However, when Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the golden yellow flower in front of her, she didn't have the thought to deal with it casually at first, because what Ze Kesi took her to see was a golden yellow wild chrysanthemum.

The flowers bloom very delicately, not many, but not many.

"Ze Ke Si, this is a chrysanthemum." Mi Xiao Xiao touched Ze Ke Si's head, and said with a smile with the other hand, pointing to the golden flower cluster.

"Chrysanthemum? This is the name? It sounds weird." Ze Kesuo looked curious. It turns out that this yellow flower is called chrysanthemum. It seems that the beautiful sister likes them very much. That's enough. Sure enough, he was just Not as stupid as the mother said, she is still quite clever.

"This chrysanthemum can also be used as medicine, but it's the best to make tea." Mi Xiaoxiao muttered, watching the chrysanthemum in front of her fascinated.

"So pretty sister, do you like the flowers that Ze Kesi took you to see?" Ze Kesi looked at Mi Xiaoxiao expectantly. If her beautiful sister liked it, she would often take her to see her. The mother said so, maybe The pretty sister agreed to let him be her partner.

"Yeah, I like it very much." In her eyes, the most beautiful flower in autumn is chrysanthemum, and the most fragrant is sweet-scented osmanthus. The fragrance of osmanthus is fragrant, but the flowers are a little smaller, so a lot of them must be gathered together. It looks good.

"Na Ze Ke Si takes you to see you every day." Ze Ke Si looked up his little head, with a proud look in the spring breeze, which made Mi Xiaoxiao laugh out loud. This little guy is so cute. Of course, it's a shame. Under the circumstances, as soon as he is shameless, he immediately becomes a little urchin.

"Oh, what if you have a mobile phone? This flower is pretty good." There is a mobile phone, just take a picture.

"Mobile phone? What is that thing?" This is another weird thing. I have never heard of it. Thinking about it, Ze Kesuo climbed to the side of the rock, stood up, and reached out to touch Mi Xiaoxiao’s forehead. There was a little doubt on his face.

Doesn't this have a fever? Why does the pretty sister always speak these weird languages?

"Ze Ke Si, what are you doing?" Mi Xiao Xiao took away the hand that Ze Ke Si placed on her forehead, and said with some dumbfounding. Is Ze Ke Si taking her temperature? But there is nothing wrong with her.

"Why does pretty sister often say some weird things? I thought pretty sister is sick!" Ze Kesi looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, with a worried look on her little face.

"Don't worry, my sister is not sick, what I said, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, my sister teaches you." Mi Xiaoxiao squeezed Ze Kesi's face and smiled. In fact, the child is quite cute.

"Okay." Nodded, with a serious look, indicating that he would listen to her seriously.

"This chrysanthemum blooms in autumn. Autumn is when the trees lose their leaves. There are many colors of chrysanthemums, and each is very beautiful. Pick this chrysanthemum and dry it, and we can also use it to make tea.

Just add a few dried chrysanthemums to the cup and brew them with boiling water, so that you can drink it as a tea. Would you like to try it? Drinking it is good for the body, it can reduce the fire! "

"Can this be eaten? It doesn't look very good, so I still don't want it." Although the flowers look good, it doesn't mean they will taste good, so don't try it. Moreover, eating flowers is terrible!

There are so many bugs stopping on it every day, it's disgusting!

"Although chrysanthemum tea has a little taste, it's okay if you get used to it." It's rare to see something so disgusting with Ze Kesi, Mi Xiaoxiao couldn't help but want to tease him.

"Don't don't." Ze Ke shook his head straight under the house, how could such a disgusting thing taste good to my pretty sister?

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