Proof of Longevity

Chapter 168: Re-entry to the inner hospital

The San Xiu gesticulated and said, "Later, I rushed in the valley. I should spare my luck. I accidentally saw this rope. At that time, there was a spirit beast waiting around the rope. But the spirit beast from my past was actually sleeping. When I took this rope away, the spirit beast didn't wake up. Later, I stumbled and didn't know what was going on and then came out."

Zhang Shiyang frowned at this time and interrupted the casual cultivator: "You mean, the spirit beast was not awake when you picked up this rope?".

Ran Xiu nodded: "Yes, I'm still sleeping."

After Zhang Shiyang got the answer from this San Xiu, he thought to himself: "This San Xiu took away the powerful spirit treasure in front of which spirit beast, but the spirit beast did not violently attack. There are two possibilities. First, One is that the spirit beast is evolving and is in a period of weakness. The second is that this rope is not something that the spirit beast wants to protect, so the spirit treasures that are not weak are not in the eyes of the spirit beast. , Then the strange treasure guarded by this spirit beast can be imagined, and it must be extraordinary."

Zhang Shiyang smacked his lips, flung the rope with a wave of his big sleeve, and threw it to the casual repairer: "What's your name?".

The San Xiu hurriedly caught the rope, as if looking at a beloved person, carefully put the rope away, and then bowed to Zhang Shiyang: "Return to brother, the younger brother's name is Yang Zao".

Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words: "Junior Brother Yang Zao, which way to get the strange treasure from you, do you remember?".

The San Xiu Yang Zao thought a little while hearing the words, and then glanced at Zhang Shiyang: "Going back to senior brother, the vicissitudes of life, the junior brother only remembers the general road, as for the details, but I don't remember clearly."

Zhang Shiyang waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, after a while, I intend to go to that different place, and I will ask Junior Brother Yang Zao to lead the way, and there will be a re-report after the incident."

Yang Zao heard the words: "Where does the brother say, it is my honor to do things for the brother, I dare not say anything about remuneration."

Zhang Shiyang waved his hand: "It's okay, it doesn't matter, from now on, Junior Brother Yang Zao will stay in my Bixiufeng. If you have a chance in the future, you will be able to join my Bixiufeng line. Fortunately, I will sit down and listen to the Dao.

San Xiu Yang had never thought of such a great opportunity, so he immediately thanked him: "Thank you brother, thank you brother."

Zhang Shiyang stretched out his hand and patted Yang Zao on the shoulder: "In the future, my younger brother must practice well in my Bixiufeng line, and don't lose the prestige of my Bixiufeng line."

Then he took out a jasper talisman and handed it to Yang Zao: "This is the pass talisman for all the spiritual lands below the mountainside of Bixiufeng Mountain. Junior brother will go back and pack it up, and then go to my Bixiufeng to report. After that, look at the elders. : Everyone, now that Master Qingcheng’s injury is unnamed, I want to go to the inner courtyard to investigate, so I won’t delay and leave.”

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared in place. After a while, everyone reacted, and the alchemy elder slapped his thigh: "Hey, I forgot to ask the senior brother what kind of pill he just refined, so I can ask for a lesson. It's not worth our hard work."

For a while, everyone bowed their chests, only Yang Zao stared at Ling Fu with a smirk, and the rest of the scattered Xiu on the side cursed a bit of **** luck, and then stepped forward to congratulate him. Seeing this, Yang Zao would inevitably have to spend money to treat guests. .

Zhang Shiyang's escape was very fast. In a flash, he broke through the tiers of restrictions and entered the air-entry passage, and then stepped into the Zongmen inner courtyard. I remember that he once occupied a piece of land in this great world and placed lower levels of bans. I don’t know. What's going on, but now Zhang Shiyang is carrying the injury of the Qingcheng Fairy, and before he has time to look, he flies straight to the highest peak.

The highest peak was Taishang Daozu. When Zhang Shiyang just landed on the highest peak, two boys shouted: "Who dares to be arrogant in the Daozu dojo".

Zhang Shiyang disappeared, revealing his figure: "It's me." These two boys, Zhang Shiyang, have never met. They are the same. The two boys have never seen Zhang Shiyang. To say that these two boys are also lucky people, the Taishang Daozu saw that there was no one to take care of this huge mountain. Two ordinary children were brought back outside and taught them to practice. Now, with the provision of countless spiritual pills from Taishang Dao Ancestor, their cultivation is already in the realm of supernatural power.

Seeing that the escape light leaked out was an ordinary face, only when Zhang Shiyang was an ordinary disciple, he opened his mouth and yelled: "Which disciple are you? Is this the dojo of the Supreme Dao ancestor you can wait for those who have not yet become immortal Dao to come".

This boy is young and has little experience. If an ordinary elder sees a person who is introverted and introverted, he will definitely treat each other with courtesy. However, these two boys have stayed in the Taoist dojo for a long time. The elders of Daozu would always give him a thin face on the face of Daozu, but Zhang Shiyang was so arrogant that he didn't even look at these two boys, and walked straight in.

When the boy saw Zhang Shiyang disregarding both of them, his anger suddenly surged: "Stop."

Zhang Shiyang used a spell, and the two boys immediately stood there, unable to move, even the eyelids could not blink. Zhang Shiyang snorted coldly: "The little boy actually dared to yell at this seat, it seems this The rules of the inner courtyard are messed up, wait until I meet Dao Ancestor, and then I will concoct the two of you." After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked into the compound.

After entering here, Zhang Shiyang realized that there were not too few people in it. Almost all the elders came, and some disciples of the elite true biography also came. After all, the elite disciples are the future pillars of the sect and asked them to see the world in advance. , It’s good to know the elders.

As soon as Zhang Shiyang came in, all the elders were surprised. Didn't they say that Zhang Shiyang had disappeared, but no matter how many, I met Li first and then said: "I have seen Brother Zhang". "Meet Senior Brother Zhang" and "Meet Senior Brother Zhang".

Zhang Shiyang nodded in response, then grabbed an elder at will and said, "How is the situation with Master Qingcheng?".

This old man shook his head: "I don't know, Dao Ancestor never came out after connecting it to the secret room."

Zhang Shiyang showed a hint of irritability on his face when he heard the words, but he was soon suppressed by him. Zhang Shiyang was awakened secretly. Now that the demons have not been removed, it is better not to get angry. If all his own Dao ancestors accept it, he can be reincarnated and repaired at the worst. "Brother" or "Brother," which elder saw Zhang Shiyang standing still, and he thought what happened to him. Zhang Shiyang regained his senses and replied "Yeah". Then he walked aside and waited quietly for the result.

A group of people were boring, some were chatting, some were meditating and practicing Qi, and some were exchanging exercises and discussing Taoism.

Three days later, a brilliance flashed in the hall, and the Supreme Master appeared in the hall. He saw Zhang Shiyang at first sight, nodded to him, and then slowly said: "I have controlled the injury of Qingcheng. For the time being, there is no major problem. To recover from his injury, he needs a panacea. I have asked someone to send it over. It will be there in about half a month. How well Qingcheng's injury can be recovered by that time, it all depends on it. Its own good fortune".

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the words came out. The Supreme Master turned and looked at Zhang Shiyang: "Shiyang, when did you come back?".

Zhang Shiyang heard the words and acted in a salute: "It has been a few years since I returned to Daozu." The Supreme Master nodded: "I used to calculate your whereabouts when you disappeared, but it was blocked by an inexplicable force. I can't see it, I don't know what happened to you and that little world."

Faced with the question of the Supreme Master, Zhang Shiyang was prepared for it and repeated what Li Qian and Zhang Qing had said.

In the end, the Supreme Guru thought for a while, and did not hear any useful information from Zhang Shiyang’s words, so he had to give up: "Qingcheng is in my secret room. You can go in and have a look, but don't make a loud noise, lest you disturb Qingcheng. ".

Everyone is not a child, and knows the importance of it, and walks lightly towards the hierarch’s secret room one by one. Of course, some disciples of the lower generations stayed in the hall, and they were not qualified to enter.

As soon as he caught his eye, Fairy Qingcheng lay quietly on a huge cold jade stone with a calm face. If it weren't for the slightest blood on his face, no one would have thought that this was a wounded person. After watching Fairy Qingcheng quietly for a while, everyone left the secret room one by one, leaving Zhang Shiyang alone watching the fairy sleeping peacefully.

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