"I brought you some fish, do you want to taste it?" Mi Xiaoxiao held three grilled fish in her hand, and opened her mouth before entering the cave.

At this moment, everyone in the cave was busy and went away. She also waited for them to disperse before returning. By the way, she grilled a fish for them. Although the fish was caught by Jin Xuan, she grilled it. , But baked it by himself.

"Thank Xiaoxiao, you have worked hard." Li Shuo walked to Mi Xiaoxiao and rubbed Mi Xiaoxiao's head severely until she messed up her hair.

"Is there really an orc near here?" Mi Xiaoxiao sat down and said curiously. I don't know what happened, the orc himself was quite interested.

"Yeah." Li Shuo ate the fish, nodded carelessly, and then said: "There is indeed an orc near here. He snatched the prey of our tribe orcs, but he didn't hurt anyone." It is inevitable to eat and talk. There is a feeling of being unclear.

"Snatching prey?" Mi Xiaoxiao was stunned. No wonder Jin Xuan would say that this orc man is extremely unpopular. It turned out to be like this. He has hands and feet, and he is prejudiced to **** other people's things. You say that others can welcome them. You, accept you to go to other people's tribe?


"Huh, just one or two things!" Li Shuo paused for a moment, recalling.

"Then you are discussing to deal with this orc today?" Everyone doesn't like it, is it necessary to drive him out of here, feeling inexplicably, this orc is also very sad, but it is self-inflicted, in fact, no one can blame others.

"Why do you want to deal with him?" Li Shuo asked Mi Xiaoxiao's words back, as if he didn't have this plan.

"Didn't he steal everyone's food?" Isn't the orc annoying?

"It's just two bear rabbits if you **** it. It's not guilty to mobilize people like this." Li Shuo said that he didn't have that plan at all. It was just two bear rabbits. Just give it to him. Anyway, no one was hurt, but if it hurts. People who have lost him, I am afraid it will not be so easy...

"..." Okay, she seems to be thinking too much.

"Pretty sister, why are you here? Go, Ze Kesi will take you to see a good thing!" At this moment, a little figure hurriedly ran into the cave, put a word on it, and pulled Mi Xiaoxiao. Just ran outside, without saying hello.

"Hey! Ze Kesi, slow down, slow down, don't fall!" If this falls, but two people fall together, because this is a downhill road, and it is Ze Kesi who walks in front and takes her to run.

All the way out of the cave, Ze Kesuo hurriedly dragged her down a small **** to the left of the tribe, not knowing what to do.

"No, please don't worry, pretty sister! I can tell you that Ze Kesuo is under this one and saw a small piece of flowers. The flowers are beautiful, and there are several colors." Ze Kesuo Pulling her to run down, panting and talking to her.

"Flowers?" Mi Xiaoxiao was speechless: "Ze Kesi was so excited that he took her sister to go, just want to show her sister flowers?" Such a hurried, just to see flowers?

"Yeah! That flower, but Ze Kesi found it. It is old and beautiful, and my pretty sister will definitely like it after seeing it." Maybe you like Ze Kesi, hehe! The female mother told him that the girl's favorite was the beautiful flowers and plants. This flower was hard to find, and it was the most beautiful among the flowers he found.

"Yeah..." Mi Xiaoxiao responded, that's it, the child pulled her over in a high mood, and wanted her to see the flowers, but it was also a heart. If you don't wait to see yourself, people and children might not be happy!

It's okay to go and see, the flowers are actually pretty good.

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