Chapter 120

Long Ji was in a very bad state at the moment. Her Spirit Power was always weak. Whenever she recovered a little bit, she was chased by Daoist from the rear, forcing her to use her supernatural powers to escape again and again.

This state has lasted for a hundred years. After a hundred years of residual blood, Long Ji’s body has been greatly damaged. If this continues, it is very likely that her foundation will be damaged.

Daoist, the water lizard at the rear, also has a bad complexion. Although his condition is much better than Long Ji, a full hundred years have passed. Eighty percent of the dragon clan has known about this matter. Maybe someone from the dragon clan is already chasing after him. .

At this moment, he didn’t want the best Xiantian Lingbao in Longji’s hands. He just wanted to catch Longji and threaten Longji’s life in exchange for a chance to survive.

Once again, the water lizard Daoist saw Long Ji who was resting and meditating in front of him.

Long Ji was very tired at the moment, and the days and nights running away made her feel a tingling sensation in Divine Sense. However, when she saw Daoist catching up again, she still cheered up and stood up and continued to escape. Cast the Phantom of the Wind.

The water lizard Daoist looked at Long Ji who had disappeared again with an ugly look. After a moment of thought, his eyes flashed sharply. He burned Blood Essence and began to use the technique of blood escape. He could no longer let Long Ji escape.

A bloody escape light traveled at extreme speed, and the speed was even three points faster than Long Ji.

Actually is not Longji’s magical powers are not as good as blood escape, and Longji’s Cultivation Base is worse than the water lizard. Coupled with continuous use of magical powers, physical fatigue and lack of Spirit Power, the magical powers are worse than the first one. That’s a lot.

Three days later, Daoist finally caught up with Long Ji, and Xing Yao spear attacked again. Long Ji quickly sacrificed Ding Haizhu to protect himself…


Xing Yao’s spear pierced Dinghai Zhu and directly shook Long Ji from the void.

The water lizard Daoist deceived her again, ready to take her down in one fell swoop, Long Ji offered Ding Haizhu to defend with all his strength, but the figure retreated again and again.

Seeing tears in the eyes of Long Ji, who has no hope of survival, she has been in Long Palace for a long time. She has never suffered this kind of grievance. She has been hunted and killed for a hundred years.

In her eyes, she seemed to see her stern father, mother-in-law, and kind grandfather Xuan Mi.

Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, she urged Ding Haizhu to start a counterattack. The big deal is death, anyway, she doesn’t want to live this kind of escape.

Seeing that Long Ji, who had been passively defending, turned from defense to offense, Daoist was not surprised and rejoiced, and began to increase his attack.

In an instant, the water lizard Daoist suppressed Long Ji, and Ding Haizhu was knocked into the air by eight.

“Hey, Little Princess, you’d better catch it with your hands, don’t worry, this seat won’t hurt you!” Seeing victory in hand, Daoist began to disturb Long Ji’s mind with words.

“Don’t think about it, this princess would rather die than surrender, if you have the ability to kill me, the father will give me revenge!” Long Ji’s character is inherently lawless, and it is basically impossible to make her surrender.

“If this is the case, I can’t blame this seat for being ruthless!” Seeing the persuasion to no avail, Daoist stepped up his attack again.

However, at this moment, three uninvited guests quietly approached here.

“Brother Jin Rui, I’ll return this pair of wind and cloud boots to you. I’m not uncommon for the broken shoes worn by others. I’ve said that the Lingbao from the next looting will belong to me!” Bai Xue threw a pair of boots embroidered with golden white clouds to Jin. Rui, a look of disgust.

“It is necessary, it is necessary!” Jin Rui happily took it with both hands, took off the original shoes, quickly put the Fengyun boots under his feet, and slightly stepped on the ground.

“Brother, if you wear this middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao and then use Qinglian to take a virtual step, you should be able to take a hundred miles!” Zi Chen asked.

“I’ll try!” After saying that Jin Rui directly used Qinglian Tingxu, stepped out, and appeared directly hundreds of miles away, and when he was about to step back to Baixue again, he happened to see the water in the distance. The battle between Daoist and Longji.

“Huh? The Spirit Power used by that girl is so familiar! No, it’s the Qinglian Good Fortune Sutra! How could it be, isn’t this the secret of the master, besides a few of us, there are people who know it?” Jin Rui muttered Muttered to himself.

Then he stepped forward to Longji again, he had to confirm it.

The battle between Longji and Daoist is coming to an end, after all, the difference between Cultivation Base decides everything.


Long Ji was knocked down again by the qi from the Xingyao Spear, and this time he could not get up for a long time.

At this moment, a large seal appeared in the sky above the water lizard Daoist and slammed it down. The water lizard Daoist was surprised, but did not panic. He raised his spear and stab Jin Ruiyin directly…


A shock wave emanated, and the golden seal returned to Jin Rui’s hands again.

“Huh? Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak!” The water lizard Daoist also saw Jin Rui coming here at this moment.

“What does this fellow daoist mean? I want to take care of my business?” Daoist shouted at Jin Rui.

There have been nearly a thousand battles between him and Longji along the way, but no one has ever been nosy. After all, the prehistoric water is too deep, and no one will provoke Karma for no reason.

Seeing uneven roads, drawing a knife to help is very rare in Honghuang, except for a fool who has absolute strength, and Jin Rui is obviously not a strong one.

“I’m just here to ask a few questions, and leave after asking!” Jin Rui curled his lips. After all, he couldn’t beat Daoist, so he wouldn’t go blind for an uncertain thing.

“Fellow daoist, what do you want to ask?” Daoist is obviously impatient. If it weren’t for fear of unforeseen circumstances, Xing Yaosao would have greeted Jin Rui long ago.

“I’m not asking you, I’m asking her!” Jin Rui finished speaking and came to Long Ji who was supporting the ground with one hand.

“Fellow daoist is going to be troublesome?” Daoist stared fiercely. In his opinion, Jin Rui is the kind of fool who draws his sword to help, and the Cultivation Base is not enough to be a hero.

“Damn, Xiaoye is afraid of you?” Jin Rui replied.

“Hey! Where is the thief, dare to move my brother?” But it was Zi Chen Baixue who saw that Jin Rui hadn’t come back for a long time, and chased him all the way.

Bai Xue was Jin Rui who stared at the hero to save the United States, with an incredible expression on her face. Having stayed with Jin Rui these years, Bai Xue completely understood her two senior brothers.

Hero save the beauty, ah! My two brothers don’t have this character.

It’s not that I haven’t encountered this kind of thing all the way, whenever Bai Xue wants to make a move, he is directly pulled away by the two, and the two brothers will never do anything that is not good.

The water lizard Daoist felt bad when seeing the two of Baixue who came over, and Jin Rui was already at the peak of two Taiyi Golden Immortals and one Taiyi Golden Immortal in late stage.

It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to win, the most important thing is that he is afraid that he will catch up with the dragon clan if he is delayed.

Thinking of this, the water lizard Daoist was silent, intending to wait and see what happened, first to see the situation before speaking, I hope they are not so uninterested.

“This fellow daoist, can the Cultivation Technique you used just now be used again?” Jin Rui crouched in front of Long Ji and asked.

Long Ji looked at Jin Rui in front of him unexpectedly and nodded. After all, he saved himself, if not for the person in front of him, it is estimated that he would have fallen at this moment.

Long Ji mobilized his only Spirit Power again, and suddenly, a blue light appeared in front of Jin Rui and the others.

“How is this possible?” Zi Chen behind was surprised.

And Bai Xue stared closely at the blue light radiating from Long Ji’s body.

“Where did you learn this Cultivation Technique?” Jin Rui asked again, his voice was slightly cold.

He believed that the person in front of him was stealing the secret of the master’s unspoken, if it was so, let alone save her, it would be good if Jin Rui didn’t kill her together.

Bai Xue and Zi Chen in the back also pricked their ears and listened carefully, and both of them looked bad.

The teacher’s Cultivation Technique leaked out, so they were not nervous; you know, even Bai Xue’s grandfather is not qualified to contact Qinglian Good Fortune Sutra.

The water lizard Daoist looked at their ugly faces and was overjoyed, but they still have grudges. That would be easy.

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