wrong is indispensable. Wouldn't it be too much trouble to jump out and make trouble?" The idea was settled, and the Taoist ancestor Tai Shang looked serious: "You don’t need to persuade him anymore. Once the ancestor has sealed him and imprisoned him for tens of thousands of years, polish his surname and see if he is willing to talk like this.犟". After Taishang Daozu finished speaking, he waved his palm towards Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang has drugs in his body at this time, and it is inconvenient to resist while suppressing the name of the pharmaceutical company. He is determined to make a way out of his life. It is a delusion to ask him to be arrested. Seeing the big hand flying by this great Taoist ancestor, Zhang Shiyang's big sleeves were erratic, and a huge suction spread through the sleeves again, and the surrounding space fluctuated continuously.


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