Chapter 149 Qingxuan Kills the Guardian

Outside the Fantasy Sky Island, Qingyu looked back at the closed formation and muttered to herself: “I hope you don’t make unwise choices again. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you must think about her!”

After finishing speaking, Qingmao flashed light and left here.

A jade symbol in Luo Ningshuang’s hand, who was rushing to Zhonghuang quickly, suddenly lit up, and then hurriedly shouted: “Jin Rui Zichen, stop!”

Hearing Luo Ningshuang’s shout, Jin Rui and the others hesitated and stopped.

“What’s wrong with Ningshuang?” Zi Chen asked.

“Qingyu Big sis gave me a sound transmission, saying that everything is well on the island, let us continue to travel, and don’t go back to the island for the time being!” Luo Ningshuang took out a sound transmission jade and said.

This jade talisman was given to her by Qinghua before going out, and it was a precaution.

“Why don’t you let us go back?” Bai Xue curled his lips.

“Hey, it’s so familiar here. By the way, this is the place where Junior Sister Long Ji was in danger!” Bai Xue suddenly thought.

“Well, really!” Jin Rui also nodded.

“By the way, two brothers, do you think that with our current lineup, plus Ningshuang Big sis, can we defeat Daoist?” Bai Xue asked.

“It shouldn’t be a big problem, but where are we going to find Daoist?” Zi Chen shook his head.

“Yes, I guess he didn’t know where to escape!” Bai Xue was helpless.

At this time, Long Ji, who looked unhappy, also said, “Daoist, the damn water lizard, has chased and killed this princess for so long. If I see him again, he will be skinned!”

When Long Ji spoke, he inadvertently touched the wordless heavenly book in Jin Rui’s hand, and saw that the writing began to appear on it:

Karma leads, Daoist.

The goal is in the Zhonghuang Stormwind Mountain Range-extremely real cave sky.

Then an illusory red Karma line appeared from Longji and quickly shot in a direction.

“Hey, what’s going on, is Daoist really there? This wordless god of the heavens, he can even follow Karma’s calculations!” Jin Rui said in surprise.

“Ningshuang Big sis, do you want to be together? Let’s avenge my younger junior sister!” Bai Xue then talked about Long Ji’s previous experience.

When Luo Ningshuang heard it, he nodded and said, “Okay, let’s avenge Longji together!”

“Thank you brother and sister, Ningshuang Big sis!” Long Ji said moved.

“It’s okay, it’s a trivial matter. This time, Daoist must have a taste of the water lizard!” Bai Xue looked cruel.


Beyond the prehistoric.

After flying for nearly a Yuanhui all the way, Qingxuan’s physical strength is exhausted, and what makes his face even more ugly is that this unknown world can’t restore Spirit Power, which is equivalent to his strength is slowly declining every minute and every second. .

At this moment, his strength has fallen to Da Luo Jinxian’s late stage. Fortunately, his physical strength is still there.

Finally, he saw the end of the blessing of the gods of thunder, and what he saw was a huge continent. At a glance, it was no less than hundreds of millions of miles in radius.

But the most shocking thing is that this continent is all interspersed with giant chains, and it seems to be imprisoned forever.

Qingxuan secretly said: No wonder Heavenly Dao blessed the deity with God Thunder, and each of these chains is not something he can destroy; this… is the origin of Heavenly Dao’s loss in the entire continent?

When Qing Xuan stayed in front of the forbidden continent, before waiting for his actions, a white figure appeared in front of him.

“Who is trespassing into the cage of ten thousand realms, and leave quickly, otherwise the envoy will execute the killing order!” The voice of the white figure is as cold as a machine.

Qing Xuan’s pupils shrank suddenly, because he felt that the person in front of him was lifeless, his voice could not be judged whether it was a male or a female, and his face was nothingness. The most important thing was that he could not perceive its Cultivation Base level.

Qing Xuan hesitated and said, “I wonder if you are?”

“I am a Tier 1 guardian! You are only allowed to leave here within ten breaths, otherwise the envoy will execute the killing order!” The white figure’s tone was as rigid as before.

Protector? Qingxuan secretly said, what level of life is this?

And just between Qing Xuan’s thoughts, the cold voice resounded again, and then an iron chain waved towards Qing Xuan.

“The ten breaths have arrived, start the execution of the killing order!”

Qing Xuan was shocked. He didn’t expect that the other party would say to do it; he quickly offered a good fortune Qing Lian defense.


Qing Xuan was directly smashed into the air by the iron chain, and giant chains began to surround him in all directions.

“No, bless the god thunder, melt!” Qing Xuan directly integrated the bless god thunder given by Heavenly Dao into the sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly a shocking aura filled the void.

Qing Xuan shook the palm of his hand, and then shot a palm print, and the chain that came in extremely fast was smashed into pieces in an instant; in the same way, after all the chains were smashed, Qing Xuan went to the guardian to kill.

Offering the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, Qing Xuan smashed it down without leaving his hand, and the guardian was not afraid, and the black iron chain in his hand greeted him instantly.


After a while, the two of them retreated at the same time.

When Qing Xuan stopped his figure, his face was unbelievable. After fusing the blessings of the gods, his Cultivation Base reached the terrifying sixth-order limit of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, close to the seventh-order, but it was only with this protector. have equal shares.

At this time, the icy words of the protector sounded again: “The Taoist has an order. Anyone who tries to release the prisoner will die!”

Qingxuan’s eyes were deep, and he felt as if he had fallen into a shocking situation; he knew that the Heavenly Dao merit was not so easy to take, but he didn’t expect it to be so difficult.

Now that he has taken the shot, Qing Xuan can only go all out, because his Spirit Power cannot be replenished from this world, it is equivalent to one point less one point; and if he cannot kill the guardian before the Spirit Power is exhausted, The estimate waiting for him is lost.

After hitting each other again and again, Qing Xuan discovered that the texture of the iron chain on the guardian’s hand was extremely strong, and it did not damage the Hongmeng measuring ruler on his own hand.

There is no way, the long-lasting battle can not afford to waste, only to use magical powers to try.

After a bombardment, Qing Xuan and the Taoist guard both stepped back, seizing the opportunity, and Qing Xuan directly began to urge the Eternal Blade.


What made Qingxuan desperate was that he couldn’t display it; then he began to think: By the way, this is not the prehistoric place where he lives, and this universe cannot provide him with Spiritual Qi.

While thinking about it, the guardian in the distance has already been killed with an iron chain. When Qingxuan is unable to do anything, the dignified mark on the center of his eyebrows blooms with dazzling light; the entire space of tens of thousands of miles of void Spiritual Qi has all gathered. Hongmeng measuring the sky ruler.

With the blessing of Spiritual Qi, Qing Xuan had no time to think about what was going on. He smashed with all his strength at the guardian who was rushing forward, and the cyan blade light instantly rushed towards the guardian.

The protector also seemed to sense the threat and stretched the chain in front of him in an attempt to block this strike.

Zi Zi Zi Zi…

At the junction of the cyan blade light and the iron chain, terrifying sparks splashed wildly, and the guardian was pushed back and forth; however, depending on the situation, the guardian could slowly obliterate this magical power.

The Everlasting Blade, which used to be unfavorable in the past, was still unable to kill the Taoist Guardian, Qing Xuan finally knew the strength of the Taoist Guardian.

Gritting his teeth, Qing Xuan used it again, and suddenly another eternal blade rushed towards the protector.

When the second magical power also came to the protector, the protector shouted: “Mayfly and ant, Master Dao will not let you go…”


The unstoppable Eternal Blades both exploded, and the guardian at the center of the explosion was instantly wiped out…

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