Proof of Longevity

Chapter 170: Beihai Golden Toad

Zhang Shiyang walked out of the cave mansion of Taishang Dao ancestor, and for a while, he didn't know where to go. Now Fairy Qingcheng's injury hasn't improved, and Zhang Shiyang is asked to go to the cave mansion to retreat alone. Zhang Shiyang can't help himself to cultivate. Doing twice the result with half the effort, in that case, it is better not to retreat.

Zhang Shiyang raised his hand, and a broken belt appeared in his hand. These four fierce beasts were so ferocious. From Zhang Shiyang's eyesight, this belt is also a magic weapon. After all, this is a Taoist master. Zhang Shiyang's personal magic weapon was practiced day and night by Qingcheng Taoist ancestors, but this magic weapon has been destroyed. Zhang Shiyang sighed a little. He really took a peck and a drink. He recovered the four beasts, and the four beasts brought the magic weapons of Fairy Qingcheng. It is ruined, because of emotion and reason, Zhang Shiyang should prepare a better or the same quality magic weapon for Fairy Qingcheng. Of course, it is only God knows whether this reason can be explained. Of course, it doesn’t matter, as long as Zhang Shiyang accepts it. , Or that Zhang Shiyang has an excuse.

Taking into account the elixir sent by the ancestors of the Supreme Daoist and the recovery time of Fairy Qingcheng, Zhang Shiyang walked down the mountain, and after leaving the gate of the Supreme Master, he waved a cloud of auspicious clouds, stepped forward, and Zhang Shiyang headed towards Beihai.

Zhang Shiyang thought for a while, what kind of materials should be used to refine the magic weapon, thinking about going to the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, there are no very good materials, either it is a poor surname, or it is not able to bless too much forbidden method, it seems to see. Go, nothing meets Zhang Shiyang's requirements.

However, I accidentally heard people say that various geniuses and treasures overseas are relatively rich. However, since the beginning of the world, monks from the five continents have relied on their magical power to seize the four continents and divide the regions. Only the red dust is left. Middle-earth, and overseas don’t know why, there is an inexplicable power to prevent the Taoist from breaking through to the ancestral realm. This has always been a nightmare for overseas meditation. How many times are the highest Taoist and the highest Taoist in the dream? Awakened.

We must know that the overseas is vast, there are countless hidden monks, and the cultivation of the major island owners is not weak. If it weren’t for the fact that no top Taoist ancestor was born, I’m afraid it would have invaded the mainland long ago, and it can be said with certainty that a great battle is a must It broke out, and the winning or losing technique is hard to say. Overseas casual cultivators have always wanted to enter the mainland to occupy a part of the Dongtian blessed land, and the founding sect to enter the realm of Da Luo Daozu, and the mainland is so big, all of which are now occupied by the famous big sect , If you want to get a share of the mainland, you must be prepared to face the anger of all the forces on the road.

But all of this has nothing to do with Zhang Shiyang. He cultivated immortality and enlightened him, and he emphasized to transcend all things. If you want to avoid all these disputes, it is not difficult. His thoughts were flying, and Zhang Shiyang's cloud head reached the North Sea in a blink of an eye, and he looked at a blue sky, the sky is infinitely vast, the sea and the sky are connected, seabirds are constantly flying in the sky, and endless vitality is bred in this blue sea.

The purpose of Zhang Shiyang’s trip was to find a special kind of monster in the North Sea, the North Sea Golden Toad. The toad of this North Sea Golden Toad is one of the treasures of genius and one of Zhang Shiyang’s ideal refining materials, but this The Beihai Golden Toad is a minority, and its species is rare. Compared with the vast North Sea, looking for the Beihai Golden Toad is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, after all, it is the world of Xianxia, ​​everything is possible. Divination and fortune-telling are a means of prying into the secrets of heaven. Zhang Shiyang’s one-element causality fighting is even more powerful among them. Causality has already occurred between thoughts and actions. Jin Chan’s greed, killing thought as the starting point and cause and effect, to calculate the whereabouts of the North Sea golden toad, the heavens are so slim, Zhang Shiyang saw a huge golden toad in the endless river of time and space, the golden toad suspended on the river of destiny, Zhang Shiyang suddenly withdrew to calculate, isn't this place overseas? Why is this Beihai Jinchan clan actually possessing Dao ancestor level power? This is unscientific.

Zhang Shiyang stood on the cloud head meditating. This time is troublesome. The technique of pinching is no longer available. This great Luo Daozu is beyond the long river of fate and is hidden in the endless time and space. If he counts for too long, I am afraid that Jin Chan will be there. The ancestors of a clan will have the induction. When the golden toad ancestor comes across time and space, it will be a big trouble. Although he can face Dao ancestors to save his life, he can also make a few tricks, but once his mana is exhausted, then But it's a lamb that everyone slaughtered.

How long have I practiced myself? For those old monsters who have practiced countless guild yuan, their own mana is simply a drop in the bucket for them, and it can consume themselves to death.

Since the art of numbness has lost its effectiveness, you can only stroll around by yourself to see how lucky you are. If it doesn't work, you can only replace it with other items.

Zhang Shiyang waved his big sleeve, and the magic of the universe came out from the sleeve. A little demon that was thousands of miles away was taken into the sleeve. He threw the little demon on the cloud while thinking, and then performed the soul-searching technique. However, this little demon's strength is low, and he can't walk thousands of miles away. If he walks beyond these thousands of miles, I'm afraid he won't know when it will be swallowed, so his understanding of the entire Beihai is also very limited.

Zhang Shiyang threw this unconscious little demon into the sea, splashing waves of waves. Zhang Shiyang's golden light and rainbow disappeared into the sky between vertical flashes. There was a huge island about 300,000 miles away. Zhang Shiyang used it. The spell fell into the island, which should be the place where the overseas monks in this area settled. There are many foreign races overseas. In order to avoid trouble, Zhang Shiyang turned into a buffalo spirit with double horns on his head.

There are countless demon races here. The island of Karma is not too big, about hundreds of thousands of miles in size. Zhang Shiyang uses the technique of looking forward to Qi. The demon races here are mostly shallow people, with low mana and worthless. Mentioned, but in the center of the island, there is a wave of evil spirits, and the mana is soaring to the sky, there are about hundreds of thousands.

Zhang Shiyang didn’t even ask, and walked towards the gathering place of monks and monsters. Although he didn’t control the light, he didn’t shrink to an inch. While watching the overseas scenery, he paid attention to the conversations of these monks. Some of the information that was used again, unknowingly, has arrived nearby, and a burst of hustle and bustle is coming. This overseas is really different from the four major continents. This place is actually a gathering place for monks. Everyone does some practice here. On the transaction, for example, some useless things are exchanged with others.

However, after walking for a while, Zhang Shiyang felt a little disappointed. The things that were traded were all the little monsters and little monsters who couldn't enter Zhang Shiyang's magic eyes.

At this moment, in this noisy conversation, Zhang Shiyang finally heard some useful information. Not far from Zhang Shiyang, three monks were sitting on the ground introducing their belongings to each other, and then they argued. One of the men was a little red-faced. Said: "Dead octopus, don't slander me. This spider tooth was indeed picked up by the sea spider tribe thousands of miles away. You must know that the sea spider tribe belongs to the sea spider tribe thousands of miles away. How can the sea spider tribe tolerate other animals? To live in the territory again, all creatures are just food for the sea spider clan, who would dare to enter the sea spider's territory without great strength."

The octopus-shaped monk showed disdain when he heard the words: "This is obviously false. I am afraid that after you enter the territory of the Haizhu clan, you will never have a chance to come out again."

"You said this spider tooth was picked up by you, but you simply don't have the strength to escape. How could it be true?". The monk was really anxious: "This is what I encountered in the territory of the Sea Spider clan when I had just acquired my spiritual wisdom and had not yet transformed, and then I secretly brought it out."

This is reasonable and reasonable. Zhang Shiyang believes it, and the other clan doesn’t eat everything. Some ordinary fish and sea spider clan will still be merciful, raise them, wait until they are transformed, and then swallow them into their stomachs. Here, this is pig raising, which is easy to understand.

This monk had taken great luck and ran out when he had just turned on his spiritual wisdom. If he was watched by the sea spider later, it would be absolutely dead and no life. After Zhang Shiyang stopped for a while, he had an idea.

Brothers have been very helpful this week, and thank you all for your support. No more words are said, everything is in my heart. Hahaha, due to the great efforts of my brothers, this week, "Classified Channel News Recommendation", I hope everyone will give it a show. Also, I would like to thank fellow Taoist Wen Tianhua for his reward and support, and Destiny would like to thank him again.

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