Chapter 124 Qingxuan breakthrough

After the eyes of Heavenly Dao disappeared, the dragon clan was excited at this moment, ignoring the various forms of prehistoric sentient beings.

The three dragon kings looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Feeling the skyrocketing strength in his body, Zu Long said: “There are still a few stubborn races that haven’t submitted to our race before. Now Heavenly Dao has admitted that we are waiting. Second brother and third brother, I will leave it to you. I really don’t want to surrender and kill!”

“Yes, Dage!” Zhulong and Ying Long are also eyes reveal cold light.

When seeing the collective Ascension of the dragon clan, the Feng clan and the Qilin clan were anxious. The top executives of the two clans all issued the highest execution order to subdue the birds and the beasts at the fastest speed.

Finally, a hundred years later, the Qilin clan in the middle famine.

The ancestor Qilin raised his head and looked at the sky and shouted: “Heavenly Dao is here, and my Qilin clan declares to the great and wild. Everyone who walks on the wild earth and beasts should respect my Qilin clan!”

“The Qilin nationality is one of the ten strongest ethnic groups in the primordial land. Today, it has become the lord of the land. It suppresses Qilin with the best Xiantian Lingbao Qilin seal, the best Xiantian Lingbao Central Wuji Xinghuang Qi, and the best Xiantian Lingbao Emperor Fire Heaven Sun Pearl. Family luck, Heavenly Dao Jianzhi!”


The Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared again, click, and a group of merits of one hundred and eighty square meters fell.

The ancestor Qilin Cultivation Base Ascension to the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, the ink Qilin Cultivation Base Ascension to the late stage of the Daluo Jinxian, the seven Elder Cultivation Base Ascension of the Qilin clan to the Daluo Jinxian, and the remaining merits are scattered throughout the Qilin clan.

And as the Qilin clan’s voice just fell, the Nanhuang Feng clan announced again…

“Heavenly Dao is here, my Phoenix clan tells the great, all the birds and wings of the great clan should be respected by my Phoenix clan!”

“The Feng Clan is one of the ten strongest ethnic groups in the empire. Today, it has become the lord of the sky. It suppresses the phoenix with the best Xiantian Lingbao Phoenix Ling, the best Xiantian Lingbao southern off-ground flame flag, and the best Xiantian Lingbao seven-color holy light mirror. Family luck, Heavenly Dao Jianzhi!”

The Eye of Heavenly Dao once again drops the merits and falls on the Southern Wild Phoenix Clan: Zufeng Cultivation Base instantly reaches the peak of Da Luo Jinxian!

Feng clan Elder and Elder Cultivation Base Ascension to Da Luo Jinxian middle stage!

The remaining six phoenix tribes, Elder, are all Ascension to Da Luo Jinxian!

The remaining merits are given to the Feng clan.

Whoever takes the same oath in the front will get more merits. Therefore, the Qilin clan is one level worse than the dragon clan, and the Feng clan is one level worse than the Qilin clan!

As the eyes of Heavenly Dao disappeared, for a while, the number of Daluo Jinxian increased sharply, and the three clans became the strongest races under the demons.


Luo Ningshuang finally walked out at the exit of the sixth floor of the Shenhuan Pagoda on the Magic Sky Island. At this moment, her eyes were shining with a hint of thunder, but she finally completed the six tempering of the Shenhuan Pagoda, and the physical body Taiyi Jinxian was consummated.

At this moment, Luo Ningshuang knew what the gap was. One hundred Yuanhui would be more than 12 million years, which was a difference of more than 300,000 years from Qinghua…

She only missed the first level for more than one million years. Actually, her talent is not worse than that of Jin Rui and others, but she doesn’t know how to break through without anyone’s guidance.

The three of Jin Rui entered together with Qinghua, and the tempering method that Qinghua had explored directly told the three of them, otherwise they would be similar to Luo Ningshuang.

Of course, after Luo Ningshuang broke through the final sixth floor, he absorbed the Heavenly Dao merits in the tower. After completing the advanced Taiyi Golden Immortal, he wanted to visit Realm.

And this time Closed Door Training felt that it took a full thirty yuan meeting until Realm felt hopeless before finally coming out of the tower.

At this moment, Qing Xuan and Leng Yunxin beside the tea tree of Enlightenment seemed to be drawn by something, and at the same time they exuded a super aura, and then opened their eyes at the same time.

“Thank you senior for your support and congratulations to senior Cultivation Base!” Luo Ningshuang didn’t expect to meet Qing Xuan as soon as he got out of the tower, and quickly saluted him respectfully. Then looked at Leng Yunxin in front of Qingxuan with doubts.

Qing Xuan shook hands gently, and then stuck out his right hand, and in Luo Ningshuang’s shocked eyes, photographed the ten-foot-high Shenhuan Pagoda from a distance.

When Shenhuan Pagoda slowly shrank to the same height as Qingxuan, the light flashed, and it overlapped directly with Qingxuan. Finally, the phantom of Shenhuan Pagoda dissipated, and Qingxuan nodded secretly.

“Congratulations fellow daoist for the stable Cultivation Base, how about you and me?” Qingxuan looked at Leng Yun and asked to fight.

Leng Yun looked at Qing Xuan quietly. With this hundred Yuanhui, she finally consolidated the Cultivation Base Realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, and her strength was doubled compared to the previous battle against the demons in the West.

However, what she did not expect was that she felt a slight threat in front of Qing Xuan at this moment; you know, when she first saw Qing Xuan for the first time, she was 100% sure to defeat him.

“Oh, it’s interesting. It’s really unusual for you to be respected as the first person in the wild; come on, it’s the first time I’ve been invited to fight, I want to see what is special about you?” Leng Yunxinqing Laughing, then nodded seriously.

Then the two disappeared instantly under Luo Ningshuang’s shocked gaze, ignoring all the formation barriers on Phantom Sky Island.

The disregarded Luo Ningshuang rubbed her eyes. With her perfect Cultivation Base at the moment, plus her eyes tempered by Xiantian Lei Yuan, she could instantly explore the distance of three or four thousand miles under a single glance, but she still didn’t. Can see how the two disappeared.

Shaking her head, Luo Ningshuang, who knew that the gap was too huge, left here and headed towards Qingyu Palace. She could vaguely sense that Qingyu was still in Closed Door Training.

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