Proof of Longevity

Chapter 169: Flower Falling

At this time, there were no figures in the main hall of Taoist ancestors' retreat. Zhang Shiyang looked at the unconscious Fairy Qingcheng quietly. He was speechless for a long time, and suddenly sighed: "Fairy Qingcheng, Fairy Qingcheng Lu Qingcheng, it really is a beautiful country."

Seeing that dream-like face, Zhang Shiyang stepped forward, raised and lowered his hand, and a scene of being severely wounded by a fierce beast appeared in front of him, and he sighed: "Time is also fate." The palm stretched forward gently, trying to flick the face, but suddenly a curtain of light flashed, and Zhang Shiyang's hand suddenly bounced back. Zhang Shiyang frowned. He didn't expect that this place would be banned by the Supreme Master. Presumably Fairy Qingcheng's injuries must be very serious, otherwise the Taoist ancestors too high would not place restrictions to protect Fairy Qingcheng's body from being disturbed.

Zhang Shiyang opened his eyes at this time, and the endless laws revived. His eyes shuttled alternately. In these eyes, all the items in the cave mansion of the Taishang Dao ancestor were ruled, and countless prohibitions were lying in the dark, as long as someone touched them. Forbidden, Taishang Daozu will instantly sense it, and then control these prohibitions to launch a counterattack. When Zhang Shiyang just came in, "seeing" this cave is still in doubt. As the master of the origin, as one of the most powerful in the world of origin, what about the cave? There was no prohibition and no precautions. I now understand that I didn't blame the Taoist ancestors, but I didn't know Taishan.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Shiyang turned his face in the direction of Fairy Qingcheng again, was silent for a while, then slowly took a breath, exhaled gradually, and then said: "Fairy, I can finally look at you so seriously. I remember the first time I saw you, at that time you were like an elegant and clean elf, who did not eat fireworks in the world. From that time I found out that I seemed to like you, but you were my uncle. I have to bury this feeling in the deepest part of my heart. I have always thought that our practitioners have a long life span and time is endless. I think I can finally do it in the long years to come...".

Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang paused and then the topic suddenly changed: "But I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to have a marriage contract with the demon prince. It was too sudden, and suddenly I didn't expect it at all and couldn't accept it at all."

As he said, Zhang Shiyang's whole body began to surging with mana, and his breath began to become a little muddy, with waves of fluctuations. After touching the prohibition, the prohibition issued a few rays of light to wake Zhang Shiyang, calmed down, and Zhang Shiyang calmed down. The throat surged: "Too suddenly, too suddenly, I will never ask you to marry the demon crown prince, they are just some beasts with fur and horns, how can they be worthy of you, it is simply a toad who wants to eat a swan. Meat, I will never allow it, absolutely not allow it, don’t worry, my Zhang Shiyang’s mana crowns the ages, and I am an unworldly man. I will kill the Eighth Prince for you. Don’t worry, I will kill him."

While talking, the mana surged again, but in an instant, Zhang Shiyang recovered and adjusted his sleeves: "Don't worry, Dao Ancestor will repair your physical body soon, and then you will recover. I will Quietly kill the eight princes for you,,, no, no, no, not only the eight princes, as long as there is a chance, I will kill all the other princes, hahaha, no one can stop me, no one" .

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shiyang felt something wrong here. He practised Taoism by himself, paying attention to calmness. But at this moment, Zhang Shiyang used his magic power for a while, and he didn't feel anything wrong with him. It must be the demon. The trouble is, but Zhang Shiyang has not removed this demon Zhang Shiyang, Zhang Shiyang has some ideas, but has not had time to implement it.

After taking Zhang Shiyang out of the cave, not far in front of Fairy Qingcheng, a wave of ripples rippled like a water wave, and the body of Taishang Dao ancestor appeared. He looked down at Fairy Qingcheng, and then looked at the direction Zhang Shiyang was leaving. I couldn't help sighing: "Nie Yuan, Nie Yuan".

Turning his head to look at Fairy Qingcheng lying on the cold jade stone: "You have heard all his words." Fairy Qingcheng's body moved slightly, and Taoist Daoist Tai Shang quickly said, "Don't move, hurry up and calm your mind. I just stabilized your body. If you are moving, your injury will get worse when you are in trouble. Finish. Use mana to help Fairy Allure heal his physical body and stabilize his injuries."

Seeing Fairy Qingcheng calm down, Taishang Daozu continued: "Hey, I think the Demon Emperor Prince is also a hero, and also the genius of Gedai. He has extraordinary qualifications. When I matched you, I also considered the right person. Later, you and the Demon Prince I also fell in love at first sight, evil fate, who would have thought that Shi Yang, a child, would actually like you. Shi Yang is also a rare and peerless genius. He practiced extremely fast, and he was about to touch the threshold of the Taoist master if he didn’t see him for a while. I really don’t know if he can survive this level, alas".

After speaking, he let out a long sigh. In fact, Fairy Qingcheng was only physically injured. Although the soul was injured, it was not as severe as everyone thought. The reason why the soul of Qingcheng fairy did not come out to meet with you and say hello is because his physical injury was too severe. It's serious. Although there is a Taishang Dao ancestor who takes action, his soul still has to stay in the flesh to stabilize his injury. Fairy Qingcheng had also heard Zhang Shiyang's words before, but what it felt like in his heart was not enough for outsiders.

The marriage contract between the Eighth Demon Emperor and Fairy Qingcheng is now basically known in the world, and will soon be engaged. That is to say, the eighth Demon Emperor is already the fiancée of Fairy Qingcheng, but there is only one less one. It's just a ritual. Moreover, Fairy Qingcheng met the eight princes, and didn't feel bad about them. Instead, he felt that the prince was gentle, gentle and elegant, and his aptitude was very average, and his cultivation level was comparable to his own. This marriage was considered satisfactory.

But there was a nephew confession in the middle of the road, which made Fairy Qingcheng not know what to do and lost his sense. Needless to say, Shi Yang's aptitude has reached the summit of Dao Zun in just tens of thousands of years. Let’s talk about his parents. They are also extraordinary. Now they are better than waiting for the Taoist master. I don’t know how much. They are already half-travel ancestors. They are now in retreat. After leaving the customs, they must have both breakthroughs. When the ancestor of the Dao of Heaven was born, Zhang Shiyang’s backing would be stronger and his right to speak in the sect was stronger, and Zhang Shiyang is now the pinnacle of the Dao Zun realm. With his terrifying aptitude, perhaps the threshold will be stepped out in the next second. Hey, what should I do? Fairy Qingcheng had a headache while controlling his body, and the Taoist ancestor Taishang on the side was closing his eyes and meditating, and fell into a strange quiet state in the secret room for a while.

When Zhang Shiyang went out, he saw the two anchored boys, in a bad mood, walked around the two of them, and patted their heads on the back of the two of them. These two boys are like wooden stakes. He fell down, his face touched the ground and the mana of these two boys was imprisoned. The situation is predictable.

Suddenly his face was like a dye shop, red and purple echoed each other, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, Zhang Shiyang slowly stood the two people upright again, and then gently embraced them again, and the two of them smashed towards the ground again. , But when he was about to touch the ground, Zhang Shiyang waved his big sleeves, turning them into a barrier, holding the two of them, and then walking over and slowly righting them again.

Lightly patted the heads of the two of them: "Two little guys, you have to be polite when you see people in the future. Not everyone will give the Taoist ancestor face. You must know that the people who can communicate here are some important people. Say no. Okay, that big guy didn't go well, and he slapped you all at once."

Speaking and making gestures, he cut his neck. After speaking, Zhang Shiyang patted them on the head again: "You know?".

"Speak as you know."

After speaking, he patted the heads of the two unlucky boys again. But at this time Zhang Shiyang could use some strength. There was a circle of water mist in the eyes of the two boys. It's not that we don't want to say, it's you who fixed us, OK? After a few more shots, Zhang Shiyang realized that the two boys were about to cry, as if he had just remembered: "Oh, I forgot, I forgot to untie you."

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