Chapter 119 Epiphany

As the distance narrowed, the corner of the water lizard Daoist’s mouth showed a smug color, and his palm turned over and a spear appeared in his hand.

He looked at Longji in front, grabbed the spear, and threw it at Longji.


A faint sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Long Ji, who was flying in front of him, turned his head and sensed the murderous intention behind him.

Under the crisis of life and death, the good fortune jade disc fragments deep in Long Ji’s eyebrows trembled sharply, directly evolving picture after picture in Long Ji’s mind. Those pictures are the beginning and formation of the law of wind.

Without waiting for Long Ji to react, the law of wind directly affected her body, instantly avoiding the mortal spear.

“Well, what’s going on?” Daoist was puzzled by the water lizard. It was reasonable to say that a 100% hit was easily avoided by him.

Recalling the Star Spear, the water lizard Daoist flickered, approaching quickly, probing his claws, and grabbing towards Longji.

But what made him unexpectedly rushed again, and what surprised him most was that Long Ji’s eyes were all closed.

“I still don’t believe it!” Daoist stared at the water lizard, grabbed the spear and stab Long Ji again, but the result was beyond expectation again, and he still passed by.

“Is this… Deva unity, epiphany?” Daoist was surprised.

Thinking of this possibility, Daoist’s eyes narrowed, and a chill suddenly appeared, and he wanted to interrupt her state of epiphany.

He swung his spear and attacked again and again, but Longji’s body seemed to be evasive, and every time he moved slightly, it was just enough to avoid it.

What makes Daoist even more puzzled is that since Long Ji’s body appeared a cyan light, and began to pull the nearby Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.

At this moment, Qinglian Good Fortune started to regain her Spirit Power unconsciously, and after only ten breaths, Longji’s depleted Spirit Power instantly recovered 20%.

At this moment, Long Ji opened his eyes, and a picture flashed in his eyes, exactly the same as the good fortune jade disc in his mind before.

Her mind began to infer these scenes, her feet kept changing positions, as if she was learning a certain kind of move. As time progressed, a trace of Spiritual Qi gathered towards her again.

The water lizard Daoist was still attacking Longji, but it was all useless.

After a hundred moves, the water lizard Daoist stopped attacking, hovering the star spear in front of him, pointed the spear at Longji, and drew softly: “I think how do you hide? Star spear, metamorphose!”

I saw the original one shot of spear instantly turned into hundreds of shots.


The water lizard Daoist sighed softly, and the Xingyao spears all rushed towards Longji.

Hundreds of spears attacked Longji like sharp arrows, and the cold light shining from the tip of the spear could be seen faintly, which was extremely dazzling.

When they were less than three feet away from Longji, Longji’s feet finally stopped moving…

“[Hytest Wind Phantom]!”

With a soft sound, Long Ji disappeared in an instant. With the sudden and sudden disappearance, Long Ji’s figure continued to switch between virtual and real; in the three flashing rooms, she appeared three hundred miles away, and the speed did not stop. Continue to escape towards the distance.

Hundreds of spears all flew into the air, and Daoist, the water lizard on the spot, looked extremely ugly, and the cooked duck flew again.

“Huh! What about the epiphany magical technique, Cultivation Base is your flaw, your breath has been locked by me, I don’t believe how far you can escape!” Daoist took back the star spear and continued to chase Longji. .

Behind the water lizard Daoist, General Azure Dragon was flying at high speed and suddenly looked down at a middle-aged cultivator because he was actually stained with the breath of Longji.

Azure Dragon stopped to hide, and his figure flashed to Ling Yun, a cyan halberd was placed on his shoulder instantly, and he said, “Say, where is the princess now? Why do you have the breath of a princess?”

Ling Yun was shocked, and he felt like a disaster at the moment, who was already injured. He swallowed his saliva and said hesitantly: “I don’t know who the princess is this adult talking about?”

Ling Yun could only pretend to be crazy and be stupid. If he let the person in front of him know that he had attacked Long Ji, he would probably be cut off.

However, since General Azure Dragon can take charge of the entire Dragon Clan army in Yinglong Palace, he will naturally not be easy to believe in others. In addition, he is worried about the safety of Long Ji, so it is not bad that he is not angry at this moment.

Azure Dragon directly pierced Ling Yun’s right arm with a halberd, and said sternly, “Don’t pretend to be confused with me. You have the princess’s aura on your body, and you are still very aggressive. It means that you have fought against the princess. You are so bold. How dare to shoot against the princess!”

After speaking, Azure Dragon urged the Azure Dragon halberd again, and instantly shattered Ling Yun’s right arm.

“Ah!” Ling Yun screamed in pain.

However, relative to the pain of a broken arm, how to escape this catastrophe is the most important thing.

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and said, “If I tell you the whereabouts of the princess, can you let me go?”



Azure Dragon didn’t talk nonsense, slapped Ling Yun’s chest with a halberd, smashing all his breast bones.

Ling Yun was caught off guard and spewed out another mouthful of blood, and was knocked into the air like a torn sack, and finally lay on his back and fell to the ground, but this was not over yet.

Azure Dragon stepped on his collapsed chest and said coldly: “Are you talking to me? Just relying on your dare to take the initiative is enough for you to die a thousand times and ten thousand times. You dare to threaten this. General!”

“Say it~” Azure Dragon yelled. The feet that stepped on Ling Yun’s chest revolved vigorously.




Ling Yun felt as if thousands of boulders were pressing on his chest, and it was difficult to breathe. When Azure Dragon lifted his footsteps, he couldn’t help coughing heavily, and spewed a mouthful of blood again, faintly visible fragments of internal organs.

“My lord, I said, I said!” Ling Yun’s voice was weak, but he knew that if he didn’t say anything, he would be killed by the person in front of him instantly.

“His Royal Highness is heading to the west, and Daoist is chasing after her!” Ling Yun said with trepidation, because the next moment is to determine his fate.

“You are lucky, but unfortunately, lie down here!” After Azure Dragon said, a streamer hit Ling Yun, banning all of his Spirit Power Cultivation Base, and sent a sound transmission to Xuan Min to let him take it. People come to capture Ling Yun and return to the Dragon Palace.

Then he escaped and flew quickly towards the direction Ling Yun pointed.

“Directly to the west, that is to go to the middle of the wilderness, I hope the Little Princess Jiren has his own sky!” Azure Dragon murmured while galloping.

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