Chapter 125-Starry Sky Peak Showdown (1)

Above the starry sky, Qing Xuan and Leng Yunxin stood thousands of miles apart.

Qingxuan’s Cultivation Base at the moment is the Daluo Jinxian Consummation, plus his Realm, which means that his real strength is half-step Hunyuan Jinxian.

However, one of his strongest additions is the Twelve Gods Tower, because he is the creator of the Shenhua Tower, so he doesn’t need to start the trial layer by layer like Qinghua and others.

He can directly integrate with the Shenhuan Pagoda, not only can obtain the trial ability in the Shenhuan Pagoda, but also has a further advantage over the tester in that he can also possess the power of the superb Xiantian Lingbao Shenhuan Pagoda body.

Qingxuan’s body Cultivation Base has reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian at this moment. This is the real function of Qingxuan’s refinement of Shenhuan Pagoda, and this is why Xiantian’s twelve yuan is so important to Qingxuan.

Cultivation Base half-step Hunyuan, the physical body of the Daluo Jinxian is perfect, and it is also the confidence of Qingxuan to contend with the Hunyuan Jinxian.

“Hey, are you ready? I’m going to do it!” Leng Yunxin, who was opposite Qing Xuan, blinked and said.

“Uh, how about we stop when we click?” Qing Xuan asked.

“Hey! Whoever points to you will stop, let’s take the move!” After Leng Yunxin finished speaking, three pairs of illusory wings appeared behind him, and instantly disappeared from the same place.

Qing Xuan wanted to sacrifice good fortune Qing Lian, but after thinking about it, he resisted it, just to try whether the power of the flesh could compete with it.

But at this moment, the void surging behind Qing Xuan, a petite fist poked out and hit the back of Qing Xuan’s heart; the seemingly weak punch, but it possessed terrifying power.

Before he could think about it, Qing Lian took the virtual step and displayed it instantly, and Qing Xuan moved horizontally by hundreds of feet; at the same time, the punch that struck him behind followed closely.

After ten consecutive attempts of Qinglian Tingxu, Qing Xuan quickly turned around and patted it, because he sensed that her speed was a little faster than him.


Fists and palms quickly butted, and the terrifying vigor shattered the two hairs and fluttered in the wind.

At this moment, an illusory pointed tail appeared in Qing Xuan’s eyes, and Qing Xuan hurriedly turned his head to the side, the pointed tail almost pressed against his cheek.

Suddenly, Qing Xuan sensed the extreme crisis and quickly disappeared from the place, but a corner of the cyan fairy robe stayed where Qing Xuan had just stood.

Qing Xuan looked at the robe that had lost a corner, and then recalled the illusory giant Ao he had just seen, and suddenly remembered Pangu’s mark of opening the sky.

“Pointed tails, six wings, and extremely sharp double claws, you are a fierce worm “Whis”; no, you are the first insect creature “Whis” that broke the world, absorbing the residual origin of the chaos demon, the demon and the Blood Essence. , So you should be a demon blood beetle. Pangu once used twelve good fortune jade disc fragments and the ancestral spirit to seal you, but I didn’t expect you to get out of trouble!” Qing Xuan looked at Leng Yunxin in the distance and said.

“You guessed it! You can tell me exactly where I came from, but you are getting me more and more interested! Why do you want to re-seal me?” Leng Yun’s eyes were a bit fierce.

Qingxuan was speechless: What did Brother Pangu do, why did she seal her but not kill her? With the strength of the older brother, killing a Golden Immortal should be a wave of hands; no, she should not have advanced at that time. It’s only half a step at most. Is this also the calculation of the big brother?

“Since the fellow daoist has gotten out of trouble, it means that I’m in the air, and I don’t have the ability to seal you!” Qing Xuan thought for a while and replied.

“If you have self-knowledge, no, what do you mean by these words, will you seal me if you have the ability?” Leng Yunxin looked at Qing Xuan again with an ugly expression, and then disappeared again in Qing Xuan’s eyes. .

“I…” Qing Xuan was speechless, woman, unreasonable, but he responded quickly and slammed into the back with a punch.

The two of them collided again and again with the power of their flesh like two comets; from a distance, the blue and red lights were constantly intertwined, like thousands of rays, covering the entire starry sky, and that was only because of their speed. Spiritual Qi stuck in the air caused by too fast.

Once, twice, three times… a hundred times… a thousand times… ten thousand times…

Under the constant confrontation again and again, the sound of turbulence spread from the center of their battle, and finally spread crazy for millions of miles.

Some of the cultivators of the Star Clan who are in Closed Door Training near here vomit blood because of their unscrupulous physical battles.

After the reaction, one by one left the place of practice and began to look for the culprit; however, after seeing the terrifying energy fluctuations, they quickly fled without saying a word.

It’s just that they are hundreds of thousands of miles apart, and the waves of air suffocate them. It’s hard to imagine what kind of Cultivation Base the person who caused this kind of alienation is.

Thousands of starry cultivators gathered two million miles away from the place of battle, all of them were forced to leave the place of practice due to the battle ahead.

“Greed wolf senior, who is in the fight? The momentum is so great!” A Star Clan cultivator injured by the aftermath asked a half-step Luo.

“Neither do I know that the strength of the two warring parties is stronger than I don’t know how much, and I am not qualified to contact!” Greedy wolf shook his head.

At this moment, another half-step Ronaldo cultivator staggered towards this place from the direction of combat.

“It’s Tianshu senior, why is he so embarrassed?” A golden fairy cultivator obviously knew someone.

“Tianshu fellow daoist, you came from that direction, but you can see the appearance of the warrior. Which power is it?” Greed Wolf asked.

“Don’t ask greedy wolf fellow daoist, let me recover first, puff~” Before the words fell, the half-step Da Luo called Tianshu directly vomited a mouthful of blood, and then quickly sat in the Lotus Position and began to heal his injuries.


Everyone in the same place was amazed. Even Tianshu senior, who was half a step away from Luo Xiu, was injured and vomited blood. How strong should the two sides in the fierce battle be?

After reacting, they gathered around Tianshu, preparing to wait for Tianshu’s injury to heal better and ask why.

Ten days later, Tianshu finally stopped meditating and started to stand up slowly, but his gaze still took away a trace of terror.

“Tianshu senior, which two great powers are fighting in front of you, have you even been injured?” Seeing Tianshu’s expression a little better, a late stage cultivator asked hurriedly.

Don’t know…

“You junior ask why, besides, I don’t know, I just approached Wanli, and then a blue light and a red light collided, I was shocked, and then I became like this!” Tianshu slowed down. Said slowly.

“What, don’t you even see the specific appearance of both sides?” Greedy Wolf was shocked.

“I can’t see clearly. They move too fast. It would be nice if I could come over alive. I guess that later, the power of the two fighting will be stronger. If I am now, I stand before him. The ten thousand li of the fierce battle is definitely not as simple as a slight injury!” Tianshu is still a little scared.

Hearing Tianshu’s words, those present couldn’t help but rejoice, but fortunately they escaped, otherwise they might be in danger of perish.

And the sound of the trembling of the void in the front continued to be heard, and it became more and more dense.

“Quickly, everyone stepped back a million miles. If the attacks of the two seniors in front were not aligned, as long as one came towards us, it would kill us in an instant!” Greedy Wolf shouted.

Hearing the words of greedy wolves, nearly a thousand cultivators in the same place all gave initiation; yes, if one of their attacks leaves the battlefield, the energy alone is not something they can bear. After reacting, one by one Step back again.

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