Proof of Longevity

Chapter 197: Dao ancestor is here, fleeing chaos

When Zhang Shiyang was in the sea, there was a sudden flash of light in his mind. This old **** always bullies people because his tortoise shell is hard enough, so he has to find a way to stop him.

Zhang Shiyang is trapped, and the best way to take people is Qiankun sleeves. Just so, this old **** always bullies people at high speed. When he is hitting himself, he will use Qiankun sleeves to clean him up. In fact, the result was really beyond Zhang Shiyang's expectations.

The high speed means that this old man can't change his direction, nor can he brake suddenly. Coupled with the pulling force of the sleeve of the universe, the old antique was taken in without the slightest resistance. Suddenly everyone was dazzled, and the dog's eyes of the twenty-fourk titanium alloy 360 degrees were almost blinded by the light.

That's it? Where's the old tortoise? Everyone wondered how there was going to be an earth-shattering explosion, a big collision, and it was over, not even a single wave aroused.

Had it not been for the sound of the sonic boom in the sky, I'm afraid the Da Neng present really thought there was an illusion.

Zhang Shiyang looked at those Dao ancestors who had been dumbfounded, and said in his heart: "Catch a Dao Master, it is considered a profit, even if you avenge the dead sea gods, when will you not leave at this time". After speaking, he took out a Tai Chi picture and turned it into a yin-yang bridge leading to an inexplicable place.

Besides, everyone is looking forward to a battle between the two sides. It's better to have a loser. But who knows, the situation changes in the blink of an eye, the world is reversed, and the old turtle of the sea clan who has the upper hand is somehow lost by that guy.

Suddenly the fireworks disappeared, and the scene was frightened. Snake two stuck out his tongue again: "My dear, you deserve to be playing with the sea spider clan. No wonder even the Purple Spider King can't help him, this sea turtle. Fellow Daoist was lost by that kid in an instant. It's amazing, amazing".

The Purple Spider King felt awkward in his heart when he heard these words. This Snake II always exposes his shortcomings, he is really uncle tolerable, and aunt can't bear it. However, I have no grudges with the second snake, and no grudges near it. Why does the second snake keep revealing his shortness? The sinister and cunning of the second snake will never make this kind of mistake, even if he has hatred. , The second snake will definitely greet you with a smile, and then turn around and give you a knife in the back.

Thinking of the abnormality of Snake II, the Purple Spider King had to bury his anger in his heart, and immediately snorted coldly: Snake II, then you will meet that kid to see what his skills are.

This Purple Spider King really wronged the Second Snake. To say that the Second Snake was the most insidious, how could he do such things that offend people face to face.

However, this guy was shocked to see Zhang Shiyang cleaning up the two Taoist masters so miserably with the realm of Dao Venerable, he couldn't help but tell the embarrassment of the Purple Spider King.

She Er heard the Purple Spider King calling him to go, originally wanted to refuse, but in the name of righteousness, and under the gaze of the Dao masters, She Er had to bite the bullet and agreed.

The snake was secretly beating the drum with two hearts. This kid's magical powers are so strange and the methods are extraordinary. I still have to say whether I can deal with it when I go up. Don't lose my face when the time comes.

What's more, what this seat is good at is sneak attacks, how did this Purple Spider King tell himself to go. Although there were doubts in the bottom of my heart, the second snake did not ask, and pressed the doubt in the bottom of my heart: "I have to save my strength when I go up, and don't lose both sides and be picked up by this group of guys."

After seeing Zhang Shiyang's endless methods, the second snake felt hesitated. From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to face the guy head-on. Who knows what else that guy has.

But Snake Er soon realized that he didn't need to play by himself, and saw that the guy opposite took out a scroll, and a breath of innate treasure filled the hearts of everyone present.

Then I saw the guy throwing the scroll, and a golden bridge that didn't know where it crossed the road rose in the sky. Then I heard the Purple Spider King yelling anxiously from behind: "Brother Snake, Dao Master Haixing quickly stop him, he is about to run away."

Snake Eryi was stunned, looking at this distance, it was too late to stop it. Dao Master Haixing suddenly fainted for unknown reasons, and then fell into the sea. In this way, Zhang Shiyang stepped onto the golden bridge with the eyes of all Taoists open.

This golden bridge is quite extraordinary, with all laws not invading, fixed ground, water, wind and fire, and time and space. With just a few steps, Zhang Shiyang can walk out of Beihai.

Zhang Shiyang breathed a sigh of relief when he was about to reach the Golden Bridge. As long as he stepped onto the Golden Bridge, Zhang Shiyang couldn't think of anyone there to stop him.

The hearts of all Taoists were about to break, and after busying for a long time, the most duck flew away, the innate treasure, that is the inborn treasure. Whether chasing or not, a group of Taoists desperately rushed to the place of battle.

At this moment, the wind and clouds in the sky were changing suddenly, and a dull pressure came, and all the Taoists had to stop and wait for the change. The sudden dark cloud turned into a big hand, as if to represent the rules of the whole world, and patted Zhang Shiyang fiercely.

Zhang Shiyang couldn't feel the pressure on the golden bridge, but seeing that big hand full of rules, Zhang Shiyang knew that the Taoist ancestors of the five continents had finally come. The situation is not optimistic, Zhang Shiyang seems to be walking on the golden bridge as if he hadn't seen that big hand.

Finally, the big hand Yu Jinqiao collided, there was no explosion, no sound, and some only distorted time and space, and the forces of law were canceling each other. Zhang Shiyang's Golden Bridge was extraordinary, and he actually resisted Dao Ancestor's full blow.

However, this blow also has a price. Zhang Shiyang's aura that he had plundered in the North Sea during his previous healing had consumed most of it. But being able to withstand this blow, although it paid a price, was worth it. The vitality is suitable and cannot be accumulated, and now Zhang Shiyang has taken the last step and disappeared in place, and the golden bridge has also disappeared.

At this moment, the void split open, and a man in an emperor's robe walked out. This man is painted with two huge real dragons, his face is full of majesty, and he can't breathe in the coercion to teach you Dao masters.

The man did not pay much attention to these Taoists, carefully explored the nodes of the space, and then his eyes lit up and muttered: "It's actually chaos, a little Taoist really has the courage, and he dares to go with a treasure. Running chaotically, you are not brave." After finishing speaking, the man in the imperial robe hissed hard at the void in front of him with his hands. The void splits a gap, and endless chaotic air descends.

All the Taoists on the side hurriedly fled away when they saw the Chaos Qi flying down, and didn't dare to let the Chaos Qi touch them.

After the dragon-robed man stepped into the chaos, the space cracks in this place closed. All the masters looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, these several pressures descended on this place one after another, but these figures did not stop, and directly escaped from the previous dragon-robed man's footprints torn the void and chased after him.

Finally, after all the auras were gone, the people raised their heads again, and the purple spider king showed a look of loss: "Is this the ancestor of Dao? Really powerful aura, coercive to the heavens, I have been trapped for countless years when I was born overseas. At the top of this Taoist master, but even so, those Taoist ancestors actually regarded me as nothing, really,,, alas".

The Purple Spider King couldn't talk about it anymore.

How the Dao masters didn't understand the thoughts of the Purple Spider King, everyone was the Dao Master, and they were all trapped in the same bottleneck. Everyone would understand this suffering.

At this time, the two snakes showed a vicious look: "These Dao ancestors are really hateful. They are not allowed to wait until I enter the five continents to break through the Dao ancestors, and cut off the opportunity for me to wait for enlightenment. Damn it." Talking and talking, the two snakes showed a crazy look.

The big man on the side, Dao Master Haima was also depressed: "I was waiting for someone from my ancestors to sneak into the five continents, but when I was about to break through Dao ancestors, I was killed by those nasty guys. It’s sad, sad, I’m going to be trapped in this realm for the rest of my life. I will eventually avenge my revenge on the five continents, kill all the Dao ancestors, and fight for one of my sea clan. Meristem".

Suddenly, the heroes were angry, and the Dao Master Haixing on the bottom of the sea was silent at this time, but the light in his eyes was even better.

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