Proof of Longevity

Chapter 196: If I can't kill you, I will accept you

Hearing the rhinoceros spirit, the purple spider king took the topic: "No need, brother Gui’s turtle shell has been sacrificed for millions of years. A star in a mere mere star is the most damaging to his body, and the soul is shaken. It’s still a long way from breaking through his defenses."

Everyone nodded and praised this statement. Everyone had confidence in the defense of the old tortoise. Seeing this, the rhinoceros is not much to say just looking at the situation on the battlefield.

After Zhang Shiyang's tornado was formed, Haidong's whip was rolled off track. Then I saw the sudden change of the wind and clouds in the sky, and a black cloud was formed out of thin air. Zhang Shiyang jumped into the cloud and stood on top of the dark cloud.

Seeing Haidonglai, who was about to ride the clouds below, Zhang Shiyang let out a dark smile: "Haidong, without this old tortoise, you can taste the meal specially prepared by this seat for you."

"Five-party heavenly thunders listen to my orders and give me a cut." Zhang Shiyang pinched a trick to control thunder and lightning in Yuntou. For the first time, Tianlei of Shangqing appeared in this world. I saw a trail of thunders from the clear sky coming and going towards Haidong like rain.

Hai Donglai was unknown, so I just thought it was ordinary thunder and lightning. As long as they are successful in cultivation, they will not be afraid of ordinary lightning, let alone be killed by ordinary lightning.

Alas, empiricism kills people.

I saw Hai Donglai actually picked up the whip and swept away at the thunder and lightning in the sky. Next, Hai Donglai's face became very exciting, green and white, and the smell of flesh and blood wafted out of his body. The primordial spirit was beaten by the super-clear **** thunder that stunned the demons, not only in the southeast, northwest, and dizzy.

Zhang Shiyang gave a smirk, and secretly said in his heart: "Hai Donglai is the power of the starfish clan, possessing the immortal body of inheriting supernatural powers, as long as there is a drop of blood, it can be regenerated again. But if I use the Supreme Qing Demon God Thunder to destroy his body All the particles were electrocuted, and the soul was dispersed. I don't believe he can come back to life again."

In this way, if he is not dead, Zhang Shiyang is real, then he has nothing to do, Haidong, come on, do it yourself. After Zhang Shiyang murmured, he began to increase the lightning landing.

There is a chance to kill Haidonglai, Zhang Shiyang thinks he will not miss it. However, Zhang Shiyang regretted not bringing the Demon Locking Tower here at this time. You must know that the Demon Locking Tower is the four big beasts with fighting power against the sky. Bringing it to Zhang Shiyang believes that what he is doing now has to be a lot easier.

Besides, the old tortoise finally stopped after being hit by the stars. The star instantly turned into a prototype and fell into the sea, not knowing how many fish and shrimps and monsters were killed. The old tortoise was floating in the sea at this time, showing a prototype. A tortoise measuring about a hundred feet in length was floating up and down.

At this moment, the tortoise’s neck and limbs were all shrunk into the shell. After a while, the old tortoise shook his body, slowly poking out his neck, watching the surroundings had calmed down, took out his limbs, and instantly transformed again. shape.

He was still the old man with short limbs carrying a tortoise shell, but at this time the old man was no longer calm, his face was pale, and his feet were vacant. Wow, he spouted a mouthful of blood and murmured: "I think my old tortoise has never been so embarrassed in millions of years except for the trauma that I suffered from my youth from my debut to this day. I never thought I was planted because of underestimating the enemy. Such a big somersault really deserves it. But this matter can't be forgotten. My old turtle is embarrassed this time, and I must wash my shame with the blood of that bastard." After speaking, he rolled back into the void and returned to the original path.

Zhang Shiyang looked at Hai Dong coming, who was jumping from side to side, secretly amused, but at this moment a vague black shadow floated in front of him, and then he was hit and flew dozens of miles away and fell into the sea with a "puff". Among.

Then came the harsh sonic boom. Zhang Shiyang understood that the object must have been faster than the sound, so he heard the sonic boom only after he was knocked into flight. Looking at his own body, it must be useless. But fortunately, the black yellow of the flesh is immortal, and countless black yellow qi leaks out of the void between thoughts, repairing Zhang Shiyang's body. As for the primordial spirit, although it is said to have suffered a little damage, it is harmless.

Through the sea, Zhang Shiyang could see an old man with short limbs and a huge shell standing on the head of the cloud where he had stood before. At this time, the old man was standing on the head of the cloud and laughed triumphantly. Dao Master Haixing below was relieved by the rescue of the old tortoise. But at this time, Hai Donglai's complexion was really unsightly, and the whole body was burnt. The old tortoise was in a good mood at the time to repay his grudge. At this time, he looked at Hai Donglai with a sullen expression: "Hey Dong, how come your boy looks like this, can't you think of wanting sex".

Hai Donglai looked ugly, snorted and ignored it, instead regaining mana and healing his injuries.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the old tortoise with cold eyes. Suddenly, the sea water in a radius of several tens of miles suddenly burst, and countless splashes of water flew high into the sky. Old Tortoise and Haidong Lai knew that Zhang Shiyang was the ghost of Zhang Shiyang, and they all looked on their faces for a while. After these few confrontations, the two never dared to underestimate Zhang Shiyang.

The old tortoise jumped off the cloud head and landed beside Hai Donglai, maximizing his spiritual consciousness, watching closely the movement in all directions. The sky full of water suddenly turned into ice sculptures, spreading towards the two in an instant.

Hai Donglai laughed and said loudly: "The old tricks are old and there are no new tricks. It's another trick that is frozen in time."

Turning his head to the old tortoise, he said, "Go home, don't let the water come close to us, or we will be instantly frozen in ice."

The old tortoise showed disdain: "It's okay, I've been in the cold and heat millions of years ago."

Hai Donglai saw the old turtle carelessly, so he quickly drew away, and then turned his face to show anxious expression: "Quickly dodge, it's bipolar mysterious ice, it can't be touched without special means."

Hearing this, the old turtle's face changed and became unusually frequent. He swished to Hai Donglai's side and patted his chest: The two poles of Xuanbing really scared me to death.

Zhang Shiyang repeated the old tricks and saw that the old tortoise hadn't been hit, so he stopped hiding, and walked out step by step and walked on top of the cloud.

At this time, the old turtle saw Zhang Shiyang no longer calmly and said to Hai Donglai next to him: "Friend Haidao, go and contain him, I will find a chance to hit him to death."

Hai Donglai looked at the old turtle's back with a strange color. He didn't expect the turtle's shell to be so hard. The physical defense of the sea star family is the weakest. At this time, seeing the shell of the old tortoise, I couldn't help showing a fiery color on this face. This hot gaze startled the old turtle: "Friend Haidao, what are you going to do?"

Haidonglai chuckled: "Old Turtle, you know that the flesh of my sea star family is the weakest. I don't know if your sea turtle family has surplus shells for exchange."

The old tortoise rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "No, my sea turtles have a very long life span. Unless they die accidentally, there is basically no life-span worry. If the tortoise's shell has been taken away by the enemy by accident, how can I stay? Next."

This makes sense, Hai Donglai looked disappointed: "Well, I will contain that guy for you. You have to spot it before you do it." After talking about Hai Donglai, he flew up and rushed towards Zhang Shiyang.

The long whip from Haidong came from afar before he was in front of him.

Zhang Shiyang kept walking, seeing the flying whip, his big sleeves fluttered and greeted him.

As soon as he fought, Zhang Shiyang's Universe Sleeve easily said that Haidonglai's whip would be removed. Then the sleeves suddenly stretched and pulled back towards Haidong.

The Dao Master is the Dao Master, and the method is extraordinary. The whip in Hai Donglai's hand suddenly became shorter, becoming about one foot in size. Then the force of the law surged, and the two collided, Zhang Shiyang's universe was blocked by the force of the law.

Zhang Shiyang just used the simplest change of Qiankun sleeve to meet the enemy, and didn't want to take people and trap people. So this Qiankun sleeve just played a little bit. Both were shaken by this counter-shock, and both flew back.

At this time, Zhang Shiyang saw a huge black figure flying towards him quickly, "Old Turtle". A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Shiyang's mouth: "You are waiting."

Zhang Shiyang didn't dodge this time. When he saw the old turtle flying to the front, he suddenly overhauled, and a huge pulling force spread. With his habitual surname, he easily sent the old turtle into his sleeve.


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