Chapter 118

Eastern Wasteland.

Two extremely fast figures passed by mountains before and after, and the hurricanes generated by the speed made the cultivators of the low Cultivation Base fear inexplicable.

“Father, is that the Taiyi Golden Immortal? What a fast speed!” a little white mink asked the man who turned into a human form beside him.

“Yes, so you have to cultivate well, Xuanxian Cultivation Base doesn’t even have the ability to protect itself in Honghuang!” Bai Diao’s father educated.

“I see, father!” Little Bai Diao nodded, and then returned to Immortal Cave to continue his cultivation.


Long Ji and the water lizard Daoist were still flying at extreme speed. Long Ji had no masters at this moment. She didn’t know what she should do. If the effect of the jade talisman disappears, she has no way to resist, it seems that she has to sit and wait for death.

Fortunately, Daluo Jinxian is Daluo Jinxian, even if it is a refined jade talisman, the speed is still several times faster than half-step Daluo. This is also her only advantage. At this moment, she is getting farther and farther away from Daoist.

As time advances a little bit, the cultivators encountered along the way are all shocking and inexplicable, after all, the movement speed of the two is too strong.

The Azure Dragon general at the back was also sweating profusely at the moment, and was actually not tired, but ten days had passed.

According to his calculation, the energy to transmit the jade amulet lasts for ten days at most, and Longji and Daoist go ahead of him, that is to say, the energy of Longji’s transmission jade amulet has long been exhausted.

“Daoist, the damn water lizard, who was supposed to ask the Dragon King to kill the Surabaya Valley at first, dare to chase down the princess!” Azure Dragon has sensed the breath of the water lizard Daoist during the flight, as the three major valleys in the Surabaya Valley. One of the masters, Azure Dragon naturally also knows it.

Foremost, Long Ji had stopped two days ago. At this moment, she was swallowing elixir in a small mountain to restore Spirit Power, and the Cultivation Technique she was running was the Qinglian good fortune sutra.

I saw that her body was wrapped in a huge green lotus, and the surrounding heaven and earth Spiritual Qi were gathering around her.

Day by day, some small beasts moved closer to the ten-mile radius of Longji Yungong. They are not malicious, they just cultivate around Longji, because the closer they are to Longji, the faster they can absorb the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth. This is instinctive cultivation.

The picture seems to present a harmonious beauty, but all of this is suddenly broken.

It was a sharp Sword Ray, without any disguise, it suddenly appeared ten feet behind Long Ji.

Sensing the strong threat, Long Ji frowned slightly. She opened her eyes and offered twelve Ding Haizhu to face Sword Ray…

Jingle bell~

Ding Haizhu smashed Sword Ray unexpectedly, and Long Ji looked at the place where Sword Ray appeared again, but found nothing.

But at this moment, another same Sword Ray appeared, and its position this time was a hundred feet away from the front.

Long Ji jumped and rose into the air. Sword Ray did not threaten her, but because she did not resist this attack, Sword Ray directly surrounded her after passing the place where she was sitting in the Lotus Position. The little beast killed most of it.

Seeing this, the remaining little beasts screamed and quickly scattered and fled.

Long Ji felt a touch of distress inexplicably, she was kind by nature, otherwise she wouldn’t let these little beasts surround her and absorb the Spiritual Qi that she had gathered. Unexpectedly, it was she who killed them.

Long Ji was very angry at the moment. She sacrificed Ding Haizhu and hit the position where Sword Qi appeared just now with extremely fast speed.

Bang… bang… bang… bang…

There were waves of ripples in the void, and as the attack dissipated, a stream of blood spurted out of the void, and the figure disappeared in a flash, and once again escaped into the void.

But where was Long Ji willing to let him go, thirty-six Ding Haizhu like a series of cannonballs, one by one hit the illusory figure hiding place.

The void kept buzzing, and the figure kept jumping in the void, avoiding one attack after another. However, his escape speed was obvious, not as fast as Ding Haizhu’s continuous pursuit.

After avoiding the eighteen Ding Haizhu, the remaining eighteen hit him one by one. After a series of vomiting blood sounded, the figure was finally forced out of the void by Long Ji.

“It turned out to be you, I want to avenge those innocent beasts just now!” Long Jijiaozha.

Thirty-six Ding Haizhu once again circled Long Ji, and then shot at the man who just appeared.

“Sure enough, greed is fatal!” The man in white had an ugly face and murmured to himself.

He is the Rogue Cultivators Ling Yun who robbed Haizhu before.

He has been hiding in the void, and watched the whole battle afterwards. When he saw Long Ji fleeing from injury, his heart once again became greedy. Relying on the breath of Ding Haizhu, Daoist actually caught up with Long Ji first. .

However, even if he had the ability to escape from the void and chase and escape quickly, it was still delayed for a few days. After Long Ji recovered his half Spirit Power, he slowly caught up.

His Cultivation Base was only the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he did not dare to be too close to Longji, so he suddenly launched an attack without Longji noticing it, but he did not expect that the first-order difference would make Longji react quickly. And forced him out of the void.

When Ding Haizhu rushed towards him again, Ling Yun’s eyes were horrified, and he quickly sacrificed the Wulu Qiankun Net, and then urged all his Spirit Power to bless it on the Wulu Qiankun Net in an attempt to defend against this move.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny. When Ding Haizhu bombarded him layer by layer, the money-free blood spurted out of his mouth one after another, and finally hit it with a heavy blow. After crushing a boulder, the whole body dragged on the ground for 100 meters before it finally stopped. Down.

Long Ji’s figure flickered, and when he came to Ling Yun, before he spoke, Ling Yun started begging for mercy first.

“Please let me go, I know I was wrong!” Ling Yun burst into tears while vomiting fragments of internal organs.

“Hmph! Now you know it was wrong, why didn’t you know it was wrong when you killed those little beasts just now!” Long Ji said angrily.

“I really…cough…cough…know it’s wrong, don’t you let me go, it’s not easy for me to cultivation to this Realm, unlike you…cough…cough…wow, with the protection of great forces, the cultivation journey goes smoothly!” Ling Yun Continue to speak, and spit out another bite of visceral debris.

And just when Long Ji was considering whether to kill a killer, an extreme light came quickly from the distant sky, Long Ji could even see the hideous face of the water lizard Daoist.

Long Ji, who reacted, didn’t care about dealing with Ling Yun, and directly set up escape and fled.

Due to Lingyun’s reasons, Long Ji stayed here for a long time, and was finally chased by the water lizard Daoist.

And just now, she spent a small amount of Spirit Power fighting. At this moment, her Spirit Power is still less than twelfth of the peak period.

“Haha, you can’t escape, hand over the best Xiantian Lingbao, this seat can consider letting you go!” said the water lizard Daoist, who was not far ahead while chasing.

“Don’t think about it, you can take it yourself if you have the ability, this princess is not a vegetarian!” Although Long Ji is not deeply involved in the world, it does not mean that she is stupid.

She also knew that even if she surrendered Ding Haizhu, Daoist would not let her go.

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