"Ze Ke Si really don't try it?" Mi Xiao Xiao picked off a chrysanthemum and approached the retreating Ze Ke Si step by step, with a smile in her eyes, but she was not afraid of the sky and the earth. Ze Kesi turned around and ran away.

"Pretty sister, Ze Kesuo really doesn't eat it, you throw it away quickly, Hua Mingming used it to see, how can you eat it." Ze Kesuo ran and looked back at you Xiaoxiao, Mi Xiaoxiao, he is fast too Point, and kept yelling at her.

"Haha! Alright, Ze Kesi, sister is teasing you!" Mi Xiaoxiao sat down with her back against the big rock in the center, looking at Ze Kesi, who was far away from her, who was still afraid to approach her. Said with a smile.

Haha, it turns out that the little guy who is not afraid of this day is afraid of drinking chrysanthemum tea. It is incredible, but she finally found a small weakness in him. In the future, if he dares not to be obedient, there is a way to teach him.


Mi Xiaoxiao paused, isn't he too cruel? Can you even deal with an eight or nine-year-old child?

Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxiao subconsciously looked in the direction of Ze Kesi, only to find that he had fallen down and sat on the ground with **** eyes. The boss who was staring at this moment looked at her unblinkingly. , To be precise, looked behind her.

It's been a while since I came to this place, where wild beasts are rampant, everywhere is full of dangers, and human beings will evolve. During this time, Mi Xiaoxiao has a little bit of common sense of danger.

When she saw Ze Kesuo suddenly fell to the ground, her eyes were as wide as copper bells, and she looked behind her with fear in her eyes. The sixth sense told her and looked back.

But before Mi Xiaoxiao had time to turn around, a huge black shadow instantly enveloped her, and the black shadow became a strip, like a hemp rope magnified several times, but Mi Xiaoxiao knew that in this world, there is no hemp rope. Some are just-snakes!

He quickly turned his head and took a look, and the look didn't scare Mi Xiaoxiao's soul out. At this moment, the thing blocking her light was not hemp rope, but a huge black python!

The pitch-black scales gleamed under the reflection of light, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at them.

"Ze Ke Si, run! Hurry up!" Mi Xiaoxiao subconsciously yelled to Ze Ke Si who was still sitting on the ground in a daze. Drop the chain, haven't you seen the black python behind her?

Why are you still sitting on the ground stupidly?

"Pretty sister, come here! Let Ze Kesuo protect you!" Ze Kesuo, who was still sitting on the ground in a daze, stood up when he heard Mi Xiaoxiao's words, patted his butt, and deliberately revealed a very vicious pair. He stared at the black python behind Mi Xiaoxiao.

Seeing such a look of Ze Ke, Mi Xiaoxiao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. You said you’re just a little older kid, letting you run instead of running, but stood up and pretended to be a tiger. Yehu, but the giant python behind her!

I'm so mad at her! Why does she feel so touched, mom... of it! I must have burned my mind!

"Ze Ke Si, run!" Mi Xiao Xiao took the strength of her breastfeeding, strode to Ze Ke Si's side, took his hand, turned around and ran, there is no directionality, at this moment Mi Xiaoxiao There is only one word running in his mind.


There are people who are holding back.

After running for a certain distance, the black python still chased after him, not far or near. In short, he just followed them, but didn't catch up with them instantly, as if he was teasing his own doll.

"Diao, beautiful, pretty sister, Ze, Ze Ke Si, Ze Ke Si really can't run!" Ze Ke Si said breathlessly, and then, a somersault fell on the ground.

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