Chapter 148

After slowing down, Bai Ran quickly headed towards the inner island. He knew that the outer island was only secondary. If the enlightenment tea trees on the inner island were damaged, all the Spiritual Qi on the island would dissipate over time.

There is also Sanguang Divine Water, which is a healing holy water, absolutely not to be missed.

Just when Bai Ran came to the inner island, he found that the guardian formation of the inner island had disappeared suddenly and suddenly, and there was a terrible fighting sound inside.

“Not good!” Bai Ran rushed in quickly.

I saw Qinghua holding a Qingling sword in a frantic battle with a two-winged alien. This creature of Flying Fairy is the leader, Cultivation Base Daluo Jinxian middle stage; because they just invaded this island and not long ago, they have the most abilities in Flying Fairy. It also transmits the existence of Ronaldo middle stage.

They were not like the Blazing Heaven Realm, who had already lurked in the Chishang Mountain Range for nearly fifty Yuanhui; Qingxuan had only left the Magic Sky Island for only five or six Yuanhui, and they were invaded by the Fei Xianyu ten Da Luo Jinxian.

“Lao Bai, protect the Enlightenment Tea Tree and Huangzhong Lishu, and he will give it to me!” Qingyu saw Bai Ran here, and said hurriedly.

Before, Qinghua wanted to take care of the enlightened tea tree while fighting with it. She had been under the influence of two minds and two uses. At this time, she wanted to fight back.

No one can understand Qinghua’s anger at this moment, because countless precious elixir has been damaged no matter whether it is outside or inside the island.

The ginseng and Lingzhi Mushrooms dolls on the outer islands were almost killed and wounded, because they didn’t know how to fear and avoid them, and were eaten by them. There were more than two hundred creatures on the island. They desperately ended up falling.

This is because Bai Ran started the formation in time, otherwise the loss would be even greater.

“Qingyu Fairy, don’t worry, I will take care of the enlightened tea trees and Huangzhongli trees!” Bai Ran said solemnly.

With Bai Ran’s assurance, Qingyu began to concentrate on fighting alien creatures.

“You have a good talent, and you can fight across the border. If you are willing to join my Fei Xianyu, the strongest Fei Xian Wang of my Fei Xianyu will accept you as a disciple. This is a great opportunity!” He said while holding a scepter to attack.

“He is also worthy of being my master?” Qinghua sneered.

“Haha, you are afraid that you don’t know the horror of Lord Fei Xian Wang. He is the first creature born in Fei Xian Yu. He has survived for endless years. Cultivation Base is even more unfathomable. He has been with Fei Xian Yu Heavenly. Dao will fight for the first time without losing the wind, and my flying fairyland Heavenly Dao ranks third in the world in 10800!” The alien said with a look of admiration.

Although Qing Hua was half-understood, he almost understood that these people came from other worlds, and it seemed that there were many other worlds besides Majesty.

“How about it, is it tempting?” The alien man thought that Qinghua was silent because he was thinking about what he said, so he continued to tempt him.

Because if he recommends successfully, he will also be rewarded by the Flying Immortal King.

“You have too much nonsense!” Qinghua said coldly, and kept attacking.

“I don’t know how to promote it! In that case, you will destroy it with this island. What I can’t get in Fei Xianyu, just destroy it!” Seeing that Qing Hua could not be persuaded by the alien man, he immediately took out a detonating talisman that exuded a frightening atmosphere. .

“This is a unique detonation jade talisman in my flying fairyland. It was given by the three disciples of the flying fairy king before the expedition. The power of its explosion is equivalent to the explosion of a cultivator of the eighth level of a mixed-element golden fairy!”

“If it explodes in the center of this island, even if it can’t completely destroy the entire island, it will destroy all the spiritual veins on the island, turning this island into a dead island!” The alien man looked at Qinghua and explained slowly.

After listening to Qingyu, she was a rare panic. She really wanted to be like what the man in front of her said. How should she explain after Master comes back; Besides, Huan Kong Island is also her home and her birthplace. .

No, he is definitely not allowed to succeed. While fighting with him, Qinghua quietly gathers Spirit Power and prepares to use “Disillusionment Promise”.

“If what you said is true, don’t you have to be buried?” Qinghua began to divert the other’s attention.

“Hey, I know now that I’m afraid? It’s okay to tell you that we people in the Flying Immortal Realm can smash our wings, fold the space, and hide our body in another space. Although there are only ten breaths, it is enough, because It will only take a moment for the detonation talisman to blow up here!” The alien man replied proudly.

“Really? I don’t know if it can stop me from this lore?” After fighting against him again, Qinghua moved quickly, and Disillusionment Wuji issued instantly.

“What, this…” The alien man only saw the cyan Sword Ray light up in front of Qingyu, and realized that the left hand that grasped the detonating talisman couldn’t work anymore; before his voice fell, he was divided into two directly, completely fallen. .

On the spot, Bai Ran stared at the corpse of the alien man who had fallen to the ground, with an unbelievable expression that Da Luo Jinxian’s middle stage was cut by Qing Hua.

“Old Bai, let me go out and kill all the enemies that come!” Qing Hua’s voice was like ten thousand years of cold ice.

“Understand!” Bai Ran was also angry at the moment.

In front of the boundary monument, at this moment, there are hundreds of people who have died in the real spirit and body. However, they still urge Yukongjian with all their strength without any regrets; nearly half of them began to bleed from the seven orifices, but they did not give up a bit.

Just when everyone was beginning to be unable to support it, Yukongjian’s tremor slowly calmed down, which made them overjoyed, thinking that Bai Ran had already killed all the enemies in the future.

However, in fact, in front of the Zhonggong Banner, Bai Lao was just to be suppressed against an enemy of a foreign race; this was due to the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Shenfeng Whip and the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Tianyuan Royal Soul Card given by Qingxuan, otherwise who suppressed Who is not sure.

On the other hand, Qinghua, at this moment, a drop of blood slowly dripped from the Qingling sword, and a headless corpse fell in front of him.

“There are already seven. Except for the middle palace, the only thing left is Dui Gong!” After finishing speaking, Qinghua quickly went to Dui Gong.

When the foreign race under the Dui Palace was also killed by Qing Hua, she came to the middle palace and assisted Bai Ran in beheading the last intruder.

When the dust settled, Qinghua finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the most important question began to arise, how did they get into the fantasy sky island?

Qinghua couldn’t help but glanced at Bai Ran next to him. After all, he was the only one qualified to let in and out.

Bai Ran apparently thought of this, and rushed to Qinghua and said, “Qinghua, don’t you even believe me?”

“Lao Bai, of course I believe you, but please check it out. Master Bai is not here, I also need to go out to settle the Cultivation Base, the island will be handed over to you!” Qinghua looked at Bai Ran’s eyes and said calmly.

“Don’t worry, I will investigate thoroughly!” Bai Ran looked solemnly.

“Also, except for the hundreds of creatures who have been guarding this island, none of the others should be allowed in!” Qinghua looked at Bai Ran with sharp eyes at this moment.

“Understand!” Bai Ran nodded seriously.

Because he was also very angry at the moment, saying that the grace of dripping water, the spring of retribution.

But when these people saw the robbery on the island, they all fled in the chaos. Even if they were lost, they could help Bai Ran suppress Yukongjian instead of abandoning the island.

After Qingyu finished speaking, under Bai Ran’s gaze, he once again came out of Huan Kong Island, and Bai Ran also regained control of Yukongjian’s enclosed island.

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