Proof of Longevity

Chapter 198: Into the chaos, the demon king chases

Zhang Shiyang used the aura of plundering in the sea to fight against Taoist ancestors. Zhang Shiyang originally wanted to directly drive the golden bridge to Dongsheng Shenzhou, but when he thought of the Dao ancestors' more sensitive exploration than a dog nose, he couldn't help but give up this plan.

Going to the chaos, in the chaos, one's own heavenly law wheel is no longer suppressed, but you can deal with these Dao ancestors and teach them a lesson, telling them that the treasure is not so easy to grab.

It is undeniable that Zhang Shiyang's Taiji diagram is against the sky. It only took a few dozen steps to cross the endless void and into the chaos of Wuken.

Feeling this chaotic air, Zhang Shiyang smiled, the Heavenly Dao Falun automatically floated around his body, and a wave of laws spread from around Zhang Shiyang, the chaos that passed by was silent, and the constantly surging chaotic air current also quieted down at this moment.

Zhang Shiyang flicked the Taiji Tu and continued to move toward the depths of the chaos. The Taiji Tu could fix the ground, water, wind, and fire, and even the chaos was suppressed.

In the chaos, there is no up, down, left, right, southeast, northwest. The laws of heaven and earth are extremely chaotic, and even the saints here cannot use the power of the laws, but can only use their own avenues.

The avenue is the monk's goal, the road, the aggregation of all the monks' magical powers. Just like the law of kendo and the law of swords are two things, a practitioner understands his own great way and condenses his great way to mobilize the power of the laws related to it.

Zhang Shiyang dares to fight Dao ancestors in the chaos, the greatest reliance is the power of law, the will of heaven.

Zhang Shiyang doesn't have time to condense his great road, but he has the Law Wheel of Heaven to make up for this shortcoming. The power of the laws in this chaos is chaotic, and no one can mobilize the power of the laws, except for Zhang Shiyang, who has the Law Wheel of Heaven. Where the will of heaven is where the law lies, and the will with heaven has the law of heaven.

Moreover, Zhang Shiyang's Law Wheel of Heaven is originally a combination of innate immortal aura and law. It is a law in itself, a representative of a complete and orderly law. Ever since Zhang Shiyang was injured by the will of heaven and earth of the world of origin, Zhang Shiyang has discovered that his heavenly law wheel will be topped by the will of heaven and earth as soon as it appears, and then be suppressed.

This has to be said that this is a very depressing thing, Zhang Shiyang has some emotion, at first he was too eager to get it, and deserved to be targeted by the will of heaven and earth.

Think about it, this Heavenly Dao Falun's function is against the heavens. He has robbed him of the duties of the Heavenly Dao. If you want to grab a job with others, you can't do it.

Zhang Shiyang stopped at Jinqiao and received the Tai Chi picture. The power of the law between thoughts and movements found that all the power of the law within a radius of about one mile has been adjusted and turned into an orderly state. This place is generally desolate if the world first opened, but when Zhang Shiyang moved his finger, three drops of the three-light divine water fell, and the place was changed by the power of good fortune, and between a few breaths, the vegetation was in full bloom, and it was a beautiful scenery.

Zhang Shiyang walked to the middle and sat down. Between his breath, a table, a chair, and a pot of wine were placed in front of him.

Zhang Shiyang made it with peace of mind. He picked up the white jade jug and poured a glass of wine into which glass cup, slowly tasting it, and waited for the follower's arrival with peace of mind. Zhang Shiyang didn't know how many Dao ancestors were behind him, because that didn't affect Zhang Shiyang's plan to kill chickens and monkeys. As long as he let the Dao ancestors see his own strength, he believed that those Dao ancestors would retreat in the face of difficulties, and Zhang Shiyang didn't need to spend much time talking. However, Zhang Shiyang looked forward to who this Taoist ancestor was.

Besides, the Demon King flew towards the chaos after escaping the traces of Zhang Shiyang, but the chaos was too chaotic and rioting, even this Taoist ancestor would be uncomfortable. If he wanted to let him catch that kid, he would definitely do it. It cramps and peels to disperse the soul.

However, thinking that the demon clan of Luzhou, which was huge in the north, didn't even have an innate treasure, the demon emperor couldn't help but feel grief and inexplicable.

I wonder how great his demon clan's luck is to fight one state alone, but so what? The luck of the most treasured tribe who has not suppressed the luck of luck will sooner or later be ruined. Although it has recently formed an alliance with Taishangjiao, the reliability of this alliance has yet to be discussed.

This time the Innate Treasure was the closest to his Beiju Luzhou, so the Demon King rushed over without saying a word after discovering the aura of the Innate Treasure. But although it is said to be close, this distance refers to the relative place of arrival.

When the Demon Sovereign arrived, I saw a kid who was only in the realm of Dao Venerable and actually controlled this treasure and wanted to leave.

How could the Demon King willingly let him go? How could a ant in the realm of Dao Venerable, a guy who could be crushed to death by himself with a finger deserved to enjoy such a treasure.

So using his mana, he condensed his tense strength to kill Zhang Shiyang from the air.

However, the result was a bit of surprise to the Demon King. He didn't expect that the treasure would burst out with such a powerful force and rescued the kid.

However, this did not make the Demon King angry, because the greater the power of the treasure, the better, and the strength that he would win over it would not increase exponentially.

So the Demon King decisively deduced the coordinates of the void that Zhang Shiyang had walked through, and then tore the void to the chaos, even the Taoists of the sea clan he didn't care about it. However, the law aura in the chaos is a bit violent, and the route Zhang Shiyang has traveled has long been erased by the power of this violent chaos.

While the Demon Emperor was desperately trying to find a solution, suddenly there was a wave of the law from a distance, and the wave of the law was so clear. You don't need to think too much about the Demon King to conclude that this must be the fluctuation of the Supreme Treasure's own laws.

Although some strange law fluctuations would spread so far, the Demon King was relieved when he thought of the strength of the Supreme Treasure Master, just the lucky ant.

In fact, the fluctuation of the law felt by the Demon Emperor was the fluctuation of the law when Zhang Shiyang mobilized the Law Wheel of Heaven to change heaven and earth. If in the chaos, relying solely on the treasures would never be able to pass the fluctuations so far. But this also happened to be the case when the Demon Sovereign was attacking and looking for him.

When the Demon Emperor arrived, Zhang Shiyang had already drunk a pot of wine, and looked at the Demon Emperor who was not far away, really embarrassed. Zhang Shiyang smiled: "Who are you? Are you interested in the treasure of this seat?".

The Demon Sovereign was a bit dazed at this time. Originally, the fluctuation of this law of escape was here to win the treasure, but who knows that the scene in front of him is shocked, when will there be such a good scenery in this chaos? Abnormality is a demon, and the demon emperor finally woke up from the zealous state of the treasure, and watched the person answering him sitting in the middle of the scene. The white mask, the cyan clothes, and the scroll that made his eyes hot, undoubtedly did not mean that this guy was the treasure thief he was looking for.

Hearing Zhang Shiyang's question, the demon emperor straightened his clothes and said proudly: "This seat is the demon emperor of Luzhou in Beiju."

When Zhang Shiyang heard the word demon emperor, his eyes flashed, and he smiled and said hello: "It turns out that it is the demon emperor, he is rude, please come in and tell the demon emperor."

Hearing this, the Demon King sneered, and said to himself: "This place is weird. There is such a blessed land in this chaos. No matter how you look at it, it reveals a strange smell. Although this guy is not in his eyes, the emperor is noble. , How can you take risks".

So I refused: "No, I still have important things waiting to be dealt with, but I felt a wave of the most precious treasure before, and I feel that this treasure has something to do with me. Please also ask the Taoist friend for the beauty of sincere and benevolence, and bring the treasure to me. , I will remember your favor".

When Zhang Shiyang heard this, he secretly complained: "How come these old guys don't want to be so shameless, first those Dao masters, and now the Demon Emperor in front of them, hey, the world is down."

Zhang Shiyang didn’t want to be polite with the Demon Emperor. He himself had an enmity with the Demon Emperor, so he didn’t have to sell his face, so he pretended to be curious and said: "Oh, the Demon Emperor is so big, I don’t know how many favors your Demon Emperor is worth. , No, no, it's worth a few magic weapons, a few pills? I'm really curious about it."

After hearing Zhang Shiyang’s words, the demon emperor’s eyes suddenly sparked: "Boy, don’t toast or drink fine wine. The emperor sells your personal affection because you are worthy of you, and he exalts you. You don’t know how to exaggerate and make the emperor angry. It’s up to you to see if your mouth is still as hard as you are now."

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