Chapter 150

On the spot, Qing Xuan’s momentum plummeted, and he actually retreated to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

At this moment, his body was in terrible pain, and in retrospect it was also a moment of fear. This was only the first-order guardian, indicating that there was also a second-order and third-order…, how does the Taoist emperor that he said before Death exist?

Shaking his head, Qing Xuan no longer thought about it.

However, there is another question before him. How should the blocked continent be unblocked? He now doesn’t have the combat power of the Golden Immortal Level of Hunyuan.

Just when they were unable to do anything, the giant chains that had blocked the entire continent were cracking one after another, and dense cracks were all over it.


A burst of shattering sound remembered that the chains of the entire continent shattered at the same time, and the continent that had lost the chain imprisonment unexpectedly began to change its shape in Qing Xuan’s shocked eyes.

After a while, Qing Xuan’s eyes even had a hint of fear. It was a huge head, a huge head with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

Suddenly, the eyes above the head slowly opened, and slowly looked towards Qing Xuan; Qing Xuan was shocked, and quickly made a defensive state.

“Xuanzun, long time no see!”

The giant head uttered words, although it was just a very ordinary sentence, but the entire space was shaking.

Qing Xuan was extremely puzzled, is this… calling himself?

Just as Qing Xuan was about to reply, the huge head began to transform again, turning into a two-inch white jade pillar, slowly coming to Qing Xuan.

“This…?” Qing Xuan just wanted to say, what’s up, it turned into a piece of chalk again.

That’s right, that terrifying head became a piece of chalk for later generations and suspended in front of Qing Xuan.

After hesitating for a moment, Qing Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, preparing to return to Honghuang. After all, the purpose of this trip was this thing.

However, on the way back, he also began to figure out some questions; it seemed that the guardian had fallen, and the sealed existence would be able to break free of the shackles on its own.

In fact, Qing Xuan thought the same thing. The fundamental reason that really caused the giant chain of the entire continent to shatter was the iron chain in the hands of the guardians. As long as the iron chain in their hands was destroyed, the giant chain that blocked the head would also be shattered.

This is why the chain of the protector is so hard that it can compete with Houtian’s most valuable merits.


At Hongjun, who was extremely far away, he finally defeated the Tier 1 Guardian at this moment. As expected, he was only one primordial spirit left at this moment, because he used the Xutian style again.

It’s just that this time the primordial spirit did not appear to die at any time, because he used the strength of the quasi-sage middle stage peak, and the backlash was not that strong.

It was also a banned continent, but this time it became a left arm, and then again into a two-inch white jade pillar.

Hongjun also looked shocked after putting it away, one left hand turned out to be so huge.


In contrast to Hongjun, raising eyebrows is transformed into the body, a huge willow tree with branches all over the sky lashing at the Taoist defender; in the end, when the body is knocked out of four or five holes by the iron chain, the raising eyebrow finally defeats the Taoist defender. .

Needless to say, the hard-hit raised eyebrow strength dropped to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

The mainland began to change its form, a huge right arm appeared in front of its eyes, and then turned into a white jade column and was raised with a stunned eyebrow.


Luo Hu was sorrowful at this moment. All the four swords of Zhu Xian were damaged. I don’t know how long it would take to recover, unless Luo Hu was willing to use the Heavenly Dao merits he was about to recover.

The most important thing is that even though he had the Four Swords of Zhu Xian trapping the protector at the time, he couldn’t obliterate him for a long time, and it took time and couldn’t afford it.

In the end, after burning for a billion years, the Cultivation Base cooperated with the Gunslinger to perform a one-hit kill to win. At this moment, his Cultivation Base regressed to Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation.

“Damn it, it’s a big loss, I don’t know how much the Heavenly Dao merits can restore the original ancestor!” Luo Hui’s face was extremely ugly.

When the mainland was unblocked, a left foot appeared in front of Luo Hu; it also turned into a small white jade pillar in Luo Hu’s shocked eyes.


Perhaps the only one who can deal with it easily is Leng Yunxin. After she merged and blessed God Thunder, Cultivation Base Ascension reached the seventh level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Don’t think that she is first-level better than Qingxuan. In fact, for every Ascension level of Hunyuan Jinxian, her strength will be three times that of Ascension.

In other words, the second-order Hunyuan Jinxian is three times stronger than the first-order, and the third-order is three times stronger than the second-order…

This is superimposed one by one, the seventh-order Hunyuan Golden Immortal is more than two hundred times stronger than the second-order, which means that Leng Yunxin, whose strength has soared, can easily defeat the Taoist Guardian.

A right foot turned into a Bai Yuzhu and was put away by the puzzled Leng Yunxin.


Heavenly Dao didn’t know if it was deliberately pitting Qingxuan. Only the guardian that Qingxuan encountered in the fifth battlefield was the strongest, probably around the seventh stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the rest were hovering at the sixth stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The guardian guarding the head was obviously more powerful, but Heavenly Dao didn’t let Leng Yunxin deal with it, and I don’t know if Heavenly Dao was calculating something.

The five began to follow the positioning jade amulet to return to the predecessor, but all of them were full of doubts, wondering what the origin of Heavenly Dao unblocked by the other four?

Is it the same as myself, or is it other parts…

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