Proof of Longevity

Chapter 171: Sea spider

Seeing the three people arguing endlessly, Zhang Shiyang walked up to the three of them unhurriedly and bowed a salute: "The three daoists have invited them. Only below did they see the three daoists arguing interestingly not far away. Come uninvited. I also hope to forgive me".

At this time, the red-faced man paid a salute after seeing Zhang Shiyang saluting, and then said: "The three of me are arguing about this tooth, but I made friends laugh."

Zhang Shiyang waved his hand: "It's okay, it's boring, and I really have research on this sea spider. Why don't you give me the sea spider tooth, how about I distinguish it for you?".

Seeing that there was no objection between Qi and the two, the red-faced man handed the teeth in his hands to Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang took the tooth and saw that it was the size of an adult's palm, with a glow in the sun. He already knew that this was a sea spider tooth. No doubt, this tooth was white as jade, and there was no stain on it. It was definitely one. Adult sea spider teeth.

Zhang Shiyang handed the teeth back to the owner of Haizhu Teeth: "This is definitely a sea spider tooth."

However, Zhang Shiyang’s words were obviously not convincing at all. The octopus-shaped man chuckled: "Friends, it’s not that I said you, who knows if the two of you have a pre-arranged drag to fool us, think To prove that this is a real sea spider tooth, I am afraid we need some more convincing evidence."

Zhang Shiyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and what this guy said, if he might not just believe it so rashly, but it’s hard to do. If you want evidence, you have to have it. You Zhang Shiyang speaks the vernacular. There is no convincing power at all.

Looking left and then again, Zhang Shiyang had a headache: "Friend Taoist, you can't blame us if you don't know the sea spider teeth. I really can't get this evidence."

Hearing this, the owner of the sea spider's teeth darkened: "It's okay, fellow Taoists don't have to blame themselves. If you missed today, there must be someone who will recognize this thing with wise eyes and beads in the future."

The two people who were going to buy teeth were also ready to get up and leave at this time. At this time, Zhang Shiyang's eyes lit up: "The three Taoists take a moment, and I have an idea."

Hearing Zhang Shiyang’s words, the three of them stopped their bodies together. Zhang Shiyang reached out and touched his horns, and then said: "The two Taoists want to buy sea spiders’ teeth because the sea spider’s teeth are highly poisonous. When catching prey As long as you are bitten by the sea spider's teeth, you will never try to escape."

Seeing the two nodded together, Zhang Shiyang clapped his hands: "In this case, as long as it can be proved that this tooth has the same effect as a sea bead poisoning its prey."

The cuttlefish who bought the teeth heard the words and touched his nose: "How to prove?"

Zhang Shiyang smiled: "This is simple, just find a living thing and stab it with a tooth to prove it."

As soon as Zhang Shiyang's voice fell, another old man who wanted to buy sea spider teeth touched his beard: "Friends of the Taoist said this is feasible."

Speaking and looking at Zhang Shiyang's horns: "People say stupid bulls, but I didn't expect Taoist friends to have such wisdom. It really opened my eyes."

Zhang Shiyang chuckled when he heard the words, as if interrupted, and then changed the subject: "Since all of you have agreed, then please, let me join in the fun with the past."

The young man who bought the sea spider's teeth smiled at this moment: "Go with it, go with it. You must know that this sea spider's tooth is a rare treasure for these people with low cultivation bases, this sea spider tooth. It is very poisonous in itself, and after artificial refining, its poisonous surname will be stronger, and its special surname will be brought into full play."

As several people walked, the cuttlefish spirit who bought the sea spider teeth introduced Zhang Shiyang to the purpose of the sea spider teeth: "Especially I am a cuttlefish, good at confusing the eyes of my opponents, and I have a lot of grippers. When the time comes, if you take the opportunity to attack, it will take a lot of money," he said with a smile.

Zhang Shiyang is too lazy to pay attention to this kind of demon, but there are so many people here, not afraid of 10,000 people, but afraid of it, if there is a major incident in this sea area, will it be bad to be investigated by someone, or honest Just be your own bison essence, so while responding to this cuttlefish essence, while thinking about how to use this sea spider silk thread to replace the skin of the golden toad.

Although the island is very large, it is nothing to these people with magical powers. Traveling to the northern sea in the twilight sky is the vastness of the monks' mana and magical powers.

When I came to the beach, the cuttlefish spirit stretched out its hand, which can be extended indefinitely. Not long after it went deep into the bottom of the sea, the waves were surging, and a huge dome fish was dragged into the shallow waters. The cuttlefish spirit smiled: "This Spiritual beasts are very rare, and they are not easy to start. Although this skyfish does not have spiritual wisdom, has no mana, and is not a beast, its huge size can also be used to test the poison of this tooth. Last name."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to the owner of the sea spider tooth: Please also ask fellow Taoists to do it, let me wait for a while.

The young seller didn't regret the life of the sky fish. With a wave of his hand, the sea bead's teeth had been infused with a mana and then flew out through the air, slamming into the sky fish's skin. In the blink of an eye, you could see that the struggling dome fish lost its resistance and sank into the sea. Withdrawing the tooth, the seller looked at the two sellers: "Two, how about it?".

The old man nodded: "Even if this tooth is not a real sea spider tooth, its poisonous surname is of great value, and looking at the signs of skyfish poisoning, it must be the sea spider's tooth."

The Cuttlefish on the side also nodded: "Yes, not bad." I don't know if the cuttlefish essence said that the poisonous name of this tooth is good or whether this tooth is really a sea spider tooth and there is nothing wrong with it, but all this has nothing to do with Zhang Shiyang.

Obviously the poisonous name of the tooth made the two of them very excited, so a new round of quarrels, bargaining, and price reductions began. It is really a must-have comparison. Zhang Shiyang looked a little speechless.

After a long time wasted, he was worthy of growing up in the water, fighting fiercely with saliva, and finally an agreement was reached. The cuttlefish got the tooth at a higher price and left triumphantly.

The old man's complexion was a little bit grim, and he clenched his teeth and followed closely behind the cuttlefish spirit. When the time came, it would be another big show of killing monsters and hunting treasures.

After the two of them were gone, the young man who sold sea spider teeth walked towards Zhang Shiyang with a smile on his face: "Thank you Daoyou for the matter just now. I have always been an ordinary fisherman in Xia Dao, because he had eaten it by mistake. Only then did the genius dibao unleash the spiritual wisdom and transform it into a human form. When I feel the grace of the heaven and the earth, he uses the operation of the sky as the dao name, which means to be blessed by the heaven and the earth.

When Zhang Shiyang saw this fish spirit introduced himself, he didn't save his face: "It is the buffalo who gains the Tao in Xia, and the reason is that it took a day to swallow the treasure. It is called Niu Er in Xia." After finishing speaking, Zhang Shiyang seemed to think of a kind of wine from his previous life, Niulanshan Erguotou for short, Niu Er. When the fish spirit saw Zhang Shiyang's introduction, he bowed his hand: It turned out to be a friend of Niu Er Dao, so he was polite.

Zhang Shiyang didn't want to call it entangled anymore, and Zhang Shiyang didn't think he would have any intersection with this ordinary grass carp spirit in the future, so he changed the subject: "Friends of Heavenly Luck, is that tooth really belonged to the sea spider clan?" .

The grass carp spirit patted his chest and said loudly: "There is still a fake, but I personally stole it from the territory of the sea spider clan."

After hearing this, Zhang Shiyang pretended to be curious and interested: "Oh, I don't know if Heavenly Fate Daoist can introduce the territory of this sea spider clan for the next introduction."

The grass carp gave Zhang Shiyang a strange look: "Friend Niu Erdao, you won't be interested in the territory of this sea spider clan, I tell you, that place is impossible to go to, it is a life of nine deaths."

Zhang Shiyang cursed secretly in his heart: "Horse Girl, why are you so inked, be careful, I will slap you to death with the palm of my hand".

But still pretending to be interested, the grass carp spirit was really interested when he saw Zhang Shiyang, and he started to introduce him one by one without selling it. However, the grass carp spirit was not yet a good one at that time, and the places he visited were limited, but it was a whole battle. If it hasn't become refined, otherwise it would have long since become someone's belly lunch, and the situation is almost understood. After taking out the little stock left in the belly of the grass carp essence, Zhang Shiyang is ready to leave. At this time, the grass carp stood up and grabbed Zhang Shiyang's arm tightly: "Friend Niu Er Dao, the sea spider tribe's ridge is absolutely impossible to go, remember."

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