Proof of Longevity

Chapter 237: After this battle, the love is gone

Zhang Shiyang's big sleeves waved the universe and used them, and instantly wiped out the random blow of the ancestor. Zhang Shiyang was forcibly suppressing the virus in his body at this time, his eyes had not been opened yet, but the constantly fluctuating eyelids showed that Zhang Shiyang's mood at this time was definitely not calm. Zhang Shiyang's brain was turning rapidly at this time, and it was absolutely impossible for him to let go of that million demon clan, and he and the demon emperor of Beiju Luzhou took over the vengeance, which is truly endless. The plan of the Supreme Master is absolutely inseparable from the Monster Race, and even the next day the two sides may form a true offensive and defensive alliance. Judging from his own grievances with Beiju Luzhou, the Demon Sovereign will definitely not let him go, and as a major disciple of the Supreme Master, he will definitely have a lot to do in the future. If Zhang Shiyang was asked to save Beiju Luzhou, it would be better to kill him. Zhang Shiyang couldn't do the kind of wronging himself for the so-called righteousness.

After receiving this attack, Zhang Shiyang shouted: "Dao Ancestor, let's do it slowly, and let disciple ask a few questions?". The ancestor of the Taoist Taoist smiled coldly when he heard the words: "Why do you regret it? Your surname is so uncomfortable, even if it is now too late to regret it, this leader must suppress you for a thousand years, grinding your surname, saving you I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Otherwise, if the catastrophe comes, your surname is not going to be turned into ashes. At that time, the two Taoists Zhang Qing and Li Qian will blame it, but it’s hard to say." Taishang Daozu's words were just an excuse. Even if Zhang Shiyang really wakes up at this moment, Taishang Daozu still wants to seal him. Zhang Shiyang’s love for the fairy of Qingcheng, Taishang Daozu had been heard as early as when Zhang Shiyang confessed. At this moment, Taishang Daozu had to put his heart down and risk offending Zhang Qing and Li Qian, the two quasi-magnates for his future long-term plans. The risk of Zhang Shiyang will be sealed. Everything in this world is unpredictable and can be completely controlled by the Taoist ancestor Taishang. Zhang Shiyang is a generational arrogant of the Supreme Master, and the prestige of the Supreme Master is extraordinary. If there is something about the Demon Emperor Prince and Fairy Qingcheng, it will be too cheating. This kind of loss is too high for Daozu to bear.

Zhang Shiyang sneered when he heard the words: "Tao Ancestor's words are wrong. I, Zhang Shiyang, was born noble. What's more, Zhang Shiyang was born as a human race, and I cannot forget my ancestors. I think that my human race was also one of the supreme tribes of the innate one hundred races. It’s a pity that the ancestors of several epochs were missing. My human race lacked the deterrence of the top power and was gradually resisted by the races of the heavens and the world. Until now, it has become the plaything and food of the heavens and the hundreds of races. The clan is that my human clan is an ant, and I am not a son of man. I Zhang Shiyang is upright, how can I form an alliance with the demon clan". The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist was silent for a while. This Supreme is the innate gods, who cares about the world. I don’t know Zhang Shiyang’s so-called race righteousness. Hearing Zhang Shiyang’s words, he just sneered: "Zhang Shiyang, you are different from those mortals and ants. , You are an accomplished person in cultivation, and you are not far from our innate beings. How can you surrender your identity like those ants. The heavens and the races have always risen and fallen, and the rise and fall are all heavens. Evolution, this world has always been the weak and the strong. As a member of the heavens and all realms, the human race must naturally follow this law. Since it has been eliminated from the game, it should be enslaved."

Zhang Shiyang heard the words hahaha for a while: "Good good, such a great Taoist ancestor, who actually sees the nature of the world so thoroughly, admire and admire it". Then Zhang Shiyang turned his head to look at Elder Wang, Fairy Qingcheng and the monks present: "Do you think so too?" Elder Wang sighed after hearing the words: "Shiyang, since you are now out of reincarnation, Wanshou Wujiang can't even see through this matter." Fairy Qingcheng also helped persuade: "Shi Yang, you must not go against Dao ancestors and do such stupid things. You are the arrogant of my master, the first person who originated in the world. You must not miss your future." When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, his breathing was stagnant, and he turned his face to Fairy Qingcheng. Although he didn't open his eyes, he didn't know why Fairy Qingcheng really felt a scorching gaze staring at him. It was very uncomfortable. Zhang Shiyang laughed, "It turns out that even you think so." Look at some monks in the distance: "Do you even think so?". Zhang Shiyang "looked at" the silent crowd in the distance: "Among you are also enlightened human races. Have you forgotten your blood? Have you forgotten the honor of a race?". Zhang Shiyang looked up at the sky and sighed: "I think my human race is one of the hundred tribes of the heavens, and has suppressed the worlds of the heavens and the world. Wherever its power has passed, all the races are respected, and now the human race is in danger."

Yes, if a nation can let go of its blood and glory, it will forget it. What is the fighting spirit of this people? Where is the spirit? . They say that they know the shame and then be brave, but how can they be revived even if the shame can be put down. Zhang Shiyang mourns for the human race in this world. Although the human race in this world has little to do with him, to be honest, even if all the race members in this world have been extinct, but Zhang Shiyang left the immortal Taoist status. There is only one step difference, as long as the sky does not collapse, and the floods are surging, what will happen to him if they are all dead. Even if Zhang Shiyang was successful in cultivating the Tao, he couldn't let go of the obsession. Zhang Shiyang came into this world unaccompanied. The only people who can pin his thoughts on him are his parents, a younger sibling, and his own race. Seeing that his race is now like this, Zhang Shiyang is not heartbroken. The so-called Taoism is not conspiring. At this moment, Zhang Shiyang's eyes are gradually spreading red, the mana bulging throughout his body, and the cyan clothes erratic. His own Heavenly Dao Falun was suppressed, and all the various factions were here. As long as the Taishang Dao ancestor gave an order, Zhang Shiyang definitely had no reason to escape.

Since Taishang Daozu is recognized by the Origin World as the first obstacle, his methods must be extraordinary, and his cards are endless. Zhang Shiyang didn't believe that Taoist Dao ancestors really dared to kill himself, but looking at the situation, Zhang Shiyang is now suffering from a poisonous surname. He has a cultivation base of ten to seven or eight, and he can't escape the truth of being suppressed. However, it was not Zhang Shiyang's style to capture with his hands. Zhang Shiyang turned his head and stretched out his palms in front of him, and swept away all the items that Zhang Shiyang had placed in his room. At this moment, there was no hesitation in his heart. Zhang Shiyang looked at the great Taoist ancestor: "The Daoist ancestor wants to suppress me, but I am not convinced. Will Dao ancestor give me a reason?". Taishang Dao Ancestor felt that Zhang Shiyang’s state was a bit wrong at this time, but he still replied: "Okay, since you want a reason, then I will give it to you" Taishang Dao Ancestor said blankly: "First, you are not a monk. Keeping promises, taking the five innate spirit treasures of the demon prince, but not keeping the promise to let go of the millions of demon clan, this is one crime. Secondly, you don't respect this metaphor, and you have no respect for the same. The third point is that you are arrogant and domineering, innocently wounding the demon crown prince, and attacking the demon prince with magic power, this is the third." Needless to say, three points are enough to condemn you.

Zhang Shiyang laughed loudly when he heard the words: "There is nothing wrong with the crime that you want to add. These three points are all big miaos, how can I convince me." The ancestor Taishang was expressionless, and the purple robe mana on his body was agitated. This was a sign of the action: "Why don't you need to be convinced, my ancestor once told you that strength is always respected in this world, and you have no respect for everlasting life." But he can't tolerate your madness, and must punish you." Then he was about to make a move, but at this moment, Elder Wang in the distance said: "Dao Ancestor, let's do it slowly." The Taishang Taoist ancestor heard that his palm was stagnant again, and turned his head to look at Elder Wang: "Why, you also feel that this work is unfair, and you want to plead for him?". Elder Wang shook his head when he heard the words: "No, no, you can kill a chicken with a slaughter knife. Although this kid is the first person of his generation, he is not worthy of the Taoist ancestor's hands." The Supreme Taoist Ancestor heard the words: "How are you doing?" Elder Wang said: "Although Zhang Shiyang's combat power is high, it can defeat the four fierce beasts, but the four fierce beasts have no intelligence after all, and are incomparable with the power of the realm of Taoism. , Even Fairy Qingcheng was hurt by him to the carelessness."


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