Proof of Longevity

Chapter 172: Heaven and earth show amazing power

Facing the passionate grass carp spirit, Zhang Shiyang couldn't laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to say: "Friends, please rest assured, just don't go."

After talking about which grass carp spirit wandered away in the worried eyes.

After Zhang Shiyang left the grass carp spirit's sight, his figure flashed, and the invisibility technique was used. Here, I don't worry about someone being able to see through his invisibility technique. Turning mana into a prototype, Zhang Shiyang, Jin Guanghuahong, flew away thinking of the territory of the Sea Spider clan.

If the silk of this sea spider clan is long enough, it would be an incredible treasure. After becoming a treasure, people are trapped and take the hands of people's unwillingness. Zhang Shiyang’s retreat was very fast. A cloud head of Monkey King was one hundred and eight thousand miles away, but Zhang Shiyang’s speed was several times that of Monkey King. You should know that the golden light of rainbow transformation was the two powers of the world in the great famine of the year. Created by Emperor Juntai, who dominates the interior and exterior of Honghuang. These two great abilities once sat down and listened to the aisle in Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and then established a demon clan to dominate the starry sky.

Zhang Shiyang slowed down and stopped over the sea not far from the sea spider clan. Although Zhang Shiyang knew the geographical description of the grass carp spirit in his heart, he did not dare to believe it all.

Back then, this grass carp spirit was just an ordinary fish, no matter how powerful it was, how big the sea it traveled would be compared to this boundless sea spider clan territory. And the vicissitudes of life, the world has changed, so many years have passed, who can guarantee that the landforms of this place will not change the slightest. Standing on the cloud head, Zhang Shiyang roughly scanned the territory of the Sea Spider Clan.

There is no big difference between this place and the rest of the sea. It is blue, full of vitality, and there are groups of fish, but there is still a gap if it is carefully separated. The aura contained in the sea water here far exceeds that of ordinary seas. Presumably there are some spiritual veins or earth veins in the underground, which can absorb the essence of the moon and store them in the sea water.

After Zhang Shiyang took a general look, his figure flickered and turned into an inconspicuous fish fry. This fry is the most inconspicuous, bottom-most creature in the sea, and it must not attract the attention of the sea spider clan.

With a chirp, Zhang Shiyang's body transformed into a fry fell into the sea, splashed with a little wave and then disappeared invisible. Facing the sea Zhang Shiyang felt quite novel, but the fry Zhang Shiyang transformed was a bit too ugly, with a big head and a small body, and it was just a mutant tadpole alive. However, Zhang Shiyang doesn't matter. This sea contains countless races, and it is not surprising that one or two mutated strange flowers are born occasionally.

However, Zhang Shiyang was too unlucky. He just fell into the sea and saw a carp swimming past him. This is the world of fairy tales, and there are no absolute herbivores. Perhaps a certain grass carp occasionally thinks that the plant is too single, so let's open the meat. Just after falling into the sea, this carp was like seeing something new and strange. Perhaps Zhang Shiyang was so ugly, ugly and unreasonable, God couldn't stand it anymore.

The carp stopped in front of Zhang Shiyang, and gently touched Zhang Shiyang's body with its tail. It seemed that this species had not been seen in the sea. It was simply not alike. The greatest weakness of the Heavenly Sword and Earth Evil Art is here. After the change, there is no resistance. No, it should be said to be very small. Zhang Shiyang was drawn far away by the current of the carp's tail.

Then the carp seemed to have seen something rare, and it swam to Zhang Shiyang's body and opened his mouth and bit it.

In Zhang Shiyang's eyes, the carp had clearly become a giant at this moment, and the hideous jagged teeth were clearly visible. Without thinking about it, Zhang Shiyang started his journey with a wave of his tail. Perhaps this carp wants to taste the taste of Zhang Shiyang's new species, and is chasing after him.

Zhang Shiyang was so angry that he cursed the carp secretly: "His sister, bully Laozi, right? If it wasn't for delaying major events, I would have grilled you."

Although Zhang Shiyang changed into a four-different fish fry, after all, he was a cultivator god, how could his speed be able to catch up with this ordinary carp, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Zhang Shiyang ran within the range of the sea spider domain in one breath. There were no big monsters here, but don't worry, the sea spider would not be interested in such a small fellow himself. My small body isn't enough for others to stuff my teeth.

Zhang Shiyang headed towards the gathering place of the sea spiders along the way. Perhaps Zhang Shiyang was too small. The behemoths along the way were not interested in Zhang Shiyang, but those loaches and crabs were chasing after Zhang Shiyang, once again Zhang Shiyang When I swam to a place between the rocks, I saw a huge scissors falling from the sky. If it weren't for Zhang Shiyang's stimulating spirit, he would react quickly, I'm afraid the spell would be broken.

To say that this overseas ancestor has never been born, with Zhang Shiyang's strength, it is enough to be arrogant, but think about the magic weapon in this world of Xianxia, ​​if you accidentally say it, it is really laughable and generous, and a misstep is an eternal hate. Up.

And no matter how powerful it is, it can’t stand the other party’s gang fights. Taoism is Taoism, and mana is mana. These are two different things. This sea spider clan is an innate clan, and it can exist in the clan so far. There are so many immortal old antiques. The mana of Huiyuan accumulated was far from Zhang Shiyang's ability to match.

Even if Jinxian has a good magic weapon, he can defeat Daluo, just like Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, the disciples of elucidation and education at the time of the Conferment of Gods. Now, if it weren't for the final explanation of the large number of students, I am afraid that Yin Jiao Yinhong has no way.

Although Zhang Shiyang has good magic weapons and great supernatural powers, this place is after all other people's turf, and if it is to compete with mana, Zhang Shiyang is probably far behind, and some means and supernatural powers cannot be easily used. This ancestor of the heavens is not a vegetarian. If there is a big movement, it will be difficult to be pushed by them.

Zhang Shiyang saw that this small body is indeed not very sturdy, so he changed into a slap-long loach in a secluded stone corner. There is no flaw this time, but there is no loach with his eyes closed. Zhang Shiyang is depressed. , There are creatures with closed eyes on the bottom of the sea, Zhang Shiyang wants to change, but he hasn't seen it before.

Come on, close your eyes with your eyes closed, thinking that most of the creatures on the seabed are kerosene smart, even if you have the smart, who cares about a little loach. Zhang Shiyang was in the territory of Sea Spider at this time, and he did not dare to use magic tricks. Stopping and walking, Zhang Shiyang saw a huge net. This net was aqua blue and the same color as sea water. You have to ask how big this net is. I can only say that it is very big and there are several. The house is so big, this web looks like an enlarged version of the spider web, but ordinary spider webs specialize in hunting small animals, moths, and this web is on the contrary, the mesh is very large, letting out some small ones Animals, specializing in hunting large carnivores.

Zhang Shiyang swam to the giant net at the speed of ordinary loach, and slowly analyzed the special name of this giant net, but the result was a surprise to Zhang Shiyang. This sea spider is really magical, and this giant net is even more magical, and it has anesthesia. The most important thing is that this giant net is only sensitive and sensitive to mana. If a monster without mana hits this giant net, it will be like a person hitting a rope. Will be bounced back.

And if a monster with magic power hits it, it will be immediately pasted on the Internet, and it will no longer be able to escape. However, there is a limit to this inescapability. If you encounter a monster with a higher mana than the owner of the giant net, the opponent will easily get out of the trap, or even destroy the giant net. This giant net has such an effect, which really surprised Zhang Shiyang. This kind of innate surname will definitely have an increasing effect after acquired refining, greatly increasing the value of this treasure.

At this time Zhang Shiyang determined that the special surname of this spider silk was definitely more suitable for weaving ribbons than Jin Chan. It's a pity that this giant web doesn't meet Zhang Shiyang's requirements. What Zhang Shiyang wants is the kind of spider silk spit out by the Dao Master Realm Great Demon, and looking at this spider silk, it's at the Celestial Realm at most. Seeing hope, Zhang Shiyang continued to swim inward cautiously.

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