Chapter 126 Starry Sky Peak Showdown (2)

Compared with the horror of the starry cultivator, the center of engagement, Qing Xuan and Leng Yunxin both urged their power to the extreme.

At this moment, Qing Xuan was very surprised. Regardless of the woman on the opposite side, the physical strength of her body was not inferior to him, and she had obviously reached the point where Daluo Jinxian was consummated.

And Leng Yunxin was even more unbelievable. Her body could not be wiped out even if the ancestral spirit was nine calamities. Although the strength of her physical body dropped a lot after shedding the outer shell, she did not expect that someone in the great land would be able to interact with her at this moment. Evenly matched.

After fighting again for dozens of rounds, a sharp look flashed in Leng Yun’s heart. She did not allow anyone from the predecessor to compete with her, and finally she mobilized all of her Spirit Power.

At this moment, all her Cultivation Base broke out; her momentum alone caused red thunders to appear on top of her head and the void behind her. This was the aura caused by the Cultivation Base being strong enough to a certain limit.

Qingxuan knew that this was going to do his best. He did not support the big, the half-step Hunyuan’s aura was released, and the good fortune Qinglian was placed under his feet, and the Hongmeng measuring ruler appeared in his hand.

No extra nonsense, the two collided like two suns.

At this moment, the void behind the two of them shattered directly, and a series of spatial cracks appeared. With the continuous thunder, the two figures once again blasted each other and backed away.

Qing Xuan looked at Leng Yunxin’s weapon, revealing a rare touch of solemnity.

They are two silver-white short blades. Unlike other spirit treasures, they are not held in the hand, but attached to the back of their hand. There is a bracelet-like ring at the end of the handle to firmly hold the short blade. It is fixed on his wrist; the total length is about twelve inches, the blade is three inches past the middle finger, and the sharpness is revealed!

“Forbidden Spirit Double Blade!” Qing Xuan said in surprise.

Although this spirit treasure is only the best Xiantian spirit treasure of 47 Restrictions, it is comparable to the ultimate treasure of attack and killing because it possesses the power of forbidden spirit.

Being pierced by this blade will directly block the opponent’s Spirit Power Cultivation Base. The deeper the penetration, the more Cultivation Base will be blocked. Once the blade is pierced, all Cultivation Bases will be blocked directly, although every time All can only ban the three-breath time, but the master has a trick, and the three-breath is enough to decide the victory or defeat!

“Compared with your Houtian Merit Treasure, it is still a bit inadequate!” Leng Yunxin said flatly.

Qing Xuan didn’t deny this. The two moves just now seemed to be evenly divided. In fact, he was tied with the supreme treasure advantage. If the weapon he used was also the best Xiantian Lingbao, he would have suffered a loss just now.

Between thoughts, the two figures once again disappeared from the same place…


Qing Xuan held the Hongmeng Tianrui and Leng Yunxin’s forbidden spirit double-blade blasted together again, and saw a semi-circular cyan barrier and a semi-circular red barrier butted together at the center; the two spirit treasures The distance between them is less than two inches, but they belong to the two barriers.

At the center point, the ear-piercing interlaced sound ‘Zizi’ exploded, and the sound of spatial fragmentation continued to sound in the ears of the two.

Both of them tried their best. Qing Xuan was already gritting his teeth to support him. This was his most difficult battle since his debut. Almost all his cards were shown. On the other hand, Leng Yunxin frowned, and apparently she was almost reaching the limit. NS.

Seeing the stalemate for a long time, Leng Yunxin slowly retracted her right hand. She didn’t dare to take it too quickly, because as long as there was a slight lack of backing power, she would suffer severe injuries.

When she received her right hand to be flush with her shoulders, she quickly shook her palm into a fist; this time, the Forbidden Spirit Blade in her right hand showed a length of seven inches, and then slammed into Qing Xuan in front of her.

Qingxuan had anticipated all this when Leng Yunxin took his palm, and a Lotus flower appeared before him again, the ten second rank white lotus!


With a loud noise, the two of them simultaneously withdrew their strength and tried their best, and then the void in the battle collapsed directly, and the two of them retreated at the same time; Leng Yunxin retreated 800 miles, and Qingxuan retreated thousands of miles!

The fierce battle just now seems very simple, but no matter who it is, the two of them will end up with serious injuries if they don’t handle it well:

Withdrawal force is that Qingxuan and Leng Yunxin simultaneously withdrew the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler and the Left Blade of Forbidden Spirit;

Retracting force is to put all the power away at the same time;

The final effort was Qingxuan’s use of all his power to spur the defense of the ten second rank Jingshi Bailian, while Leng Yunxin was fully committed to blessing the forbidden spirit double-edged attack, one defense and one attack, and finally both retreated!

All this only happened between the three breaths, but it made them both seem to have experienced a few hundred yuan meeting. At that time, as long as there is a little control, it will be the end of serious injury.

The moment the void collapsed, the terrifying explosion caused the creatures in tens of millions of kilometers to hear; at that moment, all the Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric sky were drawn, looking at the starry sky, and their hands changed rapidly. Start to figure out what happened to the starry sky!


Honghuang has progressed with Heavenly Dao’s progress. At the beginning, as long as it reaches the Cultivation Base of the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, almost all the origins of the great wars can be explored; but now, even half a step Dao can’t cross it. The war that took place in another wilderness; now only Daluo Jinxian can watch all the battles in the wilderness.

But the starry sky is different. Because of the barrier of the nine-layered sky, if you want to see the battle of the starry sky from the wild land, you must know the specific situation through deduction by Daluo Jinxian.

Of course, the Cultivation Base above the late stage of Daluo Jinxian can still see the starry sky directly through the nine-story sky!

All this is limited to Heavenly Dao’s current Realm as the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Once Heavenly Dao advances Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian, the limit will increase upwards, and even at the late stage, except for those above the Sage level, there will be basically no one anymore. Able to find prehistoric times.


When the great Luo Jinxian saw the place where the two of the stars were standing, they involuntarily inhaled a cold breath, and the void collapsed. What kind of strength is needed to do this?

Luo Hui narrowed his eyes, he saw Qingxuan’s Cultivation Base clearly, Daluo Jinxian was complete; but what he was puzzled was that Qingxuan could actually fight Hunyuan Jinxian fiercely. He knew very well that instead of being slightly injured within ten strokes, and severely injured with a hundred strokes, if the woman used all his strength, he might even be in danger of perishing.

Compared with Luo Hui, Hongjun has a full sense of urgency. With the two giant mountains pressed on top of his head, he must advance to the Da Luo Jinxian Consummation as soon as possible, and then make every effort to calculate the method of slashing the three corpses in the good fortune jade disc. Only the quasi-sage can stand on the pyramid and look down on sentient beings.

As for the other big Luo Jinxian, they are now staring at the stars intently, and they are constantly hoping that they will continue, and it is best to die together; after all, no one wants anyone to be able to kill themselves easily. The most speechless thing is this kind of existence. There are actually two more.

At this moment, only Emperor Ying Long and Wang Shu, who had just walked out of Guanghan Palace, would be happy because of Qingxuan’s strength.

The former is because my daughter has found a super backer, and the backstage is so tough. As long as a slightly larger force does not dare to hurt his own daughter, as for the weaker force, Ying Long said, leave it to me.

And Wang Shu…

Lunar Star, at this moment an uninvited guest came, and Wang Shu felt a strong threat from the undressed woman in front of him…

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