Chapter 117 Xuan Mi’s Worries

“Damn it!” Xuan Mi had no choice but to fight Daoist desperately.

The water lizard Daoist rushed towards Longji, regardless of Longji’s one-to-one enemy, but now she basically has no resistance.

There is also a big gap between the peaks of Da Luo and Taiyi Golden Immortal. In addition, Longji’s Spirit Power is lacking. Not surprisingly, the water lizard can easily defeat Longji with three or five moves, and it will kill within ten moves.

After avoiding the water lizard’s spear dangerously and dangerously, Long Ji began to panic.

“Little Princess, run away, your majesty gave you the jade talisman!” Xuan Min shouted as he fought the life scorpion.

Long Ji turned to look at Xuan Mi: “Grandpa Xuan Mi, what about you?”

Before the words fell, a strong shock hit Long Ji’s chest…


Long Ji was hit hard, that energy was the water lizard urging the spirit treasure in his hand, and the water lizard fiercely looked at the Dinghai God Pearl in Long Ji’s hand, and once again slew towards Long Ji with a spear in his hand.

“Run away, Little Princess, hurry up!” Xuan Mi roared, because he was worried about Long Ji’s safety, Xuan Mi was hit by the command scorpion again.

Long Ji’s eyes were moist, and he glanced at Xuan Mi’s direction again, and a teleportation jade charm appeared in his hand, which was directly crushed…


Long Ji turned into an aurora and disappeared here, the water lizard Daoist nailed a spear to the place where Long Ji had just fallen, and directly smashed some stones into powder.

“Damn it, just a little bit!” Daoist cursed secretly.

Looking at the direction where Long Ji was escaping, Daoist was a little surprised, and then Daxi continued to chase.

“Oops!” Xuan Min’s expression was even more ugly, because Long Ji didn’t choose to go in the direction of East China Sea, but fled in the opposite direction, which made Xuan Min even more worried.

In fact, in the situation just now, Long Ji didn’t have time to recognize the position at all, which led to the departure in the opposite direction.

The Dragon Emperor Ying has just stepped into the Da Luo Jinxian. Although the jade talisman produced is two or three times faster than the half-step Da Luo’s water lizard, Longji’s breath has been locked by the water lizard Daoist. When his energy is exhausted, it is the most dangerous time for Longji.

Xuan Mi started to go mad at this moment. A blue flame suddenly rose on his body. As the flame rose, Xuan Mi’s face became paler, and he started to burn his life to fight. If Little Princess is injured, let alone the dragon. The emperor couldn’t forgive him, he couldn’t forgive himself.

“Die to me!” Xuan Mi held a sledgehammer, his figure swiftly flashed, and hit the life scorpion Daoist fiercely.

The life scorpion Daoist didn’t expect Xuan Mi to be so desperate, but his state was much better than Xuan Mi, so he didn’t insist on it, but dodged.

The Xuanyuan hammer smashed a huge boulder fiercely, splitting the boulder to pieces in an instant.

He missed a hit, Xuan Mi’s gaze was like a torch, and he looked at Daoist, grasping the handle of the hammer firmly with both hands, lifting the hammer, and the whole person began to circle. One lap, two laps, three laps…

As Xuan Mi turned, a strong wind appeared above the hammer, whining. Xuan Min maximized his speed and started to rush towards Daoist.

The life scorpion Daoist was shocked. With such a mighty power, he didn’t want to be hit by a hammer; he began to dodge extremely fast, not allowing Xuan Mi to approach.

The two began a fierce pursuit and escape battle. The two figures turned into two streamers, sometimes flying high in the sky, and sometimes falling on the ground. However, the speed of Xuan Mi, which burns vitality, is faster than Daoist.

At a certain moment, Xuan Mi finally caught up with Daoist, a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he smashed Daoist’s crossed double daggers.


The life scorpion Daoist is like a meteor hitting the ground at high speed from high altitude, directly hitting a huge crater, dusty, sand and rocks scattered, and it was instantly buried.

When this strike was displayed, the figure of Xuan Mi also began to fall from a height, like a piece of rag, falling lightly. The Xuanyuan hammer hit the ground with one step.

At this moment, a line of troops in the distance appeared in Xuan Min’s field of vision, and Xuan Min, lying on the ground, showed a rare smile, because there was still hope.

When an army of one hundred thousand dragons appeared not far away from Xuan Min, a figure in front of it came to Xuan Min’s body quickly.

“Manager Xuan, what’s going on, princess?” General Azure Dragon asked worriedly.

Xuan Min let out a breath and fell into Azure Dragon’s hands, then lifted his right hand slightly, pointed to a direction and slowly said, “This…this…this is the breath of a princess, in that direction, you…you go and save…save the princess, she Being hunted down!”

“What?” Azure Dragon was shocked. “The princess is being hunted down, isn’t there a Lingbao born? How could it evolve into this?”

“Don’t delay… Time wasted, go quickly, Xiao Gong Ling… Spirit… Spirit Power is lost, I might be in danger of life!” Xuan Mi said intermittently.

“You stay and take care of Mr. Xuan Mi and follow his command!” Azure Dragon finished speaking and galloped towards the direction Xuan Mi pointed out.

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