Proof of Longevity

Chapter 235: Against the decree, Taoist ancestors come in person

Zhang Shiyang knew that the demon prince was definitely not willing to give up, so he did not go to the cave to meditate and practice. He poured a cup of tea and slowly waited for the demon prince to arrive. Sure enough, it didn't take long to see the sky gleaming with brilliance, and instantly came to Zhang Shiyang's cave. It was the demon emperor prince who had gone back and forth to be revealed until the light was condensed. Zhang Shiyang gently put the tea cup down, but he didn't expect that the demon prince would come here before he finished eating the cup of tea. The demon crown prince stood at a distance on the cloud head and did not fall. Wherever he was so arrogant as if he were a **** or man, he shouted from a distance: "Zhang Shiyang, do you accept or not accept the Taoist ancestor's metaphor?" Zhang Shiyang His eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the decree in the hands of the demon prince, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Whether to pick it up or not is really a problem, but what kind of person Zhang Shiyang is, he reacted in an instant, and took the decree for the time being. As for whether to follow it, it is another matter. He got up and flicked his sleeves and stood in the courtyard: "Zhang Shiyang took the order, I don't know where the Taoist ancestor's method came from?". The demon crown prince looked down at Zhang Shiyang condescendingly: "Tai Shang Dao Zu Fa Yu, you have quickly released the tribe of Luzhou, North Ju, you have not rushed to welcome Dao Zu Fa Yu." When he said that, he threw down the jade medal with a mana. Looking at the Dao Ancestor's Fa-Yu, Zhang Shiyang frowned slightly. To be honest, Zhang Shiyang didn't know what the Dao Ancestor's Fa-Yu was.

The sleeve of his right hand flew up, and he took the blow that brought the demon emperor's prince's mana. Zhang Shiyang's right hand slowly stretched out his sleeve, which was exactly the metaphor of the great Taoist ancestor. Zhang Shiyang was stunned. To put it plainly, the so-called Dao Zu Fa Yu was to imprint what Dao Zu wanted to say in the jade, and then with a trace of the Dao Zu Yuan Shen, with the Dao Zu Fu seal and breath. Zhang Shiyang felt the so-called Taoist ancestor's magical metaphor, this is the aura of the great Taoist ancestor, and it is absolutely impossible to go wrong. Gently shook his sleeves to remove the attack power from the Demon Crown Prince, Zhang Shiyang slowly retracted his right hand into the sleeve, and stopped speaking. The demon king prince on the side looked at Zhang Shiyang standing there without moving, a little anxious: "Zhang Shiyang, do you want to violate Dao Ancestor?". Zhang Shiyang slowly walked back to the steps of the cave mansion and turned his head to "look" at the demon prince in the sky: "When will I disobey Dao Ancestor's order, but it is really helpless to restrain me." After saying this, Zhang Shiyang paused, and then said: "On the contrary, a beast with fur and horns, how can there be any virtue to trouble Dao Zu personally descending the Dharma metaphor, presumably you took a fake key to me. You enchanting evildoer dares to fake the order of the Taoist ancestor. If you don’t retreat quickly, be careful that I will take you to the Taishang Taoist ancestor to ask your sins regardless of the friendship between the two families."

The demon crown prince was furious when he heard the words: "Zhang Shiyang, Xiu's sophistry, I will only ask you, you are the decrees that do not respect the ancestor of Taoism." Zhang Shiyang smiled faintly: "It's not disrespect, but powerlessness. Besides, I believe that this ancestor's decree is true or false by only relying on your side. I'm not good at judging. How do I know if you are slandering me." The demon prince smiled coldly when he heard the words: "Zhang Shiyang, you don’t know that the aura of this ancestor really belongs to the ancestor of the Taoist Dao. ?". Facing the demon prince’s persecution, Zhang Shiyang was still as tepid as before: "If it is really the Dao ancestor’s decree, then I naturally dare not violate it, but the demon has always been cunning, I don’t know that the breath of the Dao ancestor is you It's a fake and fool." Hearing the words, the demon prince laughed: "So, do you disrespect this law?". Zhang Shiyang didn’t comment on the demon prince’s question, and walked towards the demon prince step by step, "You demon prince gave you a chance before, you didn’t know to cherish it, and now you are still using a fake decree to fool me. I'm really bullying, right? Wait until I will see you Dao Ancestor in person, or send you directly into the Demon Locking Tower to see how you come out to harm others."

Seeing Zhang Shiyang coming step by step, the demon crown prince smiled coldly: "Okay, not only do you disrespect the Daozu's decree, you actually have to do something with me, delusional to destroy the friendship between our two families, you really have a ghost, are you? Other sects will not be able to mix into the Taishangjiao, or the Daozu will come to see you in person and talk about it with the Daozu." After talking about the golden light flashing in the hands of the Demon Crown Prince, a pair of strange-looking weapons appeared in his hands. Zhang Shiyang looked at the weapon in the hands of the demon crown prince for a moment, and he was really inconspicuous. Immediately called Haha size: "Demon Prince, could it be that your Beiju Luzhou is so poor that you have used a big hammer and chisel as a weapon, hahaha, you really did it with a laugh." The demon crown prince smiled coldly when he heard the words: "I don’t know, Tubao, I will tell you to see how good my baby is later. You must know that my baby is a companion spirit treasure. You are lucky to become my baby. The foil for the first appearance afterwards".

Zhang Shiyang chuckled: "Well, I will see what you have and special about your black baby. It makes you so confident. It seems that the previous punch did not call you a long surname." Hearing Zhang Shiyang’s words, the demon prince’s complexion changed. This is really to reveal the shortness of people. After seeing Zhang Shiyang stepping out of the mountain protection formation, the demon prince couldn’t wait to do it. The black hammer and chisel moved. , The tip of the chisel was aimed at Zhang Shiyang, who was walking slowly. Then the hammer hit the end of the chisel, and a huge electric spark ignited instantly, and then the tip of the chisel sent a thunder, swiftly through the space towards Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang, who was walking slowly, saw this scene ‘lean’, and then lost his voice: "Thunder God?". Isn't this the rebirth of the living Lei Zhenzi in the previous life? An ice wall floated in front of Zhang Shiyang, but it was a pity that the thunder and lightning were not ordinary lightning. The ice wall broke in an instant, and Zhang Shiyang wanted to dodge the defense before it was too late, and was struck by the lightning.

The sound of thunder blasted, and immediately alarmed the entire outer courtyard of the Supreme Master. At this time, the elders walked out of the cave and looked in the direction of Bi Xiu Peak. After the thunder and lightning, Zhang Shiyang's body had bursts of burnt smell, as if it was a roast chicken that had just been taken out. The demon crown prince on one side laughed loudly: "I only use the three-point power of this hammer now, if I use five-point power, you will be turned into ashes." The underground elders and disciples who walked out of the cave were suddenly astonished when looking at Zhang Shiyang, who was scorched in the air. This Shiyang is the same generation, the first person in the same realm, but at this moment, he was actually destroyed by the demon crown prince. Wouldn't it be necessary to step into reincarnation again, start again, and lose all years of hard cultivation, and the myth of invincibility has been broken? . The demon crown prince instantly put away his weapon and walked towards Zhang Shiyang: "You deserve to be seriously injured by me if you don't respect the Daozu decrees. Now I will take you to see Daozu, but you are the so-called peer and the first person in the same realm. It's big, I can't even take a single blow. Sure enough, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate the king. From today on, the name of the first person will be changed, hahaha".

But when the Demon Prince was about to take Zhang Shiyang down, he saw a ray of light flashing across Zhang Shiyang's body, and then the burnt skin leaked down, and an intact Zhang Shiyang appeared in front of the Demon Prince again. At this moment, Zhang Shiyang secretly called out a fluke, that is, he, if another person can't keep this guy, he will really be corrupted and fall into reincarnation. Zhang Shiyang has the indestructible body of Xuanhuang. Although Zhang Shiyang said that the Xuanhuang body was broken with poison in Beihai earlier, he was pressed down by the eyes of his forehead. At this moment, he was once again taken seriously by Xuanhuang. Although the body played a role here, the suppressed poison appeared again. Looking at the demon prince who was stunned in front of him, Zhang Shiyang secretly thought to find a way to hold the demon prince by his head, and find a chance to suppress the poison in his body. , But just as Zhang Shiyang was contemplating, the void in the field appeared for a while, revealing the figure of the Supreme Dao ancestor.


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